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The video "what is culture?

7 aspects of culture" talks about culture is by describing it by

the words of an author. It says that "Collective programing of the human mind that distinguishes
one thing from another. It is a system of collectively held values that glues society together". It
also enumerated and describe the 7 aspects of culture which is social organization, arts and
literature, language, customs and traditions, religion, forms of government, and economic system.
She stated that culture is not stagnant. It doesn't stay the same everything in our society. It is
often changing. Which implies that everything culture interacts with, it is always changing.

The short video "what is art for?" talks about the different meanings of art. The speaker
also talks about how obvious or how complex art is. He enumerated the different purpose of art
which is that art keeps us hopeful, makes us less lonely, helps us appreciate, and a propaganda
for what really matters. But what matters the most is that art should be the constant source of
support and encouragement for our better selves.

The short video "Why Arts and Culture should be given priority in the Philippines" mainly
talks about the reasons why arts and culture should be one of the main priorities in our country.
The 5 reasons are that arts and culture defines who we are, it shapes our history, it provides
avenues for self expression, it prevents stagnation of society, and it makes life more interesting,
vibrant, flavorful, and colorful.

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