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Name: Sheinette Egonio Strand & Section: STEM- Marconi

Subject: Reading and Writing

Chinese should get banned in the Philippines as of the moment for they are the
major carrier of the Novel Corona Virus.

With the news about the NCov and the first confirmed case in the country that
landed in the headlines of almost all media outlets, I suddenly began to remember the
2016 Mystery/Movie thriller “Train to Busan.” For all we know, “Train to Busan” is a
movie focusing about a man, his estranged daughter and other passengers that has
been trapped on aspeeding train during a zombie outbreak in South Korea. It is said
that the zombies in Train to Busan were caused from a leak at a biological factory in
South Korea. In other words, the movie was a sort of apocalyptic that has been cause
by an incurable virus.

Novel Corona Virus, also known as Ncov, is a virus that cause illness ranging
from the common cold to more severe diseases sush Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome (MERS-Cov) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). It
has still no cure, meaning it is incurable.

Upon hearing the roaring increase of NCov cases, it has somehow alarmed me.
What if this case continues to roar? What if this case will become uncontrollable?
What if? Worse is, what if it’ll become just like what happened to the outbreak of
“Train to Busan?” Ugh, no way. And so with this, Ive come to a into an idea that as
much as we can, we should minimize and avoid this virus and yes, we should ban our
borders from entering the majority carriers of the virus, the Chinese people.

It is said that the capital city of this virus is the Wuhan City. It is by far holds the
most cases of the virus. Rumors said that the people living in this city are starting to
evacuate themselves from the city. Yes, it is the best thing to do for them but we
cannot neglect the possibilities. What if they are already carrying the virus? It is our
health that we are talking about. We should not risk it. We do only have one life. As
much as we can, we must protect it.

Here is my reasons why we should ban the every person who has traces from stepping
down in China:
1. NCov is incurable. As much as we can, we should neglect it. We must protect
2. There’s a high probability that they carry the virus. They might get to give
infection to our countrymen.

Moving into the other side, people might get to comprehend this one as a form of
racism. Well, this is not racism. I am just being careful. We basically dont know if a
Chinese is from Wuhan or not so its better to be careful than to suffer from a virus. I
am not discriminating the race, I am just afraid of the virus. And also, why Chinese?
It's because the virus came from China. If it comes from Thailand or Malay, then
Chinese will do the same thing. Again, it is our health that we are talking about. We
must protect it.

Chinese should get banned in the Philippines as of the moment for they are the
major carrier of the Novel Corona Virus.

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