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Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 20 (2013) 1333–1341

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Tuberculoma of the central nervous system

Arthur R. DeLance a, Michael Safaee a, Michael C. Oh a, Aaron J. Clark a, Gurvinder Kaur a, Matthew Z. Sun a,
Andrew W. Bollen b, Joanna J. Phillips a,b, Andrew T. Parsa a,⇑
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, 505 Parnassus Ave., Room 779M, San Francisco, CA 94143-0112, USA
Department of Pathology, Division of Neuropathology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Tuberculosis is among the oldest and most devastating infectious diseases worldwide. Nearly one third of
Received 8 September 2012 the world’s population has active or latent disease, resulting in 1.5 million deaths annually. Central ner-
Accepted 27 January 2013 vous system involvement, while rare, is the most severe form of tuberculosis. Manifestations include
tuberculoma and tuberculous meningitis, with the majority of cases occurring in children and immuno-
compromised patients. Despite advancements in imaging and laboratory diagnostics, tuberculomas of the
Keywords: central nervous system remain a diagnostic challenge due to their insidious nature and nonspecific find-
Antitubercular agents
ings. On imaging studies tuberculous meningitis is characterized by diffuse basal enhancement, but
Central nervous system infections
Stereotactic biopsy
tuberculomas may be indistinguishable from neoplasms. Early diagnosis is imperative, since clinical out-
Tuberculoma comes are largely dependent on timely treatment. Stereotactic biopsy with histopathological analysis can
Tuberculosis provide a definitive diagnosis, but is only recommended when non-invasive methods are inconclusive.
Tuberculous meningitis Standard medical treatment includes rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and streptomycin or ethambu-
tol. In cases of drug resistance, revision of the treatment regimen with second-line agents is recom-
mended over the addition of a single drug to the first-line regimen. Advances in genomics have
identified virulent strains of tuberculosis and are improving our understanding of host susceptibility.
Neurosurgical referral is advised for patients with elevated intracranial pressure, seizures, or brain or
spinal cord compression. This review synthesizes pertinent findings in the literature surrounding central
nervous system tuberculoma in an effort to highlight recent advances in pathophysiology, diagnosis, and
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction rates of morbidity and mortality. In the United States in 2005,

6.3% of extrapulmonary TB patients had tuberculous meningitis
Tuberculosis is among the most lethal infectious diseases (TBM), the most frequent form of CNS TB.4 Prior to the advent of
worldwide. Approximately 9 million cases occur with 1.5 million anti-TB therapy, TBM was considered fatal.5 Likely concurrent
lives claimed each year. One third of the world’s population has a and prerequisite to TBM are tuberculomas. These granulomas are
tuberculosis infection (TB for tubercle bacillus) and 10% will devel- formed by an interaction between the mycobacterial pathogen
op active disease.1 Although TB has been largely eradicated in and the host’s immune response, and may cause hydrocephalus
developed nations, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), multiple and other symptoms indicative of a CNS mass lesion. Tuberculomas
drug resistant (MDR) TB, and erosion of adherence to treatment may account for up to one third of all intracranial masses in TB-en-
guidelines contribute to a persistent global burden.2 Although demic areas.6
the absolute number of TB cases has receded since a peak in
2005, TB remains a major public health concern, particularly in In-
dia, China, and South Africa, which ranked first, second and third in
2. Etiology of tuberculosis infection
incident cases in 2010, respectively.1 While primarily a disease of
the respiratory tract, central nervous system (CNS) TB represents
The clinical disease tuberculosis is in fact caused by at least one
5-15% of extrapulmonary disease.3
of numerous species of persistent mycobacteria varying by geo-
Although only 1% of TB cases involve the CNS, these cases rep-
graphic region, drug resistance, and zoonotic vectors. Seven species
resent the most severe form of the disease and confer the highest
have been implicated to date, collectively referred to as the Myco-
bacterium tuberculosis (MTB) complex.7 Human infection with spe-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 415 353 9308. cies other than MTB may be referred to as mycobacteriosis (due to
E-mail address: (A.T. Parsa). Mycobacterium bovis, for example). MTB is a slow growing, obligate

0967-5868/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1334 A.R. DeLance et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 20 (2013) 1333–1341

aerobic bacillus; acid-fast gram-positive rods range from 1-4 lm in

length and 0.3-0.6 lm in diameter.8
TB is transmitted via close contact with an infected individual.
Hosts project droplets containing MTB through coughing or sneez-
ing.9 When inhaled, MTB infects the alveolar macrophages of the
lung (Fig. 1). Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) usually results,
with containment of MTB within tuberculomas and no symptom-
atic illness, although 10% eventually develop active TB. Pulmonary
TB appears on chest radiographs (CXR) of patients with positive
tuberculin skin test (TST) results, while the spread of MTB may lead
to pathologic infection within the CNS.

3. Pathophysiology of CNS tuberculoma formation and TBM

The cellular pathophysiology of tuberculoma formation is com-

plex, as the host’s immune cells, particularly macrophages, are tar-
geted by MTB.10 Upon initial infection, macrophages produce
inflammatory signals resulting in recruitment of peripheral mono-
cytes and macrophages, which can also become infected and sub-
sequently migrate to local lymph nodes or disseminate throughout
the body. Macrophages possess lysosomal enzymes and oxygen
radicals needed to kill mycobacteria, then present their antigens
via major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II to CD4+ T-
cells; CD4+ T-cells secrete interferon-gamma (IFN-c), which induce
macrophage activation and promote destruction of mycobacte-
ria.11 The host immune system eventually slows bacterial growth
with granuloma formation around infected and necrotic macro-
phages, although bacteria can persist within these granulomas
for years10 (Fig. 2). MTB is generally held in check by the immune
Fig. 2. Illustration of central nervous system tuberculoma with caseous necrotic
system, with reactivation occurring when host immunity wanes. center. (This figure is available in colour at
However, inflammation is a ‘‘double-edged sword’’ since the gran-
ulomatous response that is intended to contain MTB can also erode
into the host airways and result in airborne dissemination of the study found that TB causes upregulation of components of the
pathogen.10 Furthermore, mycolic acid within the cell wall of fibrinolytic system, which increase gradually and peak during the
MTB can impede the host’s defense and antibiotic action.8 A recent chronic phase of disease.12 Expression of these factors may contrib-
ute to the chronic inflammation observed in TB infection.
In addition to increased risk of CNS TB in the young and those
Aerosolized Droplets Inhaled infected with HIV, genetic variation among individuals and MTB
Pulmonary Tuberculoma strains contributes to host susceptibility and strain-dependent
(Latent Tuberculosis Infection) neurotropism and neurovirulence. Single nucleotide polymor-
Endogenous phisms in the toll-interleukin 1 receptor domain containing adap-
Reinfection tor protein and toll-like receptor 2 genes have been implicated in
Tuberculoma Liquefaction host susceptibility to TBM, and phenolic glycolipid gene variability
Rupture has been shown to contribute to strain-dependent extrapulmonary
Expectorated dissemination.3 MTB cell surface phenolic glycolipid (PGL) produc-
tion in a highly neurovirulent Beijing strain subtype suppresses the
Pulmonary host T helper (Th) 1 cell cytokine immunoprotective response, per-
Tuberculosis haps synergistically with other strain-specific virulence factors,
allowing for rapid CNS dissemination.13 While an early strong
Lymphatic Th1 response provides immunoprotection against MTB, a shift in
Hematologic the cytokine profile toward Th2 cytokines later in the infection
course may confer neuroprotection by suppressing excessive Th1
(HIV +) activity and modulating inflammation that results in
Age 4-48 Months immunopathology.13
Prior TB Disease CNS
Although the role of Th2 cytokines is controversial, increased
chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2) is believed to be a risk factor
for infection.13 TB, the TB vaccine Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), or
recombinant antigens can induce CCL2, which regulates migration
and infiltration of monocytes, memory T-cells, and natural killer
Mass Effect Tuberculous
Symptoms Meningitis cells. Its anti-inflammatory properties are not completely under-
stood, but dependent upon the expression of chemokine (C-C mo-
tif) receptor 2 on regulatory T cells.14,15 Mendez et al. performed a
Fig. 1. Tuberculosis mode of transmission and central nervous system infection.
Dashed lines represent proposed mechanisms.9,23
study of TB patients in Veracruz, Mexico to identify potential asso-
CNS = central nervous system, HIV = human immunodeficiency virus, TB = tubercle ciations between cytokine profiles and the location of TB infection
bacillus. (This figure is available in colour at (renal, meningeal, or pulmonary). The authors reported elevated
A.R. DeLance et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 20 (2013) 1333–1341 1335

CCL2 and decreased chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 (CCL18) in and basal ganglia infarction. Spinal TB or Pott disease, named after
patients with meningeal TB compared to renal or pulmonary TB; surgeon Percivall Pott,25 infects the intervertebral discs, most com-
the ratio of CCL18 to CCL2 was also lower in meningeal TB.13 There monly in the thoracic region and is a leading contributor to para-
was no difference in serum interleukin 12 levels, but soluble inter- plegia in TB-endemic regions. If two adjacent vertebrae are
leukin 4 receptor was significantly decreased in all TB patients affected, the avascular intervertebral disc may be deprived of
compared to healthy controls, and significantly more reduced in nutrients and degenerate leading to vertebral narrowing and col-
meningeal TB compared to pulmonary TB. Levels of interleukin 4 lapse. Non-osseous intramedullary spinal cord tuberculomas may
were similar among all TB patients. counter-intuitively expand during anti-TB treatment.26
There is a growing body of literature exploring specific TB geno-
types and differences in pathogenesis. Hernández-Pando et al. 4. Clinical presentation
examined three TB strains isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) of patients with meningeal tuberculosis in Columbia. Mice Tuberculoma patients may present with headache, vomiting,
infected with different strains had significantly different mortality drowsiness, papilledema, hemiparesis or seizures, mimicking other
rates; the most virulent strain was associated with high lung bacil- space occupying CNS lesions. In TBM, the most common signs and
lary loads and tissue damage, as well as rapid increase in colony symptoms are fever, headache, meningismus, and drowsiness or
forming units from blood cultures.13 More virulent strains also in- abnormal mental status in adults, and hydrocephalus, fever, men-
duced lower levels of IFN-c, but rapid and high interleukin 4 ingismus, and vomiting in children8 (Table 1). Intracranial tubercu-
expression in the post-infectious period. The most virulent strain lomas may account for 5-30% of all mass lesions in children and
induced high, but transient tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), nearly half of all non-neoplastic lesions depending on regional TB
as well as low inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression. incidence.6 In the absence of active TB or TBM, the presenting
The inability of this strain to induce a robust protective immune symptoms of tuberculomas may be interpreted as indicative of tu-
response likely contributes to its virulence. mors. While a published staging system characterizes TBM, no cor-
Epidemiologic studies have shown that certain TB genotypes are relate currently exists for tuberculoma.27 Orbital and orbital-
over-represented in certain areas, likely due to a combination of intracranial extending tuberculomas have been reported, with
evolutionary properties and host-pathogen compatibility.14,15 Most the finding of choroid tubercles upon fundoscopy nearly pathogno-
studies focus on the Beijing subtype, which has been responsible monic for late stage TBM.2
for multiple outbreaks worldwide. The virulence of the Beijing strain
is attributable to a variety of factors including its production of a 5. Diagnosis
PGL, which reduces production of Th1-type cytokines (TNF-a, inter-
leukin 6, and interleukin 12) by macrophages.16–19 The Beijing strain 5.1. Laboratory
also exhibits differential expression of a-crystallin,20 a virulence fac-
tor, and a 50-fold increase in levels of dormancy regulon genes, Many established methods exist to detect TB. However, diagno-
which are involved in the adaptive response to environmental sis of CNS tuberculoma remains challenging as granulomatous
stressors.21 Although Beijing strains are generally more aggressive, encasement may preclude MTB detection in serum or CSF samples.
Aguilar et al. showed that there was variation in the virulence across MTB is particularly slow growing with an observed doubling time
subtypes; mice infected with highly transmitted Beijing strains had of 15-37 hours.4 For comparison, Escherichia coli replicates in as lit-
higher mortality rates compared to those with non-transmitted tle as 20 minutes under appropriate conditions. This indolence hin-
strains.22 Highly virulent strains were associated with extensive tis- ders MTB culture detection within a clinically relevant timeframe.
sue damage, lower levels of IFN-c and iNOS, and transient elevations Since culture and smear sensitivity diminish rapidly following ini-
in TNF-a compared to less virulent strains. These data suggest that tiation of anti-TB treatment, it is best to obtain samples prior to
the Beijing genotype exhibits a spectrum of virulence phenotypes beginning empirical therapy.
as well as both transmissible and non-transmissible strains within The most widely used method of TB screening, the TST, indi-
the same sublineage.22 cates prior MTB exposure but does not necessarily indicate active
TB primarily affects the lungs and spreads via lymphatic or disease. Twenty-nine to 95% of CNS TB patients are TST positive.8
hematogenous dissemination. The characteristic miliary pattern of Up to 10% of total CSF volume may be sampled for diagnostic eval-
TB, defined as numerous 1-3 mm round tubercles located bilaterally uation safely.2 CSF leukocytosis and lymphocytosis are indepen-
in the pulmonary interstitium visualized with CXR, may or may not dent predictors of TBM, while low CSF glucose and high CSF
be present in patients with disseminated TB.2 Dissemination and protein are associated with TBM.28 Culture allows for drug sensi-
TBM without an intermediary step of CNS tuberculoma formation tivity testing, essential for appropriate treatment, especially with
remains under debate.23 Rich’s focus, the historical name for a CNS MDR TB. A limitation of culture is its timeline, however, which
tuberculoma, comes from the work of Johns Hopkins pathologist Ar- may take 1-2 months, while immediate treatment is vital and cor-
nold Rice Rich. Rich described CNS tuberculomas in 1933 and pro- relates positively with overall outcome.
posed the long-accepted two step model of TBM development that Modern techniques include polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
suggests TBM is preceded by metastatic seeding of MTB within the tests that offer high sensitivity and drug resistance detection.29 In
parenchyma or meninges, growth and eventual maturation of the 22 patients with TBM verified using PCR and BACTEC (BD, Franklin
caseous tuberculoma into a fluid-filled tuberculous abscess; rupture Lakes, NJ, USA) culture, Baveja et al. found positive results in only
of this abscess into the subarachnoid space causes TBM.24 2/22 (9%) and 6/22 (27%) using Ziehl-Neelsen staining and Lowen-
CNS TB manifests intracranially as TBM, TB-encephalopathy, stein-Jensen culture, respectively.30 Their results boast the strengths
TB-vasculopathy, TB-brain abscess and tuberculoma, and within of newer diagnostic tests as early diagnosis is critical given the rapid
the spine as TB-spondylitis, non-osseous spinal tuberculoma, and time course of CNS TB. Since PCR does not offer sufficient sensitivity
spinal meningitis.2 CNS TB is most common in children 4 months to confidently rule out the diagnosis of TBM, however, CSF culture
to 4 years of age in high TB areas, while adult cases are more com- and bacteriology, combined with CSF and serum PCR if available,
mon in low TB regions.2 In TBM, a thick gelatinous exudate accu- may be considered superior in detecting CNS TB.
mulates within the basal cisterns of the brain and obstructive QuantiFERON (QFT; Cellestis, Valencia, CA, USA) is among the
hydrocephalus may result. Consequences of TBM include dysfunc- newest TB tests available. QFT involves overnight culture of whole
tion of cranial nerves III, VI, and VII, cerebral vasculitis, ischemia, blood with MTB purified protein derivative and quantification of
1336 A.R. DeLance et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 20 (2013) 1333–1341

Table 1
Tuberculous meningitis: Observations, signs and symptoms, and cerebrospinal fluid profile

Adults Children HIV positive

Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
History and associated observations
Duration of illness prior to admission 2 weeks 1 day-9 months 2 weeks 3 days-3 months 2 weeks 1 day-3 months
Close contact with tuberculosis 28 2–50 56 45–70 – –
History of tuberculosis 23 5–45 – – – –
Abnormal chest X-ray 45 25–55 61 35–75 59 55–65
Positive tuberculin skin test 51 40–70 72 50–95 29 –
Hyponatremia (plasma sodium level <135 meq/dl) 46 25–75 44 25–65 – –
Mortality 27 7–45 19 3–40 25 20–30
Signs and symptoms
Fever 72 55–85 76 45–95 82 75–90
Headache 67 45–85 34 20–40 79 60–100
Meningismus 67 55–90 62 25–75 65 –
Altered mental status 59 30–80 42 25–75 36 25–45
Hydrocephalus (CT scan) 52 40–65 85 75–100 42 –
Vomiting 43 30–70 58 30–70 27 –
Malaise-anorexia 41 45–65 52 30–70 27 –
Cranial nerve palsies 24 20–40 29 10–45 – –
Papilledema 15 5–30 9 9 – –
Hemiparesis/hemiplegia 12 5–20 24 5–40 – –
Seizures 11 7–10 25 10–55 3 –
Cerebrospinal fluid profile
Cell count (cells/ll) 223 0–4000 200 5–950 230 –
Neutrophilic pleocytosis (>50% neutrophils) 27 15–55 21 15–30 42 30–55
Normal cell count 6 5–15 3 1–5 11 –
Protein level (mg/dl) 224 20–1000 219 50–1300 125 50–200
Normal protein level 6 0–15 16 10–30 43 –
Decreased glucose level (<45 mg/dl or 40% of serum glucose) 72 50–85 77 65–85 69 50–85
Smear positive 25 5–85 3 0–6 – –
Culture positive 61 40–85 58 35–85 23 –

Adapted with permission from Garcia-Monco.8

HIV = human immunodeficiency virus.

IFN-c release. IFN-c is released by lymphocytes and stimulates the sions with sizes varying from 1 mm to 8 cm;6 infratentorial tuber-
immune response. Advantages of QFT include LTBI detection and culomas are more common in children than adults.33 Although
specificity that is relatively unaffected by the TB vaccine BCG. Sim- often misdiagnosed as neoplasms, radiographic features of tuber-
mons et al. report an IFN-c assay-positive rate of 50% among cul- culoma have been described (Table 2). They are generally hypo-
ture-confirmed cases of TBM.31 dense with ring enhancement on CT scans, however these
Xpert MTB/RIF (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) shows promise in findings are generally non-specific; MRI with gadolinium enhance-
its ability to detect MTB and rifampicin resistance within 90 min- ment offers the greatest detail in visualizing anatomic location,
utes. There is certainly a need for a diagnostic tool with increased edema, and soft tissue involvement of suspected lesions6 (Fig. 4).
sensitivity and specificity for CNS tuberculoma. The potential im- The radiographic characteristics of a tuberculoma can vary based
pact of improved diagnostic technology is great; studies are under- on whether the lesion is solid, noncaseating, caseating with a solid
way worldwide to assess the efficacy and pragmatic value of Xpert center, or caseating with a liquefied center. Noncaseating lesions
MTB/RIF (Cepheid).32 are generally hypointense on T1-weighted MRI and hyperintense
Although the tests outlined above are essential in diagnostic on T2-weighted MRI. Caseating lesions with a solid center are
workup, with potentially cumulative probabilities of detecting iso- to hypointense on T1- and T2-weighted MRI, while those with
CNS TB, definitive assessment of CNS tuberculoma presence using liquefied centers are hypointense on T1- and hyperintense on T2-
bodily fluid samples remains difficult. Tissue biopsies are therefore weighted MRI; both demonstrate ring enhancement. The charac-
invaluable in identifying the biology of the lesion. If symptoms of teristic ‘‘target sign,’’ an isointense region surrounded by a hyper-
CNS mass lesions are present, an effort to detect any extraneural intense ring of enhancement with a central nidus of calcification
lesions may be the optimal initial course of action, including palpa- was once thought to be a telltale sign of tuberculoma but has more
tion of masses during physical examination and whole body X-ray recently been acknowledged as a rather nonspecific feature of
CT scan, since biopsy of extraneural lesions offers less risk than radiographic evaluation. A ‘‘target sign’’ visualized on CT scans
brain or spinal cord biopsy and detection of tuberculomas else- pre-contrast may indicate tuberculoma, while its post-contrast
where raises the likelihood of tuberculoma in concurrent CNS le- presence is less specific.
sions. Barring confirmation of CNS tuberculoma using the Advances in magnetization transfer (MT) imaging have im-
methods outlined above, image guided stereotactic biopsy of the proved the ability to diagnose tuberculoma, particularly when try-
suspected CNS lesion with histopathological analysis remains the ing to distinguish them from metastases, lymphoma, or other
gold standard for diagnosis (Fig. 3). infectious granulomas. Tuberculomas can be distinguished from
cysticercus granulomas by their lower T2-weighted MT ratios,
5.2. Imaging which is due to their high lipid content.6,34 Although useful in iden-
tifying other CNS infections, fluid attenuated inversion recovery se-
Making the diagnosis of intracranial tuberculoma is essential quences have not provided a significant advantage over T1-
for rapid treatment. Patients can present with single or multiple le- weighted MT imaging.35 Similarly, diffusion weighted imaging
A.R. DeLance et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 20 (2013) 1333–1341 1337

Fig. 3. Hematoxylin and eosin stained photomicrograph showing necrotizing granulomatous inflammation in the spinal cord of a patient with central nervous system
tuberculoma. Multinucleated giant cells (inset) and epitheliod macrophages adjacent to an area of necrosis (asterisk). The patient was a 66-year-old woman who presented
with progressive quadraparesis. Original magnification  200 and inset  400. (This figure is available in colour at

Table 2
Radiographic features of central nervous system tuberculomas

CT scan MRI signal intensity

Contrast enhanced Nonenhanced T1-weighted T2-weighted T1-weighted gadolinium
Caseating with solid Ring, central heterogeneous Hypo- to Iso- to Iso- to Ring enhancement
center enhancement hyperdense hypointense hypointense
Caseating with liquid Ring enhancement Hypodense Hypointense Hyperintense Ring enhancement
Noncaseating Homogenous Hypo- to isodense Hypointense Hyperintense Homogenous
Data compiled from references.

Fig. 4. (A) Axial T1-weighted MRI showing an isointense mass occupying the left midbrain and thalamus with a homogenously enhancing central component. (B) Axial fluid
attenuated inversion recovery MRI showing expansile T2-weighted hyperintensity extending laterally into the left insular, parietal, and posterior temporal region and white
matter bilaterally. (C) Axial T1-weighted MRI showing nearly complete resolution of the lesion and associated enhancement with a small residual after medical anti-tubercle
bacillus therapy.

(DWI) is useful in identifying infectious processes, however tuber- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) can shed insight on
culomas with liquid necrosis will show DWI restriction while those biochemical and physiological processes in the CNS. Gupta et al.
with solid necrosis do not. DWI is also useful in differentiating have characterized the MRS ‘‘fingerprint’’ of tuberculomas by iden-
tuberculoma from lymphoma. tifying specific lipid resonances that correspond to terminal
1338 A.R. DeLance et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 20 (2013) 1333–1341

methyl, methylene, and fatty acyl chain components.36 Other ad- 6. Treatment
vanced techniques include dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE)
MRI, which allows for the quantification of angiogenesis in neo- 6.1. Medical
plastic lesions. Gupta et al. performed DCE imaging to correlate rel-
ative cerebral blood volume with microvascular density and Early CNS tuberculoma detection warrants an initial treatment
vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with tuberculomas; strategy of anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy (ATT). Idris et al. report
additional studies have demonstrated an ability to use DCE MRI to complete resolution of intracranial tuberculomas in 13/15 (87%)
quantify matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), a marker of patients treated with ATT.39 Numerous medications exist to com-
blood—brain barrier disruption.37 Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) bat MDR TB and the alarming totally drug resistant TB. First line
is a widely used technique for identifying white matter tracts in ATT consists of isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and either
a variety of clinical settings. Fiber tracking is important in identify- streptomycin or ethambutol. In drug resistant cases, a revised
ing critical structures and guiding operative planning, particularly ATT regimen should be administered rather than addition of a sin-
in eloquent lesions. Additionally, recent work by Gupta et al. has gle drug.2 Second line ATT agents include ethionamide, kanamycin,
demonstrated the ability to use DTI to characterize MMP-9 expres- cycloserine, and para-amino salicylic acid40 (Table 3). Corticoste-
sion and response to anti-tubercular therapy.38 roids may improve outcome by modulating inflammation and
Non-invasive techniques for the diagnosis of CNS tuberculoma reducing intracranial pressure (ICP), and patients that do not re-
are important in minimizing the risk of complications and improv- spond to ATT may benefit from thalidomide.33 Consensus ATT
ing overall outcomes by virtue of early diagnosis and treatment. duration ranges from 9-12 months, extending beyond radiographic
Tuberculomas are relatively rare among CNS mass lesions and their resolution of lesions and cessation of symptoms. BCG vaccination
ring enhancing appearance may resemble toxoplasmosis, pyogenic reduces the likelihood of CNS tuberculoma.41
abscesses or aggressive neoplasms, stressing the need for improved
diagnostic markers. Interestingly, new tuberculomas may appear 6.2. Surgical
paradoxically following anti-TB therapy, thus providers should
maintain reasonable suspicion in this patient population.26 Unfor- Neurosurgical evaluation should be performed immediately in
tunately, the burden of tuberculoma lies mainly in developing patients with elevated ICP despite medical treatment, seizures,
countries, many of which may lack readily accessible imaging brainstem compression, or other serious neurological and physio-
modalities such as MRS and DTI, and in some cases even conven- logical symptoms (Fig. 5). Lumbar puncture or lumboperitoneal
tional CT scanners. Although advanced imaging techniques im- shunting can alleviate elevated ICP in communicating hydroceph-
prove our ability to distinguish tuberculomas from other alus, while ventriculoperitoneal shunting may be the most appro-
infectious or neoplastic processes, the clinical exam and laboratory priate treatment for noncommunicating hydrocephalus. If MR
findings will always play an essential role in the diagnosis and ventriculography is not available to distinguish communicating
treatment of these lesions. hydrocephalus from non-communicating hydrocephalus, limited

Table 3
Recommended directly observed treatment regimen for central nervous system tuberculoma

Daily dose CSF penetration % Route Duration Considerations to monitor for

of plasma (months)
Adults Children
(inflamed meninges)
(maximum dose) (maximum dose)
First line agents
Rifampicin 10 mg/kg 10-20 mg/kg – (610%) Oral 9–12 Hepatotoxicity
+ (600 mg P50 kg) (600 mg) Multiple drug interactions
(450 mg <50 kg) including protease inhibitors for
HIV therapy
Isoniazid 5 mg/kg 10-15 mg/kg (300 mg) 20% (90%) Oral 9–12 Hepatotoxicity
+ (300 mg) Peripheral neuropathy (add
pyridoxine to avoid)
Pyrazinamide 25-30 mg/kg 25-30 mg/kg 95–100% Oral 2 Hepatotoxicity
+ (2.0 g P50 kg) (2.0 g) (95–100%) Arthralgia
(1.5 g <50 kg) Gastrointestinal upset
Ethambutol 15 mg/kg (1.0 g) 15–20 mg/kg (1.0 g) – (10–50%) Oral 2 Optic neuritis
Streptomycin 15 mg/kg (1.0 g) 20–30 mg/kg (1.0 g) – (25%) IM 2 Vestibular, auditory, and kidney
>59 years of age: 10 mg/kg (750 mg) toxicity
Second line agents
Cycloserine 10–15 mg/kg 10–15 mg/kg (1.0 g) 45–75% 18–24 Neuropsychiatric effects
(1.0 g)
Ethionamide 15–20 mg/kg 15–20 mg/kg (1.0 g) 50–75% Oral 18–24 Peripheral neuropathy (add
(1.0 g) pyridoxine to avoid)
Amikacin-kanamycin 15 mg/kg (1.0 g) 15–30 mg/kg (1.0 g) 5–25% IM 6 Vestibular, auditory, and kidney
>59 years of age: 10 mg/kg (750 mg) toxicity
Capreomycin 15 mg/kg (1.0 g) 15–30 mg/kg (1.0 g) – IM 6 Vestibular, auditory, and kidney
>59 years of age: 10 mg/kg (750 mg) toxicity
p-Aminosalicylic acid 8.0–12.0 g in 2-3 200–300 mg/kg in – Oral 18–24 Gastrointestinal upset
divided doses 2-4 divided doses (10 g) Hypersensitivity
Ciprofloxacina (750 mg 2x/day) Unknown 15–35% Oral 2 Medium dosage
Gatifloxacin (400 mg/day) Not 35–55% Oral 2 provides optimal
Levofloxacina (500 mg 2x/day) approved40 60–80% Oral 2 outcome51

CSF = cerebrospinal fluid, HIV = human immunodeficiency virus, IM = intramuscular.

Data compiled from references.8,27,40
Fluroquinolone therapy for central nervous system tuberculosis remains under investigation.51
A.R. DeLance et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 20 (2013) 1333–1341 1339

air-encephalography may be employed.42 In this test, 5-8 cc of air reduction of the space occupying effect, resolution of associated
is injected into the CSF space via lumbar puncture, followed imme- symptoms, and the diagnostic utility of surgical specimens. A care-
diately by lateral skull radiography. Air within the ventricular sys- ful risk assessment should be exercised in each patient, considering
tem, usually the lateral ventricles, indicates communicating the benefits of total removal in reducing likelihood of recurrence,
hydrocephalus, while air visualized at the base of the brain such and the possibilities of drug resistance and paradoxical enlarge-
as the prepontine cistern with no air visible within the lateral ven- ment. ATT should be administered either before surgery or periop-
tricles indicates noncommunicating hydrocephalus. Endoscopic eratively to minimize the possibility of postoperative TBM.
third ventriculostomy (ETV) may provide the best benefit to risk
ratio in HIV patients due to a reduced volume of basal exudate that 6.3. Treatment and management considerations
can cloud the surgeon’s vision to the floor of the third ventricle and
increase the chance of accidental damage to the basilar artery. In Up to 25% of medically treated TB patients may experience par-
addition, the heightened risk of shunt infection in HIV patients is adoxical tuberculoma enlargement or development of new tuber-
avoided with the ETV procedure.43 culomas during ATT. This unintended consequence occurs more
Tuberculomas may require resection to resolve mass effects, frequently in extrapulmonary cases such as CNS TB; successful
including cases of drug resistance or paradoxical worsening, when treatment revisions include addition of corticosteroids and surgical
immediate removal is likely to confer improvement in overall out- intervention. Continuation of ATT beyond 18 months in patients
come. Surgical approach is largely dependent upon the tubercu- with intracranial tuberculoma that persist for 2 years or longer
loma location(s), the surrounding vascular, nerve, and cortical provides no additional benefit.26 The American Thoracic Society
structures, and the preference of the operator.44 While total exci- and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend
sion is ideal, subtotal resection may provide optimal benefit versus against rifampicin-pyrazinamide therapy for LTBI due to liver in-
risk when there is relative uncertainty of interaction with adjacent jury and mortality; instead, an isoniazid-rifapentine regimen con-
tissues, as adjuvant ATT is likely to resolve any remaining tubercu- sisting of 12 weekly doses with direct observation is recommended
loma. Image guided endoscopic biopsy is preferred to open brain in patients aged 12 years or older.47 Drug-induced hepatitis is a
biopsy whenever possible. possible complication of ATT; Thwaites et al. describe the reintro-
Emerging techniques, including trans-sphenoid endoscopy, may duction of ATT following its occurrence.27
provide viable options in excising tuberculomas while minimizing Unique challenges exist in the management of immunocompro-
sequelae and postoperative recovery times.45 Ersahin et al. report mised patients including HIV positive CNS TB cases. Corticoste-
overall success in a series with 12 patients with confirmed intra- roids, which may improve outcome in TBM, also act as
cranial tuberculoma treated using stereotactic microsurgical exci- immunosuppressants. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syn-
sion.46 Tuberculomas may be well suited to endoscopic drome with paradoxical worsening of TB may occur following
aspiration and microsurgery due to their caseating and relatively anti-retroviral therapy, due to immune system recovery and a
avascular nature. The appropriate goals for surgery may include hyperimmune response.26 Extra caution should be exercised in

Patient Presents With

Neurological Symptoms
Suspected Tuberculoma or TBM • Seizures Medically
MRI/CT of the
Head and Spine • Elevated ICP Medically
Blood, CSF - No • Brainstem Compression?
CNS Lesion?

Whole Body
MRI/CT Diagnosis
Image Guided
Extraneural No
Stereotactic Biopsy
Lesion? Histology, PCR, DS

Extraneural Lesion Considerations/Possibilities:

Biopsy MTB Positive? Surgery
Histology, PCR, DS • Revise ATT Regimen (2nd Line Agents)
• 2nd Biopsy and DS
MTB Positive? Begin ATT +
Anti-Inflammatory • If Symptoms Resolve and Tuberculoma
Yes Child: + Corticosteroid is Stable Then Monitor

Begin Anti-Tuberculosis
Chemotherapy (ATT) No

Follow-Up at 1, 3, 6 Lesions Yes

Continue ATT:
Months MRI/CT Resolving? 12 Months If Resolved
Assess CNS Lesion 18 Months If Stable

Fig. 5. Diagnosis and treatment algorithm for central nervous system tuberculoma.
ATT = anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy, CNS = central nervous system, CSF = cerebrospinal fluid, DS = drug sensitivity testing, ICP = intracranial pressure, MTB = Mycobacte-
rium tuberculosis, PCR = polymerase chain reaction, TBM = tuberculous meningitis. (This figure is available in colour at
1340 A.R. DeLance et al. / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 20 (2013) 1333–1341

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