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The educational tour that happened last Wednesday.

July 31, 2019 was an exciting and pack full of

learnings in tact in just a few hours being in Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). Upon receiving the waiver
for this tour I felt really excited because for the most part I am with my classmates and schoolmates in a
place where in we can learn not just in the four corners of our room in APC. Waking up that slightly raining
morning and going to school was exhilarating, and being with my schoolmates made it more fun. Going
down to the bus and inside their auditorium per se and listening to the history of BSP was intriguing so to
speak because there were some information that i only knew after that talk. The speakers that lectured
us that time are accommodating even though they are busy doing their work even if they couldn’t answer
all of our questions they still told us that we could ask anything just by writing an email and sending it to
their given email address. The librarian of the facility even told us that we could go there and read or take
references for our future thesis studies and it is all for free. After that we went to this museum where in
the history of money is being discussed and I love how they organized their facility in which the important
informations and artifacts are in line and could be easily understand not just by business or financial
students but anyone who would be interested to go there. And most importantly the ideas that we already
have about BSP and its purpose was clearly defined and it is not just a facility who makes money but also
regulates everything related to money. For me it is a different experience when you are learning
something in actual sense, what I mean is that we are not just bounded by the book that is prescribed to
us and the exposure of our professors who’s been in the industry. I am truly grateful for having industry
professors because they are not just teaching us what is already written in books or any related
educational writings but they’re also handling us to make that next step which is working and adding this
tour is a really big opportunity for us to expand our knowledge which was taught to us and what we’ve
read. I do hope that this kind of educational tour would frequently happen so that we could learn more
about the industry outside of our school and getting a glimpse of what is really happening in the working

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