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How the new performance monitoring should work out:

Step 1- Identify strength and weakness of the student

How to do that?
 Set questions with different level of difficulties.
Is that for all students?
 Yes, but the teacher need to see where the student monitored got difficulties.
What next ?
 Provide appropriate guidance to the student so that she is able to overcome this level
of difficulties.
**noted down your observation on the student strength and weakness

Step 2- correction of copybook homework or classwork

How is this helpful to the student?

 It provides an overview on how the work has been carried out and also level of
commitment / understanding from the student

 Give your students examples of quality work so they have something they can
compare their work to and can identify their learning gaps themselves.

Step 3 - Grade evolution per student on each test

 To see your student’s grade evolution and progress

What to do with the grade?

 You can return student work with constructive feedback.

 Personal discussion with student to enhance an open line of communication between
teacher and student
 Proper feedback (Positive language- words of encouragement) should be given to
student, it can be under the assistance of HOD or rector to show student how the
school is concerned of their success.
 Creation of whatsapp group, can make them more interested to ask for
questions. ( an element to discuss on)
There are 2 factors that motivates a human beings at work, and same applied for a
1. Student satisfactions:
o Recognition of work
o Better guidance for better results
o Involvement – more class participation and delegate fruitful responsibilities.

According to some research , it has shown if students come to schools where they feel valued,
safe, and that the teachers have their best interests at heart, they will commit themselves
and work harder. There will be fewer distractions and discipline problems, and the students
will learn more. How people treat each other: respect, responsibility, honesty, and compassion?

2. Hygiene factors
- Class environment
- Proper Lighting and setting of class
- Proper ventilation and clean environment

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