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How do we examine globalization in the context of consumption

Does the on going global economic crisis signal thw end of hyperconsumption?yes or no?why?


Globalization a sign of development in every country around the world. It changes the economic
statys of different countries. It ties country for trading products and for the betterment or growth.
It provide many opportunities for individuals to improve their way of living. Markets are sign of
industrial development but, it doesn't say that people can actually have money to buy does
products. Many products is continuously being made everyday yet few people are buying those
products because of the limit in their purchasing power. Poverty is still an issue, even though your
country is experiencing Globalization there are still a big percentage that there are individuals who
are living in the streets, wearing the same clothes and eats once a day. If the said issue can
somehow be lessen and products are being bought by invidual thats when Im going to agree to this
changes. Globalization is a huge help to our country and can be our advantage to improve in so
many ways. However, not all individuals experience this globalization. Changes are great for
individuals and for our countrys development but only rich persons gets richer and poor persons
gets to be poor. Theres no balance meaning not all experience the said improvement if somehow
the poor persons little by little experience the changes and improve their life style then thats the
best way to say that Globalization is the real deal.

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