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How did controlling language benefit the party?

1. The adoption of Newspeak’s reason is to limit the number of vocabulary people
know and thus make “crimethink” less possible to occur.
- Ungood vs bad
- doubleplus ungood
- To express bad stuff they use the word “crime”, eg crimethought
- Newspeak leaves no room for nuance, or for degrees of meaning.
B Vocab: consists entirely of compound words and often compresses words into
smaller forms to achieve conceptual simplicity
- E,g, thoughtpolice is “thinkpol”
- Ministry of love is “miniluv”
C Vocab: words that relate specifically to science and to technical fields and
It is designed to ensure that technical knowledge remains segmented among many
fields, so that no one individual can gain access to too much knowledge.
- “Incsoc” covers up the meaning for “science” (the party doesn’t even share what
science is, they want you to focus on their knowledge of the party goals and ideals)
The particularities of Newspeak make it impossible to translate most older English
(oldspeak) texts into the language; the introduction of the Declaration of
Independence, for instance, can be translated only into a single word: crimethink.

“If something cannot be named, it does not exist” (That something means morality,
democracy, science, religion etc. Even Syme)

2. How about now?

The furious accusations levelled against Moscow by the UK government in recent
weeks appear to be helping boost Vladimir Putin’s position at home.
during Russia’s recent presidential election campaign. The main domestic television
news programmes were dominated by positive coverage of Putin.

3. How are today’s euphemisms similar to Doublespeak?

In simple words, Euphemism is using a mild term instead of harsher words to cover
offensive actions. Whereas doublespeak implies an intent to deceive. They are both trying
to change the true meaning of a word to a different extent.
Examples of eu: Restroom vs toilet, passed away vs dead
Examples of do: Neutralized vs dead. Ethnic cleansing vs genocide. Final solution vs
holocaust. Wet work for assassination.

1. Rebellion towards the Party is represented as a dangerous and fatal crime. Winston’s
act of keeping a diary and writing his past involves “crimethought” which is death.
Rebellion of Winston through loving Julia ultimately causes the two to meet their
greatest fear (room 101) and changes their own individuality and thoughts at the
end. The story tells us that rebellion causes lost of everything at the end.
2. The proles are working class and they are treated as “animals” by the party. They
have no importance since they are completely clueless that they are being
oppressed. Starting a rebellion is easy for them if they realize what state they are
living in. Unfortunately they don’t.
3. Workers play a big role in “middle class” revolutions. South Africa's rebellion
against police brutality is driven by a labour movement whose members
were gunned down by police in the worst massacre since Sharpeville. In
Egypt, no revolution was possible without the Mahalla strikesand the
rise of organised labour. In Latin America, from Argentina to Brazil to
Bolivia, democratic movements have been driven by the poor.
But Once the working class and middle class successfully revolted against higher class,
the working class are pushed back down the line and middle class takes the lead.

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