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-MARIA: Hello Marlon, I haven’t seen you in a while.

-MARLON: Hello Maria, I haven’t seen you since 2004.

-MARIA: I know, and what about you? What have you done all this time?

-MARLON: Well, I have been in several english clases during the vacations and

now I’m in the level six.

-MARIA: that is amazing! Actually, i’m in the level six too.

-MARLON: that’s good, what else have you done?

-MARIA: I have had the best experience in my life, the gift I received in my

fifteen was traveling to Santamarta, Cartagena and Barranquilla with my mom.

-MARLON: that great, how for long have you traveled?

-MARIA: I’ve been traveling for 5 weeks and what other things have you done?

-MARLON: I have had the best experience in my life too, I was a emotional

momento when I graduated from the Morino Gomez school, that day i had a

party in my house and invited my friends, I really had a good time.

-MARIA: I’m happy for you, I never had a party with my friends to celebrate the

end of the school and I did not show up at the graduation party because that

day I had to come to Medellín.

-MARLON: wow, now I remember that you once told me that you lived in

Girardot, did you travel that day to move?

-MARIA: yes, I did. Have you done something else?

-MARLON: I have done some crazy things.

-MARIA: Really? Like what

-MARLON: once I went to pick up some oranges with some friends and they

were going to shoot because we picked them up. Should i have done


-MARIA: yes, you and your friends did not have to take those oranges, they

probably belonged to someone else and he be angry because they stolen

something that was his property.

-MARLON: I think you’re right, it was good to see you again.

-MARIA: I think the same.

-MARLON: there Is another advice I wanted yo así you, I want yo improve my

english level bit I do nota know how to do it, what should I do?

-MARIA: you should practice your English in your free time, the best would be to

practice every day for at least one hour so that it is easier for you not to forget

what you have learned, you can use the internet as a means to allow you

practice, you could look for activities, games, videos and books that would help

you learn in a more didactic way.

-MARLON: Thank you very much, this advice will be very useful, I hope to see

you again another day, bye

-MARIA: bye.

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