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What is Ferdinand Magellan most known for?

A. Exploring the South Pacific

B. Exploring the Louisiana Territory and the Pacific Northwest
C .Mapping the Hudson River and the North Atlantic
D. First European to sail from Europe to India by going around Africa

E. Led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe

How did Magellan die?

A. His ship sunk somewhere in the Pacific Ocean
B. He was killed by pirates in the Indian Ocean
C. He was killed by local tribes in the Philippine Islands
D. He died of malaria while exploring Australia
E He died of old age in Spain

Spanish expedition responsible for naming the Archipelago Filipinas

A. Magellans Expedition
B.Villaloboz Expedition
C. Loaisa Expedition
D.Legaspi Expedition

When and to where did Magellan make his first sea trip?
A. 1501 to Brazil
B.1508 to Moluccas
C. 1511 to Morocco
D. 1505 to India

After resupplying his ships in Guam where did the fleet next set sail to?
A. India
B. Spice Islands
C. Philippines
D. New Zealand

After returning to Portugal from Morocco, where did Magellan want to lead an expedition to?

A.Spice Islands by sailing through the Panama Isthmus

B. Philippines by sailing through the Suez Canal

C.Philippines by sailing south of South America

D. Spice Islands by sailing south of South America
In 1513 after returning to Portugal, Magellan joined a military expedition to Morocco. Which event in
his life took place during this expedition?

A. He suffered a wound that made him limp for the rest of his life.
B. He defected to France.
C. He defected to Spain.
D. He became blind.

Finally on Sep 6, 1522 the Victoria reached Sanlucar de Barrameda in Spain three years after setting
off and thus completing the first globe-circling expedition in history of mankind. How many of the
original crew were on board?

A. 4
C. 18

Which of these was not a ship in Magellan's fleet which undertook the voyage?

A. San Antonio
B. Costa Rica
C. Santiago
D. Trinidad

What was the name of the last ship to have sailed all the way across the world?

A. Trindad
B. Mocktaw
C. Victoria
D. Rose

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