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Sheba and The Monkey

Let us enjoy reading this story of Sheba and The Monkey:

Sheba, the queen of jungle, was very fond of babies. Once, she announced,
"I order all animals to come to my palace with their babies. The animal who
has the most beautiful baby will be awarded a prize".

All animals came to Sheba's palace with their babies.

Sheba started inspecting the babies one by one. She came to a monkey
and said "What an ugly baby! You will not get the prize".

The baby monkey started to cry. The monkey said, "What a foolish queen
she is! Who wants her prize! You are my jewel, my dear child. You are more
precious than anything under the sky".

MORAL : Mother’s love has no equals.

The King Cobra and The Ants

Let us enjoy reading this story of The King Cobra and The Ants.

Once there lived a king cobra in a small hole. When he was small he ate little
creatures. As he grew up he began to eat eggs, lizards, frogs and rabbits. And
when he grew up further he started to eat even other smaller snakes. His pride
grew with him.

All small animals began to fear the king cobra. This boosted up his pride. He
began to think "Now I am the most powerful creature. I am the king of the
forest. All animals fear me. Let me move from this small hole to a bigger

He searched for a place to suit his size and status.

Finally he came across a big tree. He selected the tree for his house. He saw an
ant hill near the tree.

He thought "Why should there be an ugly ant hill near my royal house?" He
hissed aloud "I am king Cobra, the king of the forest. I order the ants to
vacate immediately". There was no reply. He got wild and struck at the ant hill.

What a surprise! In a minute thousands of ants swarmed up the king cobra

biting him everywhere. The king cobra could not bear the pain. He ran away.

MORAL : Pride goes before fall.

Two Friends and The Bear

Let us enjoy reading this story of Two Friends and The Bear.

Vijay and Raju were friends. On a holiday they went into a forest. They were
enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they saw a bear coming at them. They
were frightened.

Raju who knew climbing trees ran up to a tree and climbed up quickly. He did
not think of Vijay. Vijay did not know tree climbing.

Vijay thought for a second. He had heard animals do not prefer dead bodies.
He fell to the ground and held his breath. The bear sniffed him and thought he
was dead. So, he went away.

Raju asked Vijay," What did the bear whisper into your ears?"

Vijay replied, "The bear asked me to keep away from friends like you" and went
on his way.

MORAL : A friend in need is a friend indeed.

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