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Kelsey Posatiere

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

The Praxis Core exam is essential when becoming a teacher in the state of

Nevada. The Praxis Core exam has three sections, Reading, Writing, and Math. You must

pass all three of these sections to be accepted into an education program at a university in

the state of Nevada. I believe that the Praxis Core is essential because it gives students, as

future teachers, the opportunity to evaluate what we need to work on in Math, Reading,

and Writing. To pass these exams, you must score at least 156 points in Reading, 162

points in Writing, and 150 points in Mathematics.

Exam Preparation

Before taking the Praxis Core exam, I did not do anything to prepare. Reading

about it and talking to others, I was told that the test was relatively simple and that I

would do fine without studying. I went into the test, feeling confident. Once finished, I

felt good about all the portions besides the Writing section. I took the combined test, and

the Writing portion was the last section that I completed. I feel that I rushed in the

Writing section, and that’s when I messed up. So when taking the practice Praxis Core

Writing test, I made sure to take my time, and it seemed to be more beneficial.

Exam Results

I have already taken all three sections of the Praxis Core exam. I passed my

Mathematics section with a score of 166, and I also passed the Reading section with a
score of 188. Unfortunately, I did not pass my Writing section, so I took the Writing

practice exam an scored an 85%, meaning that I am most likely to pass the next time.

Future Exam Preparation

When I go to take the Praxis Core Writing test for the second time, I plan on

slowing down and taking my time. I also plan on doing a few writing exercises as well to

make sure that I am more prepared for the written portion of the test. Hopefully, taking

these steps will lead me to succeed and help me pass the Writing section of the Praxis

Core exam.

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