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‘VOCABULARY 1 4. Match the adjectives to their opposites. 1 funny ‘a. emotions! 2 confident Drude 3 polite © sty 4 caim serious 2 a Complete the descriptions with the adjectives in the box. ‘brave clevor creative ‘emotional genorous kind 1. Sera always voluntee's to help other people. She's very 2 Dan always thinks of unusual new ideas, He's 2 Tanya len't afraid of anything. She's 4. My big brother usually pays for my lunch, He's 50 5 Lucyis sometimes nappy and sometimes sad. she’s 6. Simon and Andy aro very geod at all the schoo ‘subjects, Theyre vory b_Deseribe your Ideal friend. What are they tka? Use toe odectv erm ike) a ee meet etek rr 4 Yourfriend asks you for money. What do you say? a "Forget it” ride Talk about somebody's personality 3. Choose the correct option. 2. Fimv{00 sty. | want to be more confident / compeutive. 2. Tm afraid of everything, | want to be ambitious brave, 3. Idon't have eny new ideas. | want to be more creative / clever. 4 Idon't have @ goal forthe future. | wank to be ambitious / confident Tm not good at any subjects. | want to be brave / clever. 6 I nover win anything. | want to be ereative compete, a Look at the quiz. For options a and b write the best word from the box below. elm cheeul competitive emotional trendy funny generous kind polte nude serious shy b Do the quiz. What are your results? Do you agree? 'b ‘Ot course! How much do you need? 2. Your bestfriend doesn't want to tik to you. What do you do? f Stan 10 ay. |3. You nave won second place in a cont '8 You have to do better next time bb Ask thern quietly about the problem: 5. How do you fea? 'b Peated and happy —i'« no problem 44. Your riend cals you very early in the momning and wakes you up. What do you say? "What's wrong? Ave you OK? b ‘ite alte early, Please could you call back later? Tharks 80 much, 18 Anew student joins your class. What do you do? «Introduce yourself and say hall. © You 2 Tell eome jokes. » Smile, tut wat for them to say hel. teacher asks you to epeak tothe class about your favourite subject What do you choose? Tak about your plans forthe fuure. eS ewe 6 > Complete the email with the adjectives in the box. © 9») Complete the second a nn ' sentence so that it has the same bored excited good interested scared tired woried (<2) meaning as the first. 41 Alison's a terrible singer, Shes ferrible at singing. Dear Jule, aa sir nig {im starting @ new sport judo! really (1) paler sseing atten, but | was 2) ‘with reaning ond ‘3. Susan's earning how to take a ‘of ong jump and I wart to try semething row pictures, because fs interesting malts be (4 ‘about the rat aes. Wil tbo very Shes pictures dieu? Fmnot ‘about fain cow, bat Im a 4 Elen thnks that homework is litle bit @) of hurting someone else! Anyway I'm va realy) about pinngtnecks. thnk beat ff], SMES homework. offun. Ave you 8) in going with me? week it's exciting! See yousoen, Tm my new Jessica schoo! ) 6 icy tins ice hockey scary = shes oe hockey. 7 ») Complete the adverts with the words in the box. 10 2») Use the prompts to write as sentences. Use the present ‘bored good interested scared tired wored simple. 1. We / not s0 g00d / palit International cooking o of cocking the Sine ting al he tre? Develep faurcooken silsbylearing 1 © | Wopare international ashes rm Monee, tncia ni Thlond 2 You/ excited / the pary ? 3. They / worried / change schools a sig © Aypeard games clad 4 What / Zhang / interested ? o weh thesame ‘ld computer games? Laara ow to mate your un aDPS 5 1/ seared / snakes and games De sincine cue ea at inging? Join ur enging dub oncea neck and 1 rake frends through musi ee stems, MUSIC GROUP alae ee rccoanar soe: lO ears. Sie ests qurarted! coroner non Gece » > What are you good at? ee r FOU. ‘What are you worried about? a cececeeeneemmamamel What are you scared of? >> Complete the sentences with a proposition and the correct form of the verb in brackets. Which club from Exercise 7 should each person join? 1. Martin eves food, but he's not very ood at cacking (cook). Inéernatianal cooking 2 Rebecca studies & fot, but she's stil scered (ail) her exams. 3. Hanna writes a blog and is really excked (create) her ovn website. 4. Vicky plays guitar but she's ted (play) music atone. 5 Samm is interested (Gocign) come new computor games. © Lucia loves singing. but she's wortied (sing) with other people. VOCABULARY 2 1. For questions 1-8, choose the correct option. 1. Which country's capital is Warsaw? A. Spain B France C Poland 2. Which county's capital is Hanot? A China 8 Vietnam = C Korea 3. When county isn’t in Europe? A Portugal 8 Brazil © Sweden 4. Which country isn't in South America? A. Mexico B Agentina C Brazil 5 Which county speaks Spanish? A Brazil 8 Colombia C Tunisia 6 Which country doesn’t speak French? A France 8 Egypt © Senegal 7 Which county doesn’t speak English? A Singapore 8 Sweden © the USA 8 Which language do they speak in Egypt? A Englist ® Egyptian Arabic 2 Complete the conversation with the correct words. ‘A: Are you from Argentina? B: No, I'm from Brazil I'm 1A: Oh, so do you speak Spanish? B: No, | speak [kz I'm from Italy so | speak | but tive in Mexico for uiree years $0 my Is also pretty good. 3. Where are these people (1-10) from? Write the country. 1 We speak Spanish in Mexico. 21! from Ho Chi Minh in Vi m, 3. was bor in R 2'3 capital city, Moscow. 44 'm from a huge country ~C 5 We love puza init! 6 1 was born in P 7 1mfrom sunny Sp! 8 We've got a great football team in B 1 19 The pyramids are in my country ~ Eg 410 Winter’s cold here in Northern Europe in Sw ' 4 Now find the nationalities from Exercise 3 in ‘the word search. (wfe[x['[ela[n[slelv[r| F[s[m]e[x|wle|! ulolelt|rle|y s[a[eluly olm zfijelia c . tfrfaln{s[clale] [sl ai vim] rt] t K[ tec sis(el i 4 Elo|T TefutTetetstele 0's second biggest city, Krakow. Ich lebe in Deutschland! Yovivoen Aa KuBeRB Bonrapni Ben Tirkiyede yagayant lo vivoin Italiat WSLLG sail Li Hpac Eyal Gurpal, are you interested in art? Your exercise book is covered in a 1 Haha, ts tet | love arawing @ ‘and pictures on thirgs. ‘What does each (3) moan? OK. the (4) hooks, lke a television, | suppose. And the (5) are a Dit the mountains .. And this bg, round © is the moon ... What are the (7) pointing at? Um, maybe they're pointing up at the (8) ___ ? Honesty, my doudles dorit mean anything!

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