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Dear D,

I’m leaving this letter on your desk as an apologize that I may never be able to say directly to you.
You need to know who exactly I am, more than a fifteen years old freshman in your high school, I
always got my tongue twisted everytime I see those sparkling blue eyes of yours. You may say that
I’m stronger than I thought just by looking through my smile, but here I am, telling you the truth.

I hate myself for saying this: I’m afraid we are no longer can stay together. It’s only the matter of time
before my destiny decides the last day in my life.

Look, I’m sorry to tell this lately. I was just too happy to have you in my life. You are the greatest gift
God gave me during my lifetime, and I just can’t lose you because of this thalassemia. If I only you
can see beyond this reality, more than my fear to reveal truth, you would find the red string, it says “I
love you”.

I’m sorry for hundreds of hope and expectation we’ve created together before, that would never be
reached together. I will leave this world peacefully, and you will continue your life, bow down
challenges, running faster, breath in the new air of spirit, and in the end, you will reach the top of
your dreams. I believe with every single cell in my body that you are stronger than you thought,
stronger than I thought, and stronger than the world thought.

You’ll be fine with or without me. But I’m here to promise you, I’ll always right beside you no matter

Daniel Dahlberg was at the moment in the end of his strength line. His hands frozen, holding those
word lines that burned down his heart. A tear fell down from the corner of his eyes, rolling down his
cheek, and dropped as the pouring rain outside his window.

It’s Clara.
It’s Clara who brought him down to his knees.
It’s Clara who flew him up in the sky without wings.
It’s Clara who blew butterflies to his stomach and fireflies upon his head.
It’s Clara who rose the sun by blooming a sweet smile.
It’s Clara who made him shooting stars in the night of December sky.
It’s Clara who created an imaginary world beyond reality.
It was Clara.
It is Clara.
And it will always be Clara.

As his feeling grew deeper and stronger, it led his feet swinging through the cold floor, faster and
faster, out from his house, blended his tears with the pouring rain.

And there he goes, for the twentieth times in the last seven years, running seven kilometers, leaving
his three floor mansion, black Mercedes Benz in the garage, abandoning his wet Ralph Lauren shirt,
crossing weather pressure straight to the cemetery.

It’s always been, always be Clara.

Cerpen Karangan: Fida Aifiya

15 years old high school student, love reading-writing bussiness, part time English learner, full time
language lover.

Corporal Ramsey bends on his knees, trying to catch a breath that might be his last. He’s coughing
blood, caused by a fatal wound on his chest. It was an exit wound, and he was lucky enough to be
alive even for just a moment. It was raining; thick mist shrouded the area Bradley’s Squad was on.
Sergeant Bradley closes his eyes as he watches one of his men getting killed in front of his eyes, by
his own indecency. His command and his bad call led his company to the enemy’s chokepoint,
where there were ambushed by the enemy’s recon unit. The second shot from the church tower
window marks an exclamation of Corporal Ramsey’s demise, a clean shot right between his eyes.

“Sh*t! Ramsey!” Cry Private William.

“What do we do now, Sergeant?” Ask the squad’s medic.

“Try to get a hold of yourself, Private. We can get through this.”

Sergeant Bradley tries to reassure his squad. “We have to get through this.”

The projection of his family appears before his eyes as he speaks. That’s what he always wanted,
seeing his family just one more time if he – by any chance – did not make it. Bradley gave command
to William to check the situation. William peek through a small gap on his covering position, he got
his eyes on the church, where assumes to be the sniper’s vantage point. The mist was already
dispersing; gives a better view for William and the enemy sniper.

“He was really good for making a clean shot through the mist.” The medic said

“Shh! I’ve spotted movement!” Exclaims William, as he readied his rifle. “It looks like he’s moving
away from the window.”

“Are you sure?”

“Affirmative, sir,” William said. He has enhanced eyesight that enables him to spot small things in
faraway places, or seeing through a thick mist, smoke, and heavy rains.

“If only we’re not separated from the rest of the Company.” The medic murmured to himself.

“Stop complaining Hudson,” Sergeant Bradley took out his GPS, “We’re still far away from the
destination point. We’ve been stranded too far from the actual exfil.”

“Being cut off behind the enemy lines is sucks, man. I wonder how the others are doing. Did they
make it?” said Private William.

“The only thing that matters now is our own survival, private. We have to find a way to get through
those Japanese.”

“Sir,” William nodded.

As they about to move, they heard from far away, a Japanese chatter, and a lot of footsteps. The
only assumptions they made is the Japanese Sniper has reported in. Now they bring reinforcements.
The only choices left is getting through them, or turned back and live another day. However, Bradley
and his squad is not in a good position to go anywhere. It’s the only cover between them, the
Japanese and the open area surrounding. Bradley throws up a flashbang grenade, and he and his
squad make their way to the nearest building. It’s the safest place they ever been since they landed
in Seattle, or what’s left of it. Japanese really did some destruction around here.

“Great, we’ve been sent here to assist the resistance force, now we’re the one who desperately
needs help.”

The Japanese chased Bradley and the other to the hotel they were at. Bradley’s flashbang
distraction seems not working as well as he hoped it would.
“The rest of the army is on the other side of the city, right now we’re concentrating on taking our
guests out.” Bradley said.

“They’re too many, sir!”

“We used this apartment as our advantage, Private William. If we get separated, we meet up at the
rooftops after its clear. Move!”

Three men versus twelve others, Bradley, William, and Hudson do what they can, used everything in
their possessions, even scavenge some to defeat the oncoming Japanese soldiers. Lurking in the
dark corner, setting up traps, using the rooms to make distractions and move to the other via hole in
the wall, they manage to kill some of them silently, and hides not all, but some of the bodies of
possible. The last remaining Japanese who found the bodies of his comrades begins to panic;
William slit his throat, therefore killing the last of the pursuers. They meet up at the rooftops, Bradley
notice that Hudson is absent.

“Hudson, come in.” Bradley tried to contact Hudson through the comm system. “Hudson!”

“Sarge, I heard footsteps.”

From the door that leads to the rooftops, a man appears. Not Hudson, instead Japanese soldier
wielding a Katana on his right hand, and Hudson’s decapitated head on his left hand.

“Goddamn, Hudson,” William took out his gun pointing it at the Japanese in anger.

A sound of a siren can be heard from the street below, it’s a sign of the resistance. They came to
help, with the rest of the US force with it. They were looking for Bradley and his squad. The battle
has been won; they rescue the resistance force and took back Seattle. While William and Bradley
are distracted by a relieve sight of friendlies. The Japanese took out a grenade, pull its pin out and
run with great speed towards William, and tackles him therefore sending William and himself falling
from the rooftop. The grenade explodes in mid-air killing them both. The army extracts Bradley from
the hotel. After giving a full report to his superior officer, Bradley retrieve a new squad, and new

Cerpen Karangan: Adri A Wisnu

Twitter: @anakbabehgue
The Things I Should Hate about You

Can you imagine when you looking at delicious cake in front of you at fancy shop. And you want to
just touch it, feel it smooth cream on your finger and then you put it on your mouth to taste what it’s
feel like when its melt inside your mouth …Hmmm…

Wait stop! Because its just your imagination for running to wild because now you just standing in
front of glass that separate you from your lovely cake. But your desire to high in your veins. You
want it like you need air for breath. Until you realize that glass to thich to trought it and you can’t
have it couse you don’t even have money to buy it. And of course you end up just looking at it with
your drooling pathetic face .
Yeah that’s what exactly like what I’m feeling for my major crush Anwar. The son of my boss at work

He stood over there like the world doesn’t matter if it falling apart. And here i am falling hard deep wit
all my weak heart as if already shattered into pieces at the sight of all his glory. I can’t even dare to
go near him I am afraid I’ll be faint or the worse possibilities i will make an awkward tension and
humiliating my self… Or him.

It’s start 2 days ago when i have conversation with my girlfriends after work before we headed over
our place. At first it’s a normal daily chat until my friend Ita said:
“how georgous ahmad today, right” she said with dreamy eyes. She always like that when she
talking about Ahmad. Her crush. And I respect her for so openly with showing her feeling unlike me
of course to chicken out to admit the truth.
“maybe” i respond not taking much effort in it.
“oh come on, don’t you think Ahmad a lot better than his brother?”
That snape me from my calmness to the edge of mountaine, how dare she judge my lovely Anwar
after his little brother. He is even compare with any man in this world even Eza gionino! Before i
have time to filter my big mouth
“I think he’s calmness is cool” i snape. Silence… And they began burst out laughing until one of my
friend Nia said “i will tell him you said he’s cool” she poke me and then continue to lough again.
What did she say? Oh no no no… Oh my god no way. I start to panic
“no mean.. I didn’t mean it like that… I mean it’s like he just… Like cool when… He…” I stop in the
middle of my shtater sentence because the look of both of my friend were broke all of the secret I’ve
been holding in my entire life
“oh my god you like him!” Nia shouted with her piercing sound. I am swear if we’re at building it
probably be collapse by now. I froze dead at my track i didn’t know what to do should I denied it or
just shrugged it it of like this comment doesn’t affect me a little bit. But this is real life sometimes
what we want it’s not what happened like what we plan it to be. So i am speechless and sweating
like i am running hundred miles away. And just like that my friend know without bothering to hear my
pathetic excuses trying to denied what they like assuming about me liking the man who I can’t
handle when he knows about me liking him . Oh god what I’ve got myself into?

The next day I already forgotten about last night. The truth is i am worried all night long thinking how
i will behave with all the possibilities for tomorrow. Now it’s increase a little bit when i think my friends
also forget to tell the victim Anwar. Hmm… Where is he anyway I didn’t see him today. And now it’s
already noon and we have to prepare for going home not that I complain for going home after this
hard work all day. But I missed him even just for 10 minute the longest time i can see him. It’s good
enough for my heart benefit.

When we just about to waiting for our daily payment. He show up from behind me. I jump a little.
Thank to much for my healthy heartbeat cause right now I swear I can hear it like it’s about to burst
out of my chest. Before i have time to steady my heart I hear the most humiliating sound I’ve ever
heard. All my girlfriend chooing over me and him. I didn’t know what’s going on until Ita whisper in
my ear
“we already told him” she said and then continue with making the weirdest noises. I frozen in my
place I guess my face like tomato right now but i can’t think straight what i must be doing right now. I
glance at Anwar direction he’s smiling like angel as always how I wish he always smile like this. He
even rarely talk. Oh yeah right back to reality I can’t hold it anymore so i did the only immature way
my brain come up with. I run away

It’s been days after that embarrassing moment I am trying to behave like a normal person. But I
can’t. I can’t stop thinking about he’s smile, he’s walk everything about him make my knee weak. I
just wanna swoon after him every time i see him. I’ve got it bad each day it’s much harder than
before to control my feeling so I decide to just man up and have a move on him.

At first he was always respond all my massage or email but I don’t know what I did wrong after a few
days to get to know him he just stop and won’t reply me. Maybe he realize that i am not worth it. He
realize i am not compare with him in anyway. He’s like the prince and i am just a poor slave. I know
this is real world and i must wake up from my dream this is not fairytale so i made this note:

The things i should hate about you

1. Ignorant jerk
2. Not humorist
3. Not have good height for a man
4. He’s doesn’t care about anything but himself
5. Never greet anyone
6. He rarely to smile and its rude, you know!
7. At first sight everybody will say “is he a human?”
8. I’m sure he’s a fool walking zombie
9. Absolutely don’t have much friend beside him except they seek for purposes (rich people
10. He’s a capricorn cold hearted
11. I’m guessing he doesnt have any women who adores him, except me. Darn it!
12. And i must be losing my mind to be attracted by someone like this bastard.

Who doesnt even want to glance at my direction every time i drooling over him. Yeah I mess up like
that. Every single day, a minute a second.
I’ve been thingking 24/7 about him. How can i still loving him with all this rejected, humiliation,
heartbroken. I prayed all day for god to make my feeling for him to go away. But lucky me because
it’s like a story has never ending I always ends up with another heart broken.

Will my feeling go away eventually?

Cerpen Karangan: Mella

Facebook: mella memey seyy

Just The Way I Am

“Sorry, but we need a taller person, Miss Tanners,” said that young lady.
“Our shop has tall shelves, so we need a taller person to work here,” she added.
I can understand that,
“Well its okay, no problem. I’ll try to find another part time job.”
So, I walked to my home. It was Saturday evening so I thought I did not want to go home earlier, so I
change my direction. I went to my friend’s house, Gina. She always made me feel better.
Gina opened me the door when I got to her house. She was surprised because I did not tell her
before, that I will go to her house.
“Andrea, what’s up?” she asked
“Nothing I just being refused from the Lucky store, because I’m not tall enough to take a thing from
their shelves,” I said.
Gina looked at me. I know I might look miserable, because she knew that it was not the first time for
me to have been rejected from a job that I applied.
“Oh, honey,” she said.
“Wait a minute,” she added then she went to her kitchen and came back with a cup of tea.
“Here, drink it. It will calm you down,” she handed me the tea.
I drank the tea and feel a little comfortable. I sighed,
“Well, it is not my first time, so I can handle it,” I said, more like talked to myself.
Gina hold my hand and said, “You know, you always be my brilliant and great best friend I’ve ever
had. You are special, Andrea.”
I smiled, “Thanks Gina, you are my best friend. You know, I always feel comfortable with myself, but
sometimes, you know, sometimes I have an imagination if I were a taller girl. I mean, it will make me
more confident. I can get, more friends, part time jobs, got into my favorite school and…,” I was shy
for saying the last word. Gina looked at me and smiled,
“And boy…” I was so shy to say the last word, because, Gina knew that I fell in love to a boy in
“So do you really fall in love with Kevin Kettering, huh?” Gina Asked me.
I was embarrassed, but yes I fell in love with Kevin, my new friend in campus. He was so handsome
and always treated me nice. He never said something bad about my posture and always acted like I
was same with other people. So I told Gina about my feeling,
“Yeah, I fall in love with him, but you know, he always had a beautiful, smart and tall girlfriend,” I
know I even looked more miserable now.
“Hmm you know what, Andrea? Yesterday my mom brings me a magazine, and I found this
advertisement, about a medicine which can make you 5 cm taller in every single month,” Gina said.
“Really, what’s the name of the medicine?” I asked excitedly.
“Well, I forgot it, but wait, let me see, I think I placed the magazine in this room, this morning. Wait a
minute”. Gina was looking for the magazine
Around the room, and yelled,
“There you are!” She went back to the couch and sat next to me, she started to open the magazine.
“Hmmm, I think the advertisement is in the page 5, wait! Ahhh, here it is!” She yelled and gave me
the magazine.
I read the advertisement. It said that this medicine can made someone 5 cm taller in a month. If this
medicine really worked, I would have a chance to be Kevin’s girlfriend. So I thought I would buy this
“Thanks Gina you are my savior! I’ll buy this medicine,” I said and hugged her.

It was a nice Sunday afternoon when I decided to go to a drugstore to buy the medicine that Gina
had references me. There were only three customers in the drugstore when I got there. I waited for 5
minutes, till the shop keeper called me and gave me the right medicine. When I got out from the drug
store and wanted to went home, someone called my name and he was standing behind me,
“Kevin!” I was surprised.
He laughed at me, so annoying but he was very handsome.
“Stop laughing you stupid!” I yelled, pretend that I was angry. He tried hard to stop laughing, and
“What are you doing here?”
“What do you think people doing in the drugstore, huh?”
“Ok, ok, so you are buying medicine, right? Are you sick?” he asked and looked worried.
“No I’m not sick, it’s just vitamins. I have to go home now. See you later!” I did not want him to know
that I was lie.
So I went out from the drugstore, but Kevin holds my hand,
“What?” I asked,
“Well, actually I got a difficult assignment and I am wondering if you can help me,” he said.
I was thinking for a while and thought that it would be another beautiful evening with him, so I told
him that tomorrow evening at my house will be okay.

Kevin came to my house the following evening, he looked gorges. He wore a black tight shirt and
blue jeans which really fit his body. I felt so embarrassed, because I just wore a very usual T-shirt
and skirt that was made me look worse. We went into my house, there were my parents sat in the
living room and watched television,
“Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Tanner,” Kevin greeted my parents.
“Good evening, Kevin”, said my mom. “So, are you guys going to work on your assignment together
“Yes, mom, he asked me to help him,” I said.
“Well, why don’t you make two cups of hot chocolate, it will help you relax when you find that the
assignment is difficult,” said my dad.
“Okay, mm Kevin, you can wait in the balcony, I’ll go there in ten minutes.”
Kevin was waiting for me in the balcony and was very excited when he smelled the hot chocolate, so
I gave him his cup. He drank it,
“Thanks, it is very delicious. You are the best Andrea,” he compliments me.
I was so shy, but I tried to calm myself down by drank my hot chocolate and tried so hard to sound
as relax as I can when I said,
“You’re very welcome.” Kevin smiled, and that made me fly.
“I will play the music,” I walk to the table near the balcony and played my CD compilation. We like to
listened music while we did an assignment.
A nice song from MOCCA ‘I Remember’ was the first song, which would accompany us to do the
Thirty minutes left and we got bored. Kevin started to asked so many questions, from the silly one
“Do you still take a bath with your rubber duck?”
I looked at him and said “Yes, I do.”
Then he continued to asked more questions, until he came to that serious one,
“Andrea, what actually did you buy in a drugstore yesterday?”
I was confused. I did not know what I had to say. I had never lied to him before, so I decided to tell
him the truth, even though it was hard.
“That was, emm that was a medicine that can make me taller in a month.”
“What?” he was shocked. He shakes my shoulder, as if I was not conscious,
“But why did you buy that? What for? I just can’t understand this. Why Andrea? Why?” he asked me.
“Well, oh my god. How should I say this?” I asked myself. I did not know what I should say to him.
“Tell me, Andrea. Just tell me the reason.” He begged.
“Well, actually this is all because I’ve been rejected from Lucky store…”
“What? Is that really your reason to buy those kinds of drugs? Oh my god I can’t believe it.”
No! I haven’t finished my words! Well the real reason is because I love you Kevin. I really want to be
with you, but you always with those s*xy and tall girls, oh my god.” I was so shy and finally I cried.
Kevin startled. He looked at me and hugged me. I did not know what I should do, so I just cried and
laid on his chest,
“Sshhh… don’t cry, Andrea. Don’t make me sad,” he said.
I just nodded. On this night I wanna swear that I will always be there by your side… The last song
from my CD, I do from Ten2Five was on now.
“Do you know why I always asked you to help me with my assignment, Andrea?”
“The only reason is just because I love to be around you. I love how you always tell me the truth, I
love how you always make smile and happy. I love you, Andrea.” Kevin looked at my eyes when he
said the last sentence.
“But, what about those girls who always be with you?” I asked.
“They are just my friends. Well, maybe they want to be my girlfriend, but me, Kevin Kettering is
always want you to be mine, you are amazing just the way you are, Andrea,” he looked at my eyes
I looked back to his eyes and I found the truth. It was like he said, I do love you, Andrea. I smiled
and he smiled too, THEN he kissed me.
“I love you too, Kevin.”

Cerpen Karangan: Saraswati


Ron! Where are you going? Wear your jacket.” someone called his son.
“No. thank you. I must go to school now or I will be late, Dad.” Aswered the son in front of the door.
“But today is so cold, Ronald. Keep your health.” Ronald’s father stood from a chair and walked to
Ronald with jacket in his hand.
“Stop, Dad! I’m not child again! I must go now. Good bye!” Ronald walked hurriedly to his school. His
father just stared him with sad face from a window.
“Mr. Richard, are you ok? You are better sit on the chair and I will prepare breakfast for you.” Said a
young woman.
“Thank you, Miss Yuki. You’re a nice nurse.” Said Mr. Richard. After Mr. Richard took his breakfast,
he enters Ronald’s bedroom and tidying the room.
“Mr. Richard, what are you doing? Let me help you.” Said Miss Yuki.
“Just tidy up my son’s bedroom, I will go to work now.” Answer Mr. Richard. When Mr. Richard will
leave Ronald’s room, he looked something in the table.
In Ronald school, Mr. Richard walks with crutch in his left hand, searching for Ronald’s classroom.
“Excuse me, sir.” Said Mr. Richard after he had found Ronald’s classroom.
“Yes, Sir. Can I help you?” answered the teacher.
“I’m Mr. Richard. I just want to give this book to my son.”
“Mr. Richard? Are you a father of Ronald Richard?” When Ronald heard the question, he exclaims,
“He is not my father!”
Everybody in the class surprised.
Mr. Richard looking at Ronald, he can see that his son was angry just from eyes.
“Sorry, Sir. Maybe I’m false. Maybe he is not in this class. But, please help me to give this book to
my son. Thank you, Good Morning.”
Mr. Richard left the class and now he is working in the bakery shop. Mr. Richard is owner of this
shop and he has a lot employees.
At the same time at school.
“This is your book, Ronald Richard?” The Teacher asked.
“Yes, Sir.” Answered Ronald.
“Why you said that Mr. Richard is not your father?” asked the teacher.
“Because I’m shy. He is defect.” Answered Ronald.
“Do you know how he got the defect?”
“No, Sir. He had defected since I was child.” Answered Ronald.
“This is your Mathematics book. After this you will learn Mathematics, right? Say thank you to your
father. He has helped you.” Said the teacher.
Ronald back to his class.

At 19.00 p.m at home.

“Good Evening, Miss Yuki.” Mr. Richard said.
“Good Morning, Mr. Richard. Welcome home. Let me help you.” Miss Yuki said.
“Where is Ronald?” Mr. Richard asked
“He is in the living room Mr.” answered Miss Yuki.
Ronald was sitting in the chair with wound in his face. “Ron, What happened with you?” Mr. Richard
asked worriedly.
“I quarrel.” Ronald answered.
“When? Why you quarrel? With whom?” asked Mr. Richard.
“With my friends. They ridiculed me and said that I have a defect father.” Answered Ronald.
“Let me see your wound.”
“Don’t touch me! This is because of you! I don’t like you!” Ronald push his father until his father fell
to the floor and he run to his bedroom.
Mr. Richard was trying to stand but his crutch threw far from him.
“Oh! My God! Mr. Richard, what happened?” Miss Yuki surprised. She has just back to take a
medicine for Ronald.
“Yuki, can you help me? Please give the medicine for my son and cure his wound.” Said Mr.
“Yes, Mr. Richard. But, let me help you first.” Answered Miss Yuki.
Tomorrow morning, Ronald goes to school without breakfast. He did not eat although breakfast
already available.
When breaktime in school, Mr. Richard comes to school and searching for Ronald. He brings some
breads for Ronald. In the middle way to Ronald’s classroom, Ronald saw his father. Walks with his
Ronald walks near to his father and Mr. Richard smile to Ronald,
“What are you doing, here?” Ronald asked his father.
“This is for you, Ronald.” Mr. Richard gave the breads to Ronald.
“Father, I don’t want. Please back to home and don’t search me like this. You make me shy. I don’t
like you! Actually, i don’t want you as my father! Go away now!!” After said that, Ronald left his
Mr. Richard very feel sad. But he still try to be patient and back to his bakery shop.
At 15.00 p.m. Ronald back to home. He still angry to his father, he kicked a bookshelve in the living
room and many books under the bookshelve fell from it.
He looked a black book on the floor which he never see. Ronald put the book and read it.
After read the book, Ronald cried. The book was his father diary. From that, he knew that his father
had save Ronald from car accident and made his father defect when Ronald was a baby. His mother
dead in the accident. And his father loves him so much more than anything.
He feel very sorry to his father.
At 19.00 p.m. Mr. Richard back to home.
“Good evening, Dad.” Ronald opened the door with his smile.
“Good evening, Ron. Have you dinner? I bring some food for dinner. This is your favorite food, I
hope you will eat this. But, if you don’t want please don’t throw away this food.” Mr. Richard said.
“I’m so sorry, Dad. I’m a bad son. I’m stupid son.” Ronald said.
“I’m sorry to make you shy. I’m not a perfect father.” Mr. Richard answered.
“You are perfect father that I have, Dad. You’re my hero.” Ronald said.
Mr. Richard little confused but he was very happy.
“Thank you, Dad. Thank you for prepare my breakfast everyday. Thank you for clean my bedroom
everyday. Thank you for your care to me. And Thank You for your love to me.” Ronald said.
“Where do you know all about that, Ron?” Asked Mr. Richard.
“From your black book.” Ronald answered with his smile.
Mr. Richard nodded his head. He understand now. He hug his son.
“Let’s dinner, son.”
They are dinner together in warmth that night.

Cerpen Karangan: Yanti Eng

Facebook: Yanti Eng
After all this time together I never thought that you would leave me if you feel what I’m feeling right
and do you know what I want? I need you by my side I miss our times together may you never feel it
how sick and miserable I was when you left. I repeatedly read all messages from you to not feel the
tears fall,
I cried remembering all the memories of you, I feel these days like in the hell is so hard to forget all
the memories,
present you with a thousand promises and you go without giving one reason for sure you destroy all
the promise, why did you do that? anything wrong me?
You Hurted Me At Extreme Level I was Silent,
You Broke My Heart I was Silent
You Ignored Me At Worst I was silent You Busy With Others And Didn’t Even Care For Me I Was
Every time I Texts You But You Didn’t Replied I Was Silent But When You left me I Brusted into
Tears … “Because You Hurts Me More Than I Deserve”
I have given all to you, trust, love, and even I had to leave all my friends just to maintain our
to survive, but it’s all just in vain. you think of me as a game and when you get bored you go so
wrote no matter what I’m feeling how sick,
and miserable when we are together. I will never give up and tired of love, I’m still waiting for you to
come back to me someday.
I call your name in prayer and everywhere I go there’s only your name,
you can never replaced in my life you are a very special part of my life even though at this time I do
not know where you are.
It hurts when someone i love so much doesn’t feel the same,It hurts even more when my heart’s
breaking and i can’t cry,
One thing that haunts me every day and every night is your name, I’d say I’m happy for you, but
you’d know it’s all a lie. I told myself I would never come in between you, I know your happy without
I can see it in your eyes, I can hear it in your voice, I wanted to be your Girl but I guess I was never
your first choice. Looking at you, I wondered if I could’ve made you happy, Your smile, your laughter,
your face and your voice is burned in my head, But then again I don’t think I could’ve ever made you
happy, Sometimes thinking about you makes me want to die instead. I promised myself that I will
continue loving you no matter what.
I also promised myself that I will never jeopardize your happiness, I cannot lie but my love for you
will never part, I promise you I will be by your side if you’re ever in pain or sadness. This is my
promise to you as a friend and as someone who loves you.
For all my friends :
When Someone walks away from you -
Let them Go (for sometime)
Sometimes ..
Hurt is needed to make us grow.
Failure is needed to make us know
Loss is needed to make us gain.
In life, we all have:
Some lessons are BEST learned
only through PAIN!!

Cerpen Karangan: Poetry Alzanieza

Facebook: Poetry Alzanieza

Undetermined Love

“Sometimes the first met wasn’t named as “love at the first sight” but in that time you would know
how to feel the sense of that meeting. So love is a treasure.” – Putri Meilinda

Thursday, in school park area.

I pierced to that window, at that time exam have been done. There’s no announcement for holiday
just because we was as the 9th grade so we did the exam firstly. I was boring, I didn’t know why. I
felt that the clock walking very slowly. My classmates still only talking and enjoy their weird topic.
They forgot that their friend I in here was nauseating to hear it’s topic, yes of course exactly me. I got
from this small chair, then walking outside and I saw my teacher Miss. DH was busy to set the little
newcomers plants. I thought it’s not really matter to help her then I asked my mates to accompany
me to help miss. DH. Firstly, she didn’t want to do that indeed she’s very uncommunicative person. I
stepped towards the and accosted her. “Morning Ma’am, I saw there’s so many newcomers plants,
right?”. “Yes, because our school wanted to follow some cleanness’s competition. You gonna help
me, weren’t it? Look! Your juniors were busy to put the pot and fill it with some flowers.” Said Miss.
DH. Directly, I took one plant and with hurried put it into polibag and fill it with topsoil. Next, we took it
into some position that have deserved. we already knew that our school was one of favorite and mild
school so there was so many students that have high skills, ability and intellectualism in this school. I
turned back from that position into Miss. DH. A glance, in here the condition was just as same as
class, my brain thought. I saw some boys brought some big flower pot to move and fill it with new
plant. Deliberated, I looked some girls screamed and amazed with the porter pot. “Ewh, it’s really
damned” my heart spoke. Ah girls, they were so easy to be melted with the guy enchantment. My
sarcasm’s thought have stopped. I saw a guy who I never met before. Was he a new student? Or he
never went out of the class?. He walked forwards miss. DH and asked some question. I didn’t really
hear what they were talking about. Truly, he was really handsome with his own style. My eyes
followed his step and disappear when he got the last class. “Shinta! Hey. Let’s wash this hand, I felt
so dirty” my concentration directly broke up when ulfa called me with her loud sound. “Wait a minute,
did you see the guy?” I asked. “the guy? Who? There’s so many boys here shinta. Don’t be silly”.
“That boy! He brought the biggest pot” I pointed at him. “Oh I see. Why? You like him? Haha” ulfa
laughed at me. “No, I just amazed and…” ulfa cut my words then she mocked. “Don’t be a liar
Shinta, I know what you feel” ulfa continued her word. “let’s wash our hand!” I screamed.

After that incident this noon, I thought of who was his name, his class, and why I so stupid about 3
years I never seen him and of course when I searched about him the result was nothing. Because
that day was the last day to school before going to National Exam. Then after national exam there
would be long holiday. The conclusion was I really regret. He was nothing for me but why I so busy
to searched about him. Only with the five minutes moment I must stucked and changed become a
detective to analyze every single life about him.
After some months, I could forget that incident. I could live with my ordinary life without the big
question mark in my brain. As a blackberry’s user, internet, social media and bbm became my food.
So, every second I always checked my handphone. One day I saw that my bbm contact was so
minim then I asked my friend to promote my pin. At I thought that is just a joke to add contact. One
by one I saw the name, then I found some name with a strange symbol. It was really weird and I
didn’t want to accept it as my contact.
Someone with display Dicho Dickita Handoko tried to chat with me. Then I reply his massage with
“yaaa”. He asked about my school, home and so do I. I was very surprised when he said that he was
one of student in my junior high school. But we didn’t know each other. Next, he always chat me and
talking about some topics that made me interest with him. He was really a humorist with his funny
story. He cared to me like I’m her girlfriend eventhough we’re just in a “friendzone”.
The day went on, we were still in this simple condition. I know that I really like him, moreover without
any real meeting I can put my heart into the person who far away. I was afraid, my relationship which
failed in the past ghosted me. Then suddenly he ping!!! me again and asked who was my boyfriend.
“I never have a relationship since 1 year ago” I replayed. He was very surprised and said “Hmm, I
don’t know why every time I chatting with you I feel so comfort, you’re just like my mother. Truly, I
love you even though we never meet before. Will you like to be my girlfriend?” I didn’t know how to
replay this message. I nervous. I didn’t like his way to shoot me from bbm, so asked him to meet me
“I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved”- George Eliot

Two days later, we make an engagement to meet in our junior high school. At 2.00 p.m we must
arrived. My school’s bell rang at 13.45 and I knew that there’s no time to go home and changed my
clothes so I went there with my school uniform. But at that time, the street to go to that school was
so crowded and there’s a traffic jam. I guessed that he would be angry with me because I came late.
After I arrived there, the weather is rainy and every student have already went home. I didn’t see
him. I texted him and there’s no replay. After five minutes my phone rang and there’s a message
from him. “sorry I can’t wait for you. You’re late and the weather is so cold so I decide to go home”. I
regret with myself. Why I must be so silly to wait for him?. My uniform have already wet and dirty. My
eyes couldn’t stop the tears that came out from my eyes. Suddenly in my sadness, there’s a boy
who stood In front me and gave a handkerchief to me. I don’t know who his name then he looked at
me deeply. “Are you shinta sylvana?” he asked me with a beautiful smile. “Yes, I am. Who are you?”.
“I am the guy who texts you everyday, give you some joke in the midnight and shot you last night.”
He answerd. I looked at his unform and name tag. Yes he was my boy, Dicho. Then he continued,
“hey, Do you want to be my girlfriend, the girl who looked at me when we’re in the park, setting the
newcomers plant, and hate the girls who screamed at boys?” I was very surprised and couldn’t say
anything. He was the pretty guy. I didn’t replay his words. I shaked my head which it was the code
that I received it as my boyfriend. He hold my hand and then said, “Don’t cry anymore. We’ll happy
ever after just like our newcomers plant”.

Cerpen Karangan: Putri Meilinda

Facebook: Puthrie Meilinda Damanik

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