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Fo oP Examine Collaborate Da ey Communicate methods to explore work with others to and to analyze achieve better outcomes a & Inquire | se0k information that exctes my 6 and inspires my learning Z Create Link Strive Adapt | adjust my actions ane Reflect review my thoughts luse my knowledge and use effort and Imagination to express lapply knowledge to determination to focus on new and innovative ideas reach new challenging tasks understandings 6 KEYS TO CRITICAL THINKING based on Bloom's Taxonomy Remember Retrieve relevant knowledge ed etna ir peer ire Preeti: How could you explain? Make judgements based on criteria and standards ey Pee i ad Prey icant Can you defend? Cee eee eee Port Cre a Separate a whole into parts and ‘determine their relationships roy: cing Wry do you thik? Poetirearernare Se ror Peareenontes How would you categorize? Carry out or use a procedure Ina given situation pare ory peng, “a Pee ed Pee err a Pee are perth Piseeert ies Understand Construct meaning from Instructional messages per cig: terres entry” aig ee Ce rs Dette Pee Corns Cita etn Combine elements or ideas to formanew whale agg a ong Pe ee erry eres Pee aren) How can you imagine. Pet ete tte who what where when why how critical questions things to think about when someone has something to say ‘Who said it? eee tat) Deer eto att Coty. poreeo sem eT peepee ocr iny: MRCS ta Re Cd Feebnstetodn cy. per towers: CR Cre eager are SN aC Cgc oN EM o en etm att tot eee eta) pe CR Cg ne ad Mektn peace a moder ug DCm vaste aoa ONC tet Cen eB td Critical Thinking © ‘Want to exercise critical thinking skills? Ask these questions whenever you discover or discuss new information. These are broad and versatile questions that have limitless applications! -.. benefits from this? have you also heard discuss this? ‘= Woutld be the best person to consult? +. makes decisions about this? = will be the key people in this? lis most directly affected? deserves recognition for this? are the strengths/weaknesses? _... is the best/worst case scenario? ‘is another perspective? ++ iS most/least important? +» fs another alternative? = cam we do to make a positive change? “would be a counter-argument? is getting in the way of our action? ‘would we see this inthe real world? _.. can we get more information? are there similar concepts/situations? do we go for help with this? Mi is there the most nocd for this? sv will this idea take us? in the world would this be a problem? are the areas for improvement? is this acceptable/unacceptable? will we know we've succeeded? ‘would this benefit our society? hhas this played a part in our history? ‘would this cause a problem? can we expect this to change? is the best time to take action? _—_... should we ask for help with this? is this a problem/challenge? 1. Should people know about this? is it relevant to me/others? «has it been this way for so long? is this the best/worst scenario? _... have we allowed this to happen? are people influenced by this? _... is there a need for this today? does this benefit us/others? does this harm us/others? do we see this in the future? ‘can we change this for our good? is this similar to ? +» does this disrupt things? do we know the truth about this? ‘will we approach this safely?

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