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Matthew 11

John the Baptist Sends Messengers to Jesus (11:1-19)

A. According to Josephus, the place of imprisonment of John was the castle of Machaerus, east of the Dead Sea. Herod Antipas imprisoned
John because of the preacher’s rebuke against his adulterous marriage which would be discussed in Matt. 14.
B. John was inspired and made testimony to the coming of Christ but why did John ask if Jesus was the Coming One? It shows that not all
prophets understood what they spoke of inspiration. He may have a momentary doubt for two possible reasons.
1. Lack of faith. John had been in the dark prison and he was not sure of what may happen upon him at any time.
2. Wrong expectation. Jesus was not fulfilling the expectation of John about the Messiah.
C. Jesus’ answer called John to remember O.T. passages about the works of “the Coming One” (esp. Isa. 61:1-3) and that He was doing the
work of it.
D. After the disciples of John left Jesus, He turned to the multitude and begun to commend John.
1. John is not a reed shaken by the wind. He was not inconsistent. He rebuked Herod Antipas and did not change his stand about it.
2. He is not a man clothed in soft garments. He lived an austere life. The possible reason why he lived such a kind of life was because
that he wanted to protest against the luxuriousness of life.
3. He is a prophet. He was sent by God (Luke 3:2).
a. He was considered as more than a prophet or greater than the prophets because among the prophets of the O.T. he was the
nearest to Jesus. But the least in the kingdom is greater than John because members of the church are nearer to the Christ.
b. Jesus mentioned that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence at that time because people were forcing their wrong ideas about it.
4. He is Elijah. Jesus was emphasizing that John was the messenger described in Malachi’s prophecy.
E. Then Jesus exposed how the unbelieving Jews viewed Jesus and John. They were like the stubborn children in the marketplaces who
refused to be satisfied in any way. The Jews criticized John for being ascetic and they criticized Jesus for being sociable.

Woe to the Impenitent Cities (11:20-24)

A. Jesus rebuked the cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum. To these cities Jesus worked many miracles but the people still did not
heed Jesus and repent.
1. If the cities Tyre and Sidon were able to hear the message of God they would have repented long ago. These cities were known to the
Jews because of its wickedness. Ezekiel prophesied against their destruction which occurred at the time of Nebuchadnezar (585 B.C.)
and Alexander the Great (332 B.C.).
2. If the city Sodom had the opportunity to hear the word of God, they would have repented long ago and their city would remain until
this day.

Jesus Gives True Rest (11:25-30)

A. Then Jesus offered a prayer of thanks giving to God.
1. The “wise and prudent” are men like the Pharisees who considered themselves
wise, intellectual pride (John 9:40).
2. “Infants” are those who humble themselves enough to acknowledge their need
B. Then Jesus offers His great invitation. He gives rest to all who are troubled and
1. A yoke is a beam that is placed on two livestock (oxen, mules, horses) that
allows them to work together in order to pull carts or other objects. Yoke in the
Bible figuratively refers to an undesired burden (Isa. 9:4).
2. Jesus points that the believer is “yoked” together with Christ because we
cannot work on our own, He will carry the major portion of the weight.

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