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Dissertation Topics

Name: Sneha Chaudhari

Roll no.107

Study on Just in Time Production

In this project, we are examining the implementation of Just-In-Time
methodology in Toyota; possibly one of the most interesting manufacturing
revolutions where companies involved in the production are integrated not only
in their business processes moreover in their physical plants. The concept has
been successfully developed and implemented in India and is due to be adopted
in other Toyota production plants. The study clearly shows how companies can
work together in a harmonic and synchronized system meeting probably the
most idealistic manufacturing principles (JIT) to produce the best quality
product within the shortest time frame with minimum/no wastage and cost-
effective to all parties. Careful production planning, cost-benefit analysis,
adequate outsourcing plans and customer orientation are being praises as the
key success factors of this amazing Just-In-Time concept.

Research Objective
Does Toyota’s Just-in-Time System in Japan have any limitations or not?
The objective of this research is to analyse the Toyota’s Production System and
its core element of Just-in-Time System in Toyota factories which are located in
Japan with the help of three cases.

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