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I- Objective: Derives the formula for finding the volume of cylinder.

II- Subject Matter: 1. Deriving the formula for finding the volume of cylinder.
2. solve the volume of cylinder.
References: mathematic book grade 6.
Materials: illustration boards, chalk, eraser, manila paper, pentel
Pen, Flash card.
Value Focus: Wise use of Resources.

III- Procedure:

Good morning children’s Good morning teacher’s
1. Mental computation
Drill: solve the volume of a prism
A. Teacher divides the class into (4)
groups. Each group is provided with
an illustration board, chalk, eraser.
B. Teacher flash a cards with the
dimension of a prism.
For example:
1. L2cm x w2cm x h 3cm
2. L5cm x w4cm x h10cm 1. 12cm
3. L3cm x w3cm x h5cm 2. 200cm
C. When the teacher say “BOARDS UP” 3. 45cm
they raise their boards up.
D. Teacher flash another card.
E. The group with the highest numbers
of points wins.
2. Review:
find the volume of the prism.
Formula: V=Bh
Where B= area of the base.
H= height of the prism.
Ex. An acquariumsis 60cm long, 20cm
wide, and 30cm high. How much water
can it hold.
3. Motivation:
Present a story problem:
Water is indispensable because of its
many uses. However, some places do not
have enough supply of water. People
need to store water using jars, plastic
containers, drums, and water tanks.
Carlos live in a barangay with a low
supply of water. They need to store water
to ensure that they have enough water to
use for their daily needs. To make sure
that they have a good supply of water, his
father installed a new cylindrical water
tank behind their house.
The water tank, which 18dm high wuth
the radius of 6dm, assures Carlo’s family
that they have enough water for their
daily consumption. How much water can
the cylinder tank hold?
1. Why water is important?
What are its uses?
2. Do you only need to conserve if your
place do not have enough supply of
water? Why or why not?
3. How can we conserve water?
4. What did Carlo’s father install in their
house? What is its shape?
5. What are the dimensions of the tank?
4. Group activity:
Lets each group /pair discuss the
following questions and record their
answer or ideas. Afterwards they can
share them to the class.
Answer the following question:
1. What is the radius of the tank?
2. How high is the tank?
3. What is the volume of the cylindrical
5. Discussion :
Let the pupils illustrate the tank. Let them
write/ put the given data correctly.
Ex. Radius = 6dm

1. Do you think that solving for the

volume of a cylinder is somewhat
similar to that ofa prism? Do we use
the same formula V=Bh?
2. What specific formula do we use in
finding volumes of cylinders?
3. Let the pupils solve for the volume of
the given cylinder.
Application :
1. Let each group construct cylinder of
various sizes using cardboard and
2. Let them measure the height and the
radius of each cylinder in cm.
3. Let them solve for the volume of their
cylinder using the formula.
III Evaluation:
Find the volume of each of the following
Assignment :
Complete the table. Use the formula V=rxh
Radiu diamete Heigh volum
s (r) r t e
Cylinde 6cm 15cm
Cylinde 10cm 16cm

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