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Network Marketing W ealth Mindset

Wouldn't it be comforting to know that two,

top financial advisors highly recommend Network Marketing?

Of course it would, so we have assembled this special report for you.

The interesting thing is that these two gentlemen are not personally involved in a
Network Marketing company…so there's no hidden agenda!

We'd like to introduce you to Paul Zane Pilzer and Robert Kiyosaki. Paul and
Robert are no "lightweights".

Paul Zane Pilzer is a world-renowned economist, a multimillionaire software

entrepreneur, an adjunct professor, and the author of three-times New York
Times best-selling books.

Robert Kiyosaki is an investor, businessman, and best-selling author. "Rich Dad

Poor Dad" is his most recognized best selle r.

Pay close attention to their Network Marketing Wealth Mindset:

World Renowned Economist Says Network Marketing and the Wellness

Industry has a Bright Future for You!

Paul Zane Pilzer exposes our trillion-dollar food and medical industries and
identifies a newly emerging "wellness" industry that will soon occupy an
additional one-seventh of our economy.

** With our team's help, you can capitalize on this! **

According to Pilzer, “an additional $1 trillion of the U.S. economy will be devoted

to the "wellness industry" providing healthy people with products to make them
feel even healthier, look better, slow down the effects of aging, or to prevent
diseases from developing in the first place".

Wellness Industry Rules

- Paul Gives Us a Wake-Up-Call:

"As I carefully studied current conditions, I found that the greatest need in
America today is wellness.

In the year 2000, wellness in America was already a $200 billion industry; about
half of that is composed of the $24 billion spent on fitness clubs, plus the $70
billion spent on vitamins and minerals. This $200 billion was hardly a blip ten
years ago.”
Who Is Spending this Money?

"Mostly baby boomers: prosperous people from the ages of 35 to 55. The baby
boomers are a powerful economic force; all marketers know that. Baby boomers
represent only 28 percent of our population - yet the group represents 50 percent
of our economy.

Baby boomers are the first generation we know of in recorded history that refuse
to accept the aging process. Today, boomers are starting to buy things that
actually make them younger!

This has only just begun. Most people don't even know there are such products.

As the rest of this 50 percent buying power group learns about wellness, this
sector will explode. It has already gone from virtually zero in 1990 to $200 billion
today. It's easy to see that this $200 billion will become *One Trillion* - or more -
by the year 2010.”

Network Marketing: The Best Way

"That's why wellness, which is so clearly paradigm-changing information for so

many people, really works best in a one-to-one interactive environment, like
Network Marketing.

I see a one trillion dollar wellness industry by the year 2010. I see great
opportunities for Network Marketing and Network Marketers.

I see great opportunities coming for the Network Marketing industry because
Network Marketing is clearly the best vehicle we have today, in the United States
and around the world, to educate people about new products and services.”
Your Window-of-Opportunity!

"There's a great window-of-opportunity for Network Marketing companies to

educate consumers about wellness products and services.

The fortunes that will be made in the new millennium - at least in the first decade

of the new millennium-will be more in intellectual distribution: Educating

consumers about products and services that will improve their lives. Products
and services that they didn't already know existed.”

Network Marketing: The Only Force

"Make no mistake: there is a crisis, a trend of epidemic proportions going in the

other direction in the rest of America. Network Marketing is the only force I see
on the horizon that has the potential to make this kind of huge change."

---Paul Zane Pilzer

Paul is not the only one positive about Network Marketing:

"The Future is Very Bright for the Network Marketing Industry"

---Robert T. Kiyosaki

Robert lays it on the line:

"Never before has it been so easy to become rich. It took me over 30 years and
two business failures to gain the education and experience needed to build a
successful business.

"The Network Marketing industry offers a ready-made business system to

wanting to take control of their financial future."
-- Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki of Rich-Dad-Poor-Dad Fame Predicts the Coming Boom in

Network Marketing

Your Wake-Up Call

"As the year 2010 approaches, more people will wake up to the realization that

the Industrial Age is over and that the rules of the world have changed forever.”

Network Marketing Beats a Job

"By the year 2010, which is not that far away, the first of 75 million baby boomers
in America reach the age of 65. Many will come to Network Marketing as a
means of building that lifetime of security that their job did not provide.

My rich dad said, "The richest people in the world look for and build networks,
everyone else looks for work."
------Robert T. Kiyosaki
For the 8 Hidden Values of Network Marketing other than Making $$$ Business

International Network Marketing is the Key

"A world wakes up. By the year 2010, as America's baby boomers end the
economic boom, a new set of baby boomers will be rising up in Asia. As the
economic boom shifts from America to Asia, people in international Network
Marketing companies will be in position to move with this trend as their friends
and neighbors fear being downsized.

"In other words, in this Information Age, the person competing for your job may
not live in your town or in your country."
------Robert T. Kiyosaki

Do you realize that RuSanEnt Group members are building an international

business from the comfort of their homes?

Are you starting to see how you could miss out if you don't position yourself today
in the wellness industry?

Do you understand why we are so excited to be positioned in the wellness

industry in Network Marketing from the comfort of our own homes?
Everything has been set up for you!

An International Business Built via the Power of Network Marketing

The RuSanEnt Support Group Will Educate You and help you achieve your

"Product or compensation plans are not the main reason I encourage people to
look into a Network Marketing business. The number one reason I recommend a
Network Marketing business is for its system of Education.

“You have to invest the time to look past the compensation and products and
really look into the heart of the company to see if it is truly interested in training
and educating you!"
------Robert T. Kiyosaki

The Beauty of our Business...

"The beauty of this business is that all you have to do to succeed, is to help other
people get the same things you want. This business is not measured in how
much money you make, but in how many people you help, and how many lives
you change"
-- Robert Kiyosaki

The beauty of genuine Network Marketing is that it is truly a people -helping

people business.
We are willing to help you!

Do you know that we make no money unless we help you to make money?

What could be safer than that? My friend, there is an old saying that the only silly
question is the one not asked! If anything is in the back of your mind, feel free to

What are you waiting for? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Do
yourself a favor, contact us right away and get the details on how you can work
with us and achieve your deepest dreams!

"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Highest regards!

Ruben Santiago

© Copyright 2004

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