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1. Background
I chose the title of this prakerin report because I was placed in the
field of the public section, one of the tasks of which was "Disposing of
Incoming and Outgoing Letters in the Public Section of the Pariaman
Health Office".
While I was assigned there, I did the job properly and correctly. If
I am doing a wrong assignment there I will be given advice by my
2. Purpose and Function of Incoming and Outgoing Letters
a. Incoming mail
The function of incoming and outgoing letters is as a means of
communication between one party and another party. The following are
some of the purposes of incoming mail:
1) As a communication tool
2) As a representative of the author
3) As historical evidence
4) As a guideline for work implementation
5) As a reminder tool
6) As written evidence
b. Outgoing mail
Similar to incoming mail, the main function of outgoing mail
is as a means of communication with other parties. In general, the
following are the functions and purposes of the outgoing mail:
a) As an administrative tool
b) As the author's representative and As written evidence
c) As written communication media
d) As a measure of the progress of a company or agency
3. Benefits of Incoming and Outgoing Letter Disposition

The following are some of the benefits gained when handling
incoming and outgoing mail properly:
a. Incoming and outgoing letters will be recorded properly.
b. The procedure for handling mail is clear and can be carried out well.
c. Incoming mail will be stored and managed properly so that it is easy to
find when needed.
d. Often there are incoming letters that are confidential. With good
handling of letters, confidentiality will be maintained.

1. Theoretical Basis
a. General Activities
As long as the writer implements Prakerin at the Pariaman City
Health Office. The author gets a lot of experience and knowledge that the
author has never found before in the school world.
During the Prakerin the writer was introduced to the Pariaman
City Health Office environment such as the introduction to the staff of
each section and the regulations of the office for example Apple morning
at 07.30, monthly wirid and morning exercises every Friday.
b. Special Activities
1) Definition of Disposition
Dispositions are notes in the form of responses, suggestions,
or instructions after the letter is read by the leadership. The disposition
is a written indication of the follow-up to the letter settlement.
2) Definition of Incoming Letter
Incoming Letters are letters received by an organization or
company from a person or from an organization.
3) Definition of Outgoing Letters
Outgoing Letters are letters issued or made by an
organization or company to be sent to other parties, both individuals
or groups.

2. Time and Place

The implementation of Prakerin takes place for 4 months from 12
November 2018 to 29 March 2019. The location of the Internship in the
Pariaman City Health Office is located on Jl.Siti Manggopoh No.113 Naras
Hilir, North Pariaman District, Pariaman City, West Sumatra Province .
Table 3.1 Prakerin Implementation Schedule
No Time Activity
1. 5 - 6 November 2018 Provisioning of Prakerin students
2. 12 November 2018 Departure of Internship students
3. 12 November 2018 s/d
Implementation of Internship
2 April 2019
4. 2 April 2019 from Internship students
Guidance for preparing Internship
5. 8 - 20 April 2019
6. 22 April 2019 Prakerin Seminar

3. Steps to Dispose of Incoming and Outgoing Letters

a. Disseminating an Incoming Letter
1) Receive incoming letters
2) Writing the entry letter in the Agenda book
3) Write your incoming letter on the Disposition sheet.
4) The entry letter is Disposed to the Secretariat of the Pariaman City
Health Office.
5) The entry letter at the Secretariat is issued to the Head of the Health
6) The Head of the Health Service follows up on the disposition of
scheduled entries.
7) Dispositions that have been approved by the head of service are
distributed back to the sections according to incoming letters

b. Disposing of Outgoing Letters

1) The General Section receives letters out of one of the fields in the
health services Section (Yankes).

2) The General Section draws outgoing letters.
3) Head of General Affairs checks draft outgoing letters.
4) If there is a revision, the General Section corrects the draft letter, when
the draft letter is complete, the Head of the General Section gives
initials, after which the outgoing letter is signed by the person in
5) The General Section gives outgoing mailing numbers, stamps,
archives and gives back to the Health Services Division (Yankes).

1. Conclusions
Letters are written or printed statements made with the intention of
conveying news or information to other parties. An organization of activities
for managing and controlling letters is the process of recording letters (in
and out) in a book or in a control card.
The management of incoming letters at the Pariaman City Health
Service includes admission, checking, recording on the Agenda Book,
briefing, disseminating, and control cards. While the handling of outgoing
letters includes drafting letters, numbering, copying, stamping, recording in
the agenda book and the system of entering letters into envelopes, sending
letters to storing outgoing control cards.
2. Suggestions
The following are some suggestions given to perfect the activity of
disseminating a letter at the Pariaman Health Office. First, the
correspondence room should be separated from the receptionist section for
the security of the archive itself so that there is no risk of losing files that
can be detrimental to the organization.
Second, the effectiveness and efficiency of using the Archive
Management Information System needs to be increased so that officers do
not need to edit the data after the letter has been distributed. Improvements
must be made regarding the implementation guidelines for proposing letters
because they still use manual system guidelines. The direction of the letter

can be done earlier before the letter is recorded at the system so that the
officer does not need to edit the data after the letter has been distributed.
Third, it is necessary to add additional facilities that can support
during the processing of letters such as computers, so that officers do not
have to take turns in entering incoming and outgoing letters. Delay in
entering the letter can be a hindrance to the organization's own operations.

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