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Online scams: Gee, was it something I said?

Originally published in the Daily Advocate Feb. 7, 2020

By Bethany J. Royer-DeLong
Pushing Ink no. 21

It began innocently enough as all scams tend to do.

I noted a Facebook message from a friend on the messenger app. We hadn’t spoken in quite
some time, as our inner circle came from my previous employment nearly a year ago. She asked
how I was doing, seems legit, right?

My reply came about a week late. I’m terrible with Facebook messages, so I apologized for the
length of the absence, responding that I was doing well and hoped she was, too.

The reply was immediate, which should have made me suspicious, but I wasn’t because the
friend’s profile pic and the name were quite clear on the screen.

Here is the reply, which did set me to wonder, given the errors. Errors I’m leaving as is, and
hopefully, spellcheck won’t ruin the effect.

Glad to Hear from you, I’m doing pretty good, enjoying the moment of life. Have you heard the
good news about (BFAG) ?

Now, since I hadn’t spoken to this friend for some time, I thought perhaps my memory was
faulty. What was BFAG? (I also wondered about the parenthesis, but who am I to judge?) Is
BFAG a new program or group we organized right before my departure? I wasn’t sure, and
giving the benefit of the doubt on the grammar, answered she would have to remind me of

Then the response that told me this was not my friend, from the enormous reply that returned far
too quickly to be anything but copy and paste, to the continued grammatical errors. I gnashed my
teeth together in anger.

Again the response with (hopefully) the errors still intact.

It is a bonus from Benefits and financial Assistance from the Government trust fund, have you
heard from them ? They are having a promotional Program to help Retired, Workers, Youth, Old
and Disable with cash in the society and i saw your name too on their list when i received my
money So I thought you have also received your own from them?

Oh, boy.

I did a quick Google search for BFAG Facebook scams, and sadly there is plenty of information
out there, including individuals who now have a lighter bank account because of it.
There was nothing that put more fear and anger into my existence than working with vulnerable
individuals in the community as a YWCA program director for four years. I would hear the
stories about emails asking for money, phone calls asking for money, you name it; it was always
a request for money from vulnerable individuals.

However, the hard truth and frightening fact — any of us could fall victim to a scam. We don’t
have to be a particular age. It doesn’t have to be online. It could be someone who shows up at the
front door with a good sob story or a piece of mail, a phone call. They can arrive when we are
the most vulnerable, from lonely to down on our luck.

Further complicating the issue is the shame surrounding an admittance to being conned. While
reading the interviews on the BFAG scam and many others like it, there is always a missing
emphasis that we must appreciate the victim’s bravery to come forward. Our society has a
massive problem of blaming the victim without empathizing with the fact of how easily we can
be next.

No one wants to look foolish, but without the knowledge of how others have been scammed,
how would we ever know what to protect ourselves — and our loved ones — from and how?

After a few minutes of clicking on the profile picture and getting nothing, no information
whatsoever about whom this person was, I sent a quick message. I couldn’t resist.

Hey, now that I’m a reporter, maybe we could collab [sic] with the local authorities on this

Minutes passed, then hours, followed by days with no response. I made the “real” friend aware
of what transpired but I guess my new “friend” and yours truly won’t be collaborating on this
swanky BFAG opportunity, after all.

Gee, was it something I said?

Bethany J. Royer-DeLong is a reporter for the Daily Advocate and Early Bird and a life-
long resident of Darke County. She holds a bachelor’s degree in work psychology and a master’s
degree in organizational leadership because she’s a sucker for all things jobs. You may reach her

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