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Section B (20 marks)

Answer one question.

1. Hours of leisure time per year in Bukit Dukong

Teens 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s+

Watching TV / Videos 1200 700 400 500 600 700 1100
Socialising with 4 or less people 150 150 300 250 250 200 200
Socialising with 4 or more people 350 350 50 50 25 25 25
Individual exercise 150 100 200 200 50 75 150
Group exercise / sport 450 350 200 150 50 0 0
Cinema 100 75 50 25 25 50 75
Table 1

Based on Table 1, write a 350-word report on the findings of a survey conducted

by the Social Club describing the information in the table above. You can include
any other relevant information and justification in your report.
[20 marks]

2. Many trainee teachers in your institute complained that they are stressed. As the
President of the Student Committee in your institute, you have been invited to
give a speech during the monthly assembly on stress management. Using the
following notes below, write a 350-word speech.
 Causes
- long lecture hours
- too much coursework
- exams
- high expectations from parents and lecturers
- lack of sleep

 Suggestions
- have a positive outlook
- time management
- study consistently
- have manageable goals
- exercise regularly
[20 marks]

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