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Quantum scattering calculations on the CH4+OH→CH3+H2O reaction

Gunnar Nyman and David C. Clary

Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 101, 5756 (1994); doi: 10.1063/1.467360
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Quantum scattering calculations on the CH 4 +OH-+CH 3 +H 2 0 reaction
Gunnar Nyman and David C. Clary
Depanment of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 lEW, United Kingdom
(Received 3 May 1994; accepted 17 June 1994)
Quantum scattering calculations on the CH4+OH-+CH3+H 20 reaction have been performed at
thermal energies. The rotating bond approximation is used, treating CH3 as a pseudoatom. The OH
rotation and a reactive C-H stretch of CH4 are treated explicitly as well as the bending motion and
one OH local stretch vibration of H20. Two potential energy surfaces are used. Both have accurate
reactant and product rovibrational energy levels for the modes explicitly treated in the scattering
calculations and incorporate the zero point energy of the other modes. They have correct bond
dissociation energies and transition state geometries in reasonable accord with ab initio data. Mode
selectivity is found: reactants in the ground rovibrational states produce ground state H20, and
vibrationally excited CH4 produces vibrationally excited H20. Reactant OH rotational excitation
decreases the reaction cross sections. Rate constants are obtained using an adiabatic approach to
account for all degrees of freedom not explicitly treated in the scattering calculations. Large
contributions due to tunneling are observed. The rate constants are in quite good agreement with
previous theoretical and experimental work.

I. INTRODUCTION Zhang and Zhang have obtained initial state-specific

thermal rate constants for the OH+H2 reaction treating five
Methane is a greenhouse gas which plays a significant degrees of freedom 38 and most recently treating all six de-
role in the heat balance of the atmosphere.' It is thus impor- grees of freedom explicitly.39 Manthe, Seideman, and
tant to assess the rate of removal of methane from the atmo- Mille?7 have calculated cumulative reaction probabilities ex-
sphere, for which the reaction of methane with hydroxyl actly for J =0 and used these to obtain thermal rate constants
radicals by invoking a J-shifting approximation. 41 Baer and co-
workers have applied a method35 in which the three radial
coordinates are treated explicitly while the three angular co-
ordinates are fixed during each collision, but varied between
is recognized as the main process.' This reaction has accord- collisions using a Monte Carlo scheme. Neuhauser has also
ingly received much interest both experimentally'-10 and recently carried out calculations of initially state selected re-
theoreticallyY-16 In the present work, we study the dynam- action probabilities for J=O using a time dependent
ics of this reaction with approximate quantum scattering method.40
theory. Recently the RBA has been applied to other four-atom
By 1990, the quantum mechanical treatment of reactive reactions, including CO+OH-+H+C02,23 Cl+HOD(H20)
scattering had progressed from the first accurate converged =HCl+OD(OH),42 HCl + OH(OD)-+Cl + H 20(HOD),42.43
cross sections for H+H2-+H2+H in 1976 17 to and HBr+OH-+Br+H 20.43 The present study extends the
F+H2-+HF+H.'8 The same year, the first quantum scatter- RBA to reactions involving more than four atoms. In the
ing calculations for realistic four-atom reactions in linear ge- scattering calculations, CH3 is treated as a pseudoatom Q,
ometries were published.'9,2o The first quantum scattering whereby reaction (Rl) can be written
calculation for a four-atom reaction with nonlinear geom-
etries were carried out by Clary for the OH+H2=H+H20 QH(v)+OHU)-+Q+H20(m,n).
reaction in 1991. 21 The method used in that work has since
been called the rotating bond approximation (RBA).22,23 In The quantum numbers v, j, m, and n represent the QH vi-
its fullest form, the RBA involves explicit treatment of all of bration, the OH rotation, the H20 bend, and a local OH
the vibrations of OH, H2, and H20, and rotations of OH, via stretch of H20, respectively. These degrees of freedom and
close-coupling calculations. The rotations of H2 are treated the relative translation are treated explicitly in the scattering
by using an adiabatic approximation. calculations by using the RBA. All other degrees of freedom
Subsequent quantum calculations of four-atom reactions are treated by an adiabatic approach, to be described later.
have also focused mainly on the OH + H2 = H + H20 reaction The present quantum scattering treatment of CH4 is ex-
and isotopically substituted variants. 22,24-40 In the method of pected to be reasonable as ab initio calculations show that at
Wang and Bowman, three radial distances are treated explic- the transition state, the methyl group has a very small barrier
itly, while all internal angular degrees of freedom, including to internal rotation,14 meaning that the main interaction with
the bending mode of H20, are treated adiabatically. Echave OH is through the reactive hydrogen in CH4. Perhaps the
and Clary have obtained state-to-state reaction probabilities main effect of the methyl group comes from its contribution
in accurate calculations for a total angular momentum J=O to the change in zero point energy as the reaction proceeds.
and planar geometries, freezing the nonreactive OH bond. 28 This is accounted for by an adiabatic approach, which in our

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implementation means that the interaction potential is de- energy surfaces used. In Sec. IV, the calculation of rate con-
signed such that it contains the zero point energy of all stants and tunneling is described, and in Sec. V, the results
modes not treated explicitly in the RBA. are presented and discussed. Conclusions are offered in Sec.
Some of the assumptions made in the RBA have previ- VI.
ously been tested by comparing with accurate quantum scat-
tering calculations on the H+H 20-+H2+OH reaction with II. THEORY
planar geometry, where the rotations of both H2 and OH are In this section, some aspects of the RBA calculations are
treated explicitly.28 It was found that the RBA gave quite discussed. Also, the adiabatic approach which is used to ac-
accurate reaction probabilities for reaction with vibrationally count for the degrees of freedom not explicitly treated by the
selected states of H20. Furthermore, cumulative reaction RBA is described.
probabilities from RBA calculations for the
OH + H 2-+ H + H20 reaction, where the H2 rotations are A. The RBA calculations
treated adiabaticalIy,25 are in good agreement with the full The RBA was developed to treat four-atom reactions and
dimensionality quantum mechanical calculations of Manthe, has been well documented previously.2l,25,42 In the present
Seide man, and Miller. 37 paper, the RBA is applied to the seven-atom reaction
For an ABC + D = A B + CD reaction, the fullest form of CH4+OH-+CH 3 +H 20. From the point of view of the quan-
the RBA 24 treats explicitly all three vibrations of the reactant tum scattering calculations, the CH 4 moiety is treated as a
ABC, along with the rotation of AB and the vibrations of quasidiatom QH, where Q is a quasiatom with the mass of
both AB and CD. Here the AB vibration is, however, not CH3. In this way, the OH+CH4 reaction is effectively re-
treated explicitly as it has been experimentally observed for duced to a four-atom problem. The effect of the other atoms
CI and H atoms reacting with H 20 that the nonreactive bond enters the scattering calculations only through adiabatic Zero-
in H 20 acts largely as a spectator. 44 - 46 For the point energy in the potentials we employ, which are de-
OH + H2-+H + H20 reaction, the spectator behavior of the scribed in Sec. m. Therefore, the theoretical development for
OH bond has been verified theoretically.24,25,39 This is ex- the scattering calculations is essentially the same as that
pected to be a good approximation also in reaction (Rl) as given before and the reader is referred to Refs. 21 and 42 for
the OH bond length is almost unchanged between reactant a description of this part of the theory.
OH and the transition state geometry.13,14 For later ease of reference, we give the Hamiltonian used
Two reduced dimensionality potential energy surfaces in the RBA calculations42
(RDPs) are developed in the present work. We apply the term
"reduced dimensionality" as these surfaces are explicit func- A h tf2
h a h
H=-2p, ap2-2p,p2 arF +2p,p2 1(1+1)-0 +4'
tions of a reduced number of coordinates. Both RDPs com-
bine an accurate potential function for H20 (Ref. 47) with a 2
London-Eyring-Polanyi-Sato (LEPS) function to describe h 2
+ 2MR(p,O)2 (j -0, )+BoHl + V(p,a,e), (1)
the C-H and OH reactive bonds. The potentials have accu-
rate reactant and product rovibrational energy levels, correct which has three degrees of freedom, where
bond dissociation energies, and transition state geometries in
reasonable accord with ab initio data. 13,14 As mentioned, they { mQmHmOmH )113 /MIRi
also incorporate the zero point energies of all modes not p,=\mQ+mH+mo+mH ' p= V---;:- +---;:-,
explicitly treated in the RBA calculations. The two RDPs
differ mainly in the barrier height such that one surface
RDPI has a vibrationally adiabatic ground state (VAG) bar-
rier height of 5.9 kcaVmol, which is in accord with the ab
initio calculations of Melissas and Truhlar. 14 For the other
surface RDP2, the VAG barrier height is 6.7 kcaVmol.
In our previous work on the HCl +OD (Ref. 42) and Here J is the angular momentum operator associated with
HCl+OH (Ref. 43) reactions, we found mode-selective be- OH, which has the rotational constant B OH ' 1 is the total
havior. For instance, reactants in rovibrational ground states angular momentum, and 0 is the projection quantum number
were found to produce ground state products, and vibrational of 1 and j (the rotational quantum number corresponding to
excitation of the HCI reactant gave vibrationally excited wa- ]) along R I . RI is the vector connecting the OH center of
ter molecules. These effects are also found in the present mass with the QH center of mass and R I is the corresponding
study. Furthermore, for HCl+OH(j), it was found that the scalar. R2 and R3 are the OH and QH internuclear separa-
reaction cross sections depend approximately on (2j + 1) -I . tions, respectively. R is the distance from H in QH to the
The same effect is seen here for the OH +CH4 reaction center of mass of OH. e is the angle between R2 and R I · mA
though it is not quantitatively reproduced, which we believe is the mass of species A. Other symbols have their usual
relates to the much larger activation energy in the present meaning.
reaction. To derive the Hamiltonian in Eq. (1), the centrifugal sud-
The remainder of this paper is structured such that in den approximation (also known as the coupled states or lz
Sec. II, the RBA calculations and the adiabatic approach are conserving approximation48,49) has been invoked, whereby 0,
described. Section III contains a description of the potential is treated as a good quantum number. p is called the hyper-
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5758 G. Nyman and D. C. Clary: CH4 +OH->CH 3 +H2 0 reaction

radius and 0 is the hyperangle. By diagonalizing the Hamil- TABLE 1. Values for several parameters used in the RBA calculations.'
tonian in Eq. (1) for fixed values of p and plotting the eigen-
values against P. the so-called hyperspherical adiabats are Parameter Value
obtained. 18.9 cm- 1
The R-matrix propagator method50•51 is used to solve the 18
close coupling equations for different fixed 0 values. for all 98
values of 1 contributing to the reactive scattering.
The R matrix is propagated from a small value of the hyper- 60-99
radius in the classically forbidden region out to some large 107.20
value such that the fonning reaction fragments appear inde-
'Notation as in Ref. 42 except for BOH •
pendent of each other. Boundary conditions are applied.
whereby the S matrix 51 for scattering between all energeti-
cally allowed states is obtained.
For all geometries relevant to this discussion. one of the
The probability of going from an initial state (v.j). to a
three principal moments of inertia is clearly smaller than the
final state (m.n) is given by
other two. We therefore refer to the corresponding principal
pi. a
= Isi.f!- 12
U,j-+m,n' (2) axis as the unique axis and note that in the RBA this is the R I
were Si.n . I
v.j-+m.n IS an e ement 0
. pJ.n<o
f the S matnx. .
v.j-+m.n IS A particular feature of the RBA is that the rotation of OH
. d f pi.-a _pi.a hi h·
o btame rom v.j-+m,n - v.j-+m,n' W C IS va 1 lor our l·d &
in the present reaction is treated explicitly. This allows the
Hamiltonian. study of mode-selective effects with respect to this rotation.
The transition probabilities are converted to detailed ro- Treating this rotation explicitly without allowing it to couple
tating bond cross sections Uv,j-+m.n for going from an initial to other angular degrees of freedom. however. requires jus-
state (v.j) to a final state (m. n) using the relation tification. First. the high symmetry of CH4 results in a quite
unhindered OH rotational motion about the unique axis at the
7T J.n (3) transition state and thus. coupling of this motion to CH4 is
( 2·+1)k2.£.J £.J (2J+l)Pv.j ..... m.n.
U u,j--+m,n
J V.l a i;;.lal weak. This agrees with Melissa's and Truhlar's calculation of
the barrier height to internal rotation. which was found to be
only 0.02 kcallmol. 14 Second. while the OH rotational mo-
tion in a plane containing the unique axis is strongly coupled
(4) to CH4 at the transition state. this is approximately treated in
the RBA through the interaction with the reactive hydrogen
fL: is the reduced mass of the colliding system and E v •j is the atom in CH4 .
OH(j) + QH( v) energy. We use Eq. (3) without considering Another aspect concerns the OH rotational energy asso-
symmetry. which is not needed as absolute cross sections are ciated with its rotation about the unique axis. This energy is
not presented. The symmetry must be considered in calculat- conserved if the OH rotation about this axis is uncoupled
ing rate constants. which is described in Sec. IV. from CH4 and the average of the inverse of the OH moment
The detailed cross sections in Eq. (3) refer to transitions of inertia about it does not change as the reaction proceeds.
between the specified initial and final states. The state of the We expect this to be a reasonable approximation which jus-
adiabatically treated degrees of freedom is not explicitly tifies that in the RBA the initial OH rotational energy about
specified. In Sec. II B. it will become clear that these are in R J is conserved. whereby it does not contribute energy to. or
their ground state and therefore our cross sections are closely withdraw energy from. the reaction coordinate.
related to full-dimensionality calculations. where the CH4 re- In the RBA calculations. the R-matrix propagation has
actant is initially nonrotating. been initiated at a hyperradius p=7.0 A and tenninated at
The detailed cross sections in Eq. (3) may be summed p=26.0-30.0 A. One hundred and thirty-five to 165 sectors
over all final states {m. n} to obtain total cross sections for were used and the transition probabilities were averaged over
reaction out of a specified initial state. This is done at several the last 15-30 sectors.22 Some other numerical aspects are
places in this paper. Our cross sections are not directly com- given in Table I. For 1=0. the RBA cumulative reaction
parable with otherwise detennined absolute cross sections. probabilities. i.e .• reaction probabilities summed over all ini-
Conversion procedures to obtain absolute cross sections for tial and final states. are converged to within 1% for all ener-
anABC(m.n)+D--+AB(j)+CD(v) reaction has been dis- gies used here. State-to-state reaction cross sections are con-
cussed previously.22.31 The conversion essentially involves verged to within 3%. The RBA calculations are performed
summing the cross sections over the available energy levels for 99 total energies in the range 0.01-0.99 eV for 0=0 and
of the adiabatically treated degrees of freedom at the transi- for 18 total energies in the range 0.05-0.60 eV for 0*0.
tion state and dividing by a weighted sum of initial states.
This is not done in the present qualitative investigation of
B. The adiabatic approach
mode selectivity in the OH +CH4 reaction. but is accounted
for in the calculation of thermal rate constants. Most degrees of freedom in the CH4 +OH reaction are
We now discuss some aspects of the approximations not explicitly treated in the RBA. Instead they are treated by
made here. in particular. in regards to the treatment of CH4 • a modified version of the adiabatic bend theory due to

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G. Nyman and D. C. Clary: CH 4 +OH-.CH 3 +H 20 reaction 5759

Bowman. 3o•52 Bowman's approach is to treat vibrational some unspecified state of the e modes), then the reaction
stretch motions explicitly while bends are treated adiabati- probability for some excited state of the a modes P n(E) is
cally. In brief, the Schrodinger equation is solved approxi- found as
mately in two steps. First it is solved for the Hamiltonian
Pn(E)=Po(E-d€), (7)
associated with the bending degrees of freedom for a poten-
tial that refers to fixed values of the radial coordinates. The where
eigenvalues obtained are then added to the Hamiltonian for (8)
d€= €!.n- €!.o·
the radial coordinates, for which the close coupling equations
are solved. This treatment implicitly assumes that the bend- is the energy difference at the transition state between the
ing degrees of freedom instantaneously adjust to changes in excited state and the ground state of the adiabatically treated
the radial coordinates, in the same way as the electrons are degrees of freedom.
taken to instantaneously adjust to nuclear motions in the Using the energy shift approximation, the scattering cal-
Born -Oppenheimer approximation. culations need only be performed for the a modes in their
The adiabatic bend treatment of Bowman is accurate if ground states. Therefore the known ground state eigenvalues
the degrees of freedom not treated explicitly only influence Ea.n=o are added to the ab initio values before these
the reaction by supplying or withdrawing energy due to a are used to fit the RDP. In this way, Ha need not be diago-
change in their frequency along the reaction path. The main nalized, a global potential energy surface is not needed, and
difference here is that the degrees of freedom we treat ex- yet, an adiabatic treatment of all modes not treated explicitly
plicitly are two stretches and a bend. Both types of adiabatic in the RBA is obtained at no additional computational ex-
approaches have been shown to work well for the H2 +OH pense. Details of how the zero point energy Ea.n=o is in-
reaction. 25 •37 cluded in the potential are found in Sec. III. The mentioned
Collectively denoting the adiabatically treated degrees of energy shift is used in calculating rate constants as described
freedom a and the others e, we may write in Sec. IV.


where fIa is the Hamiltonian for the a modes. Ta is the The two potential energy surfaces developed for the
kinetic energy operator of these modes, and V(a;e) is the CH4 +OH--.CH 3 +H20 reaction are modeled in a similar
potential energy surface, V(a;e) is a function of 15 coordi- way to what we have used previously for the
nates even though the ones associated with the e modes are HX +OH=>X + H 20 (X=>CI,Br) reactions. 43 An important
held fixed. To solve the Schrodinger equation for fIa repeat- difference is, however, that here the zero point energy of all
edly for different values of the fixed coordinates requires that modes not treated explicitly in the quantum mechanical scat-
V(a;e) is globally known. tering calculations is included in each potential energy sur-
Obtaining an accurate potential energy surface in 15 di- face. The potentials we use are thus tailored to the present
mensions is not realistic at the present time. Instead, we only calculations. While thus having the advantage of having at
obtain a reduced dimensionality potential, which essentially least in an approximate way dealt with the zero point ener-
is a complete potential for the degrees of freedom treated gies, the same potential is not necessarily applicable in other
explicitly, but not for the others. This means that we are types of calculations, including those involving isotope sub-
forced to make approximations to the adiabatic treatment. stitutions.
The ab initio potential energy information we have Each potential energy surface is expanded in the form
available for reaction (Rl) are the barrier height, exothermic- V= VLEPS(rOH, rHQ, rOQ) + VHp(rOH, row, rHH')
ity and harmonic vibrational frequencies of reactants, prod-
ucts, and transition state. 13 •14 With only this information, the (9)
eigenvalues E a•n of fIa where n collectively labels the quan-
tum states of the a modes, are simply taken to be the sum of
the harmonic energies associated with each relevant vibra- TABLE II. LEPS Morse parameters applying to both the RDPI and RDP2
potential energy surfaces (in atomic units). The Sato parameters is -0.0086
tional frequency, i.e.,
for RDPI and -0.015 83 for RDP2.

2.06161" 2.664 41b 1.832<
0.172 569 d 0.129085 b 0.16982<
Here Vi is a harmonic vibrational frequency and the sum is 1.010 67e 1.12542b 1.214f
over the adiabatically treated modes.
aFor C-H bond in CH4 (Ref. 7).
It is assumed that the reaction is dominated by the shape bFor the O-C bond in (CH 3hO (Ref. 71).
of the adiabatic potential associated with the ground states of <Diatomic OH (Ref. 47).
these degrees of freedom, such that reaction probabilities for dFor the C-H bond in CH4 adding zero point energy to spectroscopic dis-
sociation energy (Ref. 70).
excited states can be found by an energy shift eVaried to give QH frequency close to the frequency of the v3b mode of
approximation. 52 Thus, if the reaction probability is P o(E) at CH4 •
total energy E with the a modes in their ground states (and fTaken from Ref. 72.

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where rAB is the distance between atoms A and B. VLEPS is a TABLE III. Some characteristics of the RDPI and RDP2 potential energy
LEPS potential function 53 with parameters given in Table II. surfaces.
V HzO is a potential energy surface due to Murrell and
Saddle point geometry (A)
Carter47 that gives the vibrational energy levels for H20 ac- RDPI RDP2
curately and also gives a reasonable description of the disso-
rQH 1.282 1.286
ciation of H20 (the prime on the unreactive hydrogen in H20 1.179 1.181
is only used when needed for clarity). V OH is the potential rOH' 0.965 0.965
function in V H20 describing the two-body O-H interaction. It LHOH' 101° 101°
is subtracted out as such a term already exists in V LEPS' In LQHO 1800 180°
the potential for H 20 in Ref. 47 there is a term in Harmonic saddle point frequencies (em-I)
and one in r;w which have here been removed to avoid RDPI RDP2
an unphysical interaction in the CH40H potential when rHH' 2275i 232li
and rOH or rHH' and rOH' are quite large. This has no signifi- In-plane bend 469 469
cant effect on the vibrational energy levels of H20. Symmetric stretch 572 570
There is a single parameter to vary in the potential, viz. Out-of-plane bend 635 635
HOH bend 1548 1547
the Sato parameter in the LEPS function. The usual proce- OH stretch 3708 3706
dure is to vary this parameter to obtain a desired value for the
classical barrier height. Here it is instead varied to obtain Barrier heights (em -I)
what we call a reduced dimensionality barrier (RDB) height
in that it is adapted to a quantum calculation treating explic- RDB 2573 2859
itly only a reduced number of degrees of freedom. The RDB VAG barrier 2063 2348
Scattering path 2581 2868
height is obtained by adding the zero point energy of all
modes not treated explicitly in the quantum scattering calcu- Reactant and product harmonic frequencies (cm -I)
lations, to the classical potential at the transition state and to RDPIIRDP2
the reactants at equilibrium. QH stretch 3140
The difference between the VAG barrier height and the OH stretch 3738
RDB height is just the zero point energy of the explicitly H20 bend 1611
treated modes. The only reactant mode treated in the RBA H20 stretch 3832
H20 stretch 3937
which contain zero point energy is the Q-H stretch. For the
transition state, the H 20 bend and the symmetric stretch of
the transition state (treated by the hyperradius) are the only
modes in the RBA which hold zero point energy. Accord- frequencies are 2275 and 2321 cm- I for RDPI and RDP2,
ingly, the VAG barrier height for each RDP is calculated respectively. The imaginary saddle point frequency obtained
from ab initio by Melissas and Truhlar is 1830 cm -1.14
In the scattering calculations, the H20 vibrational fre-
(10) quencies are calculated with OH held fixed and are therefore
not exact. For RDP1(RDP2), the fundamental bend fre-
where V* and V r denote the values of the RDP at the transi- quency is 1612(1612) cm- I for 0=0, which compares fa-
tion state, here placed at the saddle point, and for reactants at vorably with the experimental value of 1595 cm- I . 54 The
equilibrium, respectively. iig, ii;, and iiQH are normal mode fundamental local OH stretch frequency is 3700(3698) cm- I
frequencies and refer to the H20 bend at the saddle point, the for 0=0, in good agreement with the average of the experi-
symmetric stretch of the transition state, and the QH stretch mental symmetric stretch frequency 3657 cm -1 and asym-
of the reactants, in that order. metric stretch frequency 3756 cm- I of H20.54 The HQ fun-
For RDPI, Eq. (10) gives a VAG barrier height of 5.90 damental frequency is 3007(3006) cm -I, which agrees well
kcalJmol, which agrees with the value quoted by Melissas with the experimental value 3019 cm- I for the triply degen-
and Truhlar ll (referring to their second-order erate normal modes V3b of CH4, where a CH stretch is
(MP2)/adj-cc-pVTZ calculations). For RDP2, the VAG bar- identified. 54
rier height is 6.71 kca1/mol. 13 In Table III, some characteris- The reaction path in the scattering calculations does not
tics of the potential energy surfaces are given. follow the minimum energy path. From Table III, it is, how-
The ab initio calculations by Melissas and Truhlar l4 give ever, seen that the barrier along the scattering path is within
for the saddle point geometries in Angstroms and degrees 10 cm -1 of the saddle point value. The
rQH=1.l9, rOH=1.30, rOH,=0.970, LHOH=97.1, and QH(v=0)+OH(j=0)-->Q+H20(0,0) reaction is 0.583 eV
LQHO= 170. This compares reasonably well with the values exoergic in the scattering calculations on both RDPI and
in Table III. We note, however, that for our potentials RDP2, in agreement with ab initio calculations and the ex-
r QH > r OH' which agrees with the ab initio calculations at the perimental exotherrnicity.13
Hartree-Fock level, but not when electronic correlation is
included. 14 It should also be noted that our saddle point ge- IV. RATE CONSTANTS AND TUNNELING
ometries refer to potentials which contain the zero point en- A convenient expression. for the thermal rate constant
ergy of the modes not treated in the RBA. The imaginary is 55 •56

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k(T)=[21TfiQr(T)r 1 -00 dE exp(-ElkT)N(E),

where e'r!is the symmetric top rotational energy of the tran-
sition state given by
where T is the temperature, E is the total energy, Qr( T) is
the reactant partition function per unit volume, and N(E) is
the cumulative reaction probability obtained by summing the where Bave=(B+ C)12, and A, B, and C are rigid rotor con-
state-to-state reaction probabilities over all final and all ini- stants. Inserting Eqs. (16) and (17) in Eq. (14), it is straight-
tial states at a certain total energy. forward to obtain
Cumulative reaction probabilities from the RBA calcula-
tions NRBA(E) are only summed over the states treated ex- Q'(T) f+oo
k(T) =21TfiQ/T) -00 dE exp(-ElkT)
plicitly in the scattering calculations. An approximation to
the exact N(E) is obtained by convoluting NRB\E) with the
density of states of the remaining modes P(E). Thus XNRBA(E,J=O, K=O), (18)
N(E)= foE dE'NRBA(E')p(E-E'), (12)

which is equivalent to the energy shift approximation intro- and

duced in Sec. II B. If NRB\E) in Eq. (12) is replaced by a co J
sum of states for the corresponding modes, one obtains the
convolution integral often used to obtain the sum of states
Q;ot= 2: (21+ 1) 2: exp( - €:!lkT) (20)
J=O K=-J
over several degrees of freedom, for instance, in unimolecu-
lar reactions. 57 is the rigid rotor symmetric top approximation for the rota-
Inserting Eq. (12) into Eq. (11), changing the order of tional partition function of the CH40H complex. Equation
integration and introducing E" = E - E' gives (18) is used to obtain rate constants in the J-shifting approxi-
k(T)=[21TfiQr(T)r 1
-00 dE' exp(-E'/kT) In all calculations to be reported, Q(T) and Qr(T) were
evaluated in the harmonic oscillator-rigid rotor approxima-
tion. In Sec. V C, the lowest frequency mode at the transition
XNRBA(E') fo dE"p(E")exp(-E"lkT). (13) state was treated as a one-dimensional hindered internal rotor
as described by Truhlar. 58 The moment of inertia for the in-
ternal rotation was set to 7690 a.u. and the symmetry to 3. 14
In Eq. (13), the second integral is identified with the partition
Otherwise, symmetry is not considered when evaluating the
function Q(T) for all modes not treated explicitly by the external rotational partition functions (which were evaluated
RBA which gives by summing over the rotational energy levels). Instead the
Q(T) f+oo rate constant expression in Eq. (14) or Eq. (18) is multiplied
k(T) = 21TfiQr(T) -00 dE exp( - ElkT)NRBA(E) , by a factor 12.14 The geometry and vibrational harmonic fre-
quencies for the eclipsed transition state obtained ab initio
(at MP2Iadj-cc-pVTZ level) by Melissas and Truhlar l4 were
where the superscript prime has been dropped. This expres- used, and similarly for the reactants. This gives (in cm - I)
sion is evaluated to obtain the thermal rate constant in our 4.07,0.313, and 0.308 for the rotational constants at the tran-
full centrifugal sudden calculations. sition state and 5.35 for CH4, while the one for OH is as in
To obtain NRBA(E), scattering calculations for all con- Table I.
tributing values of J and n have to be performed. We have The use of symmetry numbers results from assuming
therefore applied the "J-shifting" approximation,41 whereby that nuclear spin is separable from rotation. With the aid of
actual scattering calculations need only be performed for Ref. 59, we have evaluated the coupled nuclear spin-
J =0. We find that this approximation works well, which is rotational partition function for CH4, taking the 16 (24) low-
shown in Sec. V B. It is now described how the J-shifting est nuclear spin functions to be degenerate and others not to
approximation has been used to obtain the rate constants contribute at all. We find that separating the nuclear spin and
presented in Sec. V C (this procedure differs in detail from rotational partition functions is accurate to within 1% at 40 K
that used in Sec. V B). and excellent at the temperatures considered here.
CH40H at the transition state is treated as a symmetric Q(T) refers to the vibrational degrees of freedom not
top and we identify n with the symmetric top rotational treated in the RBA at the transition state. It therefore contains
quantum number K. In obvious notation neither the symmetric stretch of the transition state complex,
00 J which is treated by the hyperradius in the RBA, nor the
NRBA(E) = 2: (2J+ I) 2: NRBA(E,J,K). (15) mode which is largely a H 20 bend. From ab initio calcula-
tions using CADPAC,60 we identified these two modes with
J=O K=-J
the frequencies 769 and 1414 cm- I of Melissas and
lnvoking the J-shifting approximation gives Truhlar,14 respectively.

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5762 G. Nyman and D. C. Clary: CH 4 +OH-+CH 3 +H 20 reaction

A final point to note regarding the rate constant is that where E* is the J dependent vibrationally adiabatic thresh-
OHen) has four thermally accessible electronic states occur- old energy (since we are considering reaction out of the
ring in two degenerate pairs (neglecting A doubling) sepa- ground state, only 0.=0 is needed). Again carrying through
rated due to the spin-orbit coupling. The energy difference the derivation from Eq. (11) to Eq. (14) and then invoking
was here set to 181 K, which allows for the difference in the J -shifting approximation, which in Sec. V B will be
rotational motion between the spin-orbit split states. One of shown to work well, Eq. (21) can be transformed into
the upper and one of the lower states correlate with a 2A"
surface and the other two with a 2A' surface of the CH 40H G_ dE exp(-ElkT)NRBA,G(E,J=O, K=O)
complex assuming C s symmetry, which is found by Melissas - +00 RBAG •
f/J.vvAGdEexp(-ElkT)N '(E,J=O, K=O)
and Truhlar at the transition state. 14 We assume that the 2A" sp
surface is well above the 2A' surface in the transition state
region. Assuming electronic adiabaticity leads us to mUltiply We also define a ground state transmission coefficient KG
the rate constant in Eq. (18) by a temperature independent which is obtained from Eq. (22) by the denominator setting
factor of 112 and leaving out the electronic partition function
in the denominator. The same temperature independent factor NRBA,G(E,J=O, K=O)== I, for E>6. (23)
of 112 is obtained if the electronic partition functions are
evaluated explicitly and it is additionally assumed that the This gives
spin-orbit coupling yields the same energy splitting at the
transition state as it does for reactant OH.
Next the ground state tunneling coefficient (G denot-
G= kIT exp ( 6. J:: dE exp( - ElkT)

ing the ground state) is defined as the ratio of the thermal XNRBA,G(E,J=O, K=O). (24)
rate constant out of the ground state to the thermal rate con-
stant out of the ground state obtained if reaction probabilities The transmission coefficient thus gives the ratio of the
below the vibrationally adiabatic threshold are set to zero. quantum mechanical ground state rate constant to the one
Denoting cumulative reaction probabilities out of the ground where no tunneling occurs and there is no reflection at ener-
state NG(E), it is seen from Eq. (11) that can be written gies above the adiabatic ground state barrier, which is in
G_ dE exp( - ElkT)NG(E) agreement with previous usage. 61
(21) Convergence tests suggest that presented values for
- f;: dE exp( - ElkT)NG(E) , KG, and thermal rate constants obtained using the J -shifting



15 (0,0)


o L______ )
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

FIG. I. Reaction cross sections for CH4(v=0)+OH(j=0)-+CH3 +H20(m,n) as a function of translational energy on RDPI. State selected cross sections
are labeled (m,n). The curve labeled "total" represents cross sections summed over all product states.

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e 4000
c 2000

a (2, 0)

(1, 0)

(0, 0)
10 15 20 25 30


FIG. 2. Hyperspherical adiabatic energy levels for the CH4 +OH=CH3 +H20 reaction for !l=O as a function of the hyperradius on RDPI. The four lowest
adiabats correspond to H20 states at large values of p, as labeled. The next adiabat corresponds to the CH4(v =O)+OH(j=O) state at large values of p. The
dashed curve marks the potential ridge.

approximation are converged to within = 1%, while thermal We have previously found that the HCI(u =O)+OD(j
rate constants obtained from full centrifugal sudden calcula- =0) (Ref. 42) and HCI(v=O)+OH(j=O) (Ref. 43) reactions
tions are converged to within 2%. mostly produce vibrational ground state water molecules, as
is also found here for the CH4 (u =O)+OH(j=O) reaction.
These reactions are of the HLH type and have similar exo-
thermicity (=0.6 eV). The Hz{u =O)+OH(j=O),
A. Cross sections and mode selectivity H 2(u =O)+OD(j=O), D 2 (u =O)+OH(j=O), and
In this section, reaction cross sections obtained using Eq. HBr(u =O)+OH(j=O) reactions on the other hand produce
(3) are reported. In Fig. I, detailed reaction cross sections for vibrationally excited water molecules.24,26,43 The HBr+OH
the CH4 (u =0)+OH(j=0)-+CH 3 +H 20(m,n) reaction on reaction is of the HLH type, but it has an exothermicity of
RDPI are shown as a function of translational energy. It is about 1.3 eV.43 The vibrational state of the H20 product can
seen that H20 is almost produced exclusively in its ground be understood from the hyperspherical adiabats.
vibrational state up to 0.4 e V translational energy and this In Fig. 3, detailed reaction cross sections for the
product state clearly dominates over the whole energy range CH4 (u=1)+OH(j=0)-+CH 3 +H 20(m,n) reaction on RDPI
shown. are shown as a function of translational energy. It is notice-
From the cross sections in Fig. 1, it is clear that there is able how the product (0,1) and (1,1) states are preferentially
an activation energy associated with the populated. Thus the initial quantum of energy in the breaking
CH4 (u =O)+OH(j=O) reaction, which results from the VAG bond of CH4 is transferred to the forming OH bond in H20.
barrier of 0.256 eV. This can also be inferred from the hy- This behavior is analogous to what we observed for the HCI
perspherical adiabats shown in Fig. 2. There is an avoided +OD-+CI + HOD reaction, where initial excitation of the
crossing between the curves with reactant and product HCI bond is transferred to the local OH stretch in HOD. 42
ground state character close to the ridge at p=9.5 bohr. This For the H2(u=1)+OH(j=0) reaction on the other hand, the
avoided crossing is clearly above the energy of the reactants, (0,2) state of H20 dominates. 26
giving an activation barrier. The fact that it is the ground In Fig. 4, detailed reaction cross sections for the
state curves which encounter an avoided crossing explains CH4 (u=0)+OH(j=1)-+CH 3 +H 20(m,n) reaction on RDPI
the production of ground state products. The significance of are shown as a function of translational energy. Figure 4 is
the ridge and the avoided crossings for heavy-light-heavy based on results from n=o (1/3 weight) and n= 1 (2/3
(HLH) reactions have been discussed previously.42,43,62 weight) calculations. As in Fig. 1, H20 is preferentially pro-
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5764 G. Nyman and D. C. Clary: CH 4 +OH .....CH 3 +H2 0 reaction






Ul 15
·M 10
0 (1,1)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

FIG. 3. Reaction cross sections for CHiv= 1)+OH(j=0) ..... CH 3 +H 20(m.n) as a function of translational energy on RDPI. State selected cross sections
are labeled (m.n). The curve labeled total represents cross sections summed over all product states.






o 2 0
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

FIG. 4, Reaction cross sections for CHiv=O)+OH(j=1) ..... CH 3 +H20(m.n) as a function of translational energy on RDPI. State selected cross sections
uv=o,j= are labeled (m.n). The curve labeled total represents cross sections summed over all product states.

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G. Nyman and D. C. Clary: CH4 +OH->CH3 +H 20 reaction 5765

tions when averaged over 0 (the j =0 cross sections must be

divided by two for this to hold).
For the OH+CH4 reaction, there is at low energies a
quite strong increase in the j = 101 cross sections with j,
which is illustrated in Fig. 7. This is due probably to the
large activation energy present in the CH4 +OH reaction,
whereby the increase in total energy with increasing j en-
hances reaction. The combination of the two effects now
discussed produces the j dependence seen in Fig. 5.

B. The J-shlftlng approximation

0 In this section, we compare NRBA(E,J,K) obtained from
0.1 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.' 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.0
centrifugal sudden calculations with the ones obtained using
the J-shifting approximation. In making this comparison, the
J -shifting approximation is implemented to conform to the
(b) energy levels for external rotation produced by the RBA
0.7 Hamiltonian in Eq. (1) at the barrier in the potential along
the scattering path. These levels depend on the values of 1
and O. Remembering that operating with results in a pro-
0.5 jection 0 2 along R I , the rigid rotor levels obtained from Eq.
0 ••
(1) are seen to be
0.3 [J(J+ 1)-02]+B oH0 2, (25)
f..LP s
where Ps is the value of the hyperradius at the scattering path
barrier and a reference level tfXl=O is assumed.
The energy levels of Eq. (25) are identical to those of a
0,07 0.09 0.1
0.05 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15
prolate symmetric top with rotational constants
B=C=1I,2/(2f..Lp;) and A=B oH . For RDPl, Ps=9.4652
bohr giving B=0.345 cm- I . The J shifting is performed as
FIG. 5. Reaction cross sections for CHiv=O)+OHU)->CH)+HzO described in Sec. IV, but using the rotational constants just
summed over all product states and averaged over 0 are shown as II function given and identifying 0 with K.
of translational energy using RDPI. The value of j is indicated for each
curve in (a) and the order is the same in (b).
In Fig. 8, NRBA(E,J,K=O) is shown as a function of J
for RDPI for three values of the total energy, which is mea-
sured from the CH4 +OH ground state. Centrifugal sudden
duced in its vibrational ground state. The most significant results (for O=K) are compared with results from the RBA
difference to the CH4 (v=0)+OH(j=0)-+CH3 +H 20(m,n) adapted J -shifting approximation. The agreement is seen to
reaction is the larger population in the product (1,0) state, be good.
which results from the 0=0 contribution to the In Fig. 9, N RBA(E,J,K=3) is shown as a function of J
CH4(v=0)+OH(j=I) cross sections. Again, this is similar for RDPI for three values of the total energy. Results from
to what we observed for the HCI +OD reaction. 42 the RBA adapted J-shifting procedure setting 0=3 in Eq.
In Fig. 5, reaction cross sections for RDPI out of the (25) are compared with centrifugal sudden results for 0=3.
=O)+OH(j) states for j:S;.7 are shown as a function of Again, the cumulative reaction probabilities in the J -shifting
translational energy. These cross sections are summed over approximation, which are based on scattering calculations
all product CH 3 +H 20 states and averaged over O. They are for 1=0=0 only, are in good agreement with the centrifugal
seen to decrease with j, which results from averaging them sudden ones, which result from explicit scattering calcula-
over 0 as will be illustrated next. tions for all relevant values of J for, in this case, 0=3.
The cross sections are large for reaction out of OH(j The results in Figs. 8 and 9 suggest that the J -shifting
=101), but smaller when j>IOI. At the energies most impor- approximation works well for all translational and rotational
tant for the thermal rate constant at room temperature, the energies important in calculating the thermal rate constant
differences are quite large, which is illustrated in Fig. 6 for and should thus be most useful for this purpose. To investi-
j =I, 2, 3, and 7. This is also in agreement with our obser- gate this, an explicit calculation of the thermal rate constant
vations for the HCI +OH and HBr+OH reactions. 43 For will be presented. To do this, we note that the RBA treats the
these two reactions, which have no or small activation en- OH rotation about RI as uncoupled from the methyl rotation
ergy, the j=IOI cross sections (which are summed over all about this axis. In calculating full centrifugal sudden rate
product states, but not averaged over 0) are further rather constants, these rotations should thus appear as two free one-
independent of the value of j. This leads to an approximate dimensional (ID) rotors in Eq. (14), where the methyl rota-
(2j + I I dependence of the low energy reaction cross sec- tion appears in Q and the OH rotation and orbital motion is

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30 30
c.) j-l Ib) j-2

25 2.
20 20

15 15

.!l 10

0 0
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.' 0.45 0.' 0.55 0.' 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.' D.tS 0.' 0.55 0.1
stuns/eV Itrans/.V

Ce, j-3 30
(d) j-7

, 25
i 20
: 1l

u 10
u 10

0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0
0.' 0.45 0.' 0.55 0.0 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0 •• 0.45 0 ••

FIG. 6. Reaction cross sections for CH4 (v =0) +OH(j ,,n)-+CH3 + H 20 summed over all product states are shown as a function of translational energy using
RDPl. The value of j is indicated to the left in each panel. The value of,n is indicated to the right in each panel.

30 6

::s 1
rf 20

0 15


0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0_3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6

FIG. 7. Reaction cross sections for CHiv =0)+OH(j=!1)-+CH 3 +H20 summed over all product states are shown as a function of translational energy using
RDPJ. The value of !1 is indicated for each curve.

J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 101, No.7, 1 October 1994

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0.2 eV
u 0.4



0.15 eV

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

FIG. 8. NRBA(E,J,K) calculated on RDPI using the centrifugal sudden approximation (solid lines) are compared with results from the RBA adapted J-shifting
approximation (dashed lines) for three energies as indicated (K=O).

part of the integral. This picture, with two ID rotations, is from accurate calculations for J>O. We find in comparing
equivalent to that of an external rotation for a rigid CH40H with centrifugal sudden calculations that the J -shifting ap-
complex about RI combined with a free internal rotation. proximation works well, both for K=O and K,*O. Consider-
To make the evaluation of the rate constant in the ing the substantial savings in computer time, we will there-
J-shifting approximation in Eq. (18) consistent with that of fore in Sec. V C use the J -shifting approximation to calculate
the centrifugal sudden evaluation in Eq. (14), Q' contains thermal rate constants as described in Sec. IV.
free ID rotations of both OH and the methyl group and also
orbital motion. The rotational constants for OH, the methyl
group, and orbital motion were here set to 18.9, 5.35, and
c. Rate constants and tunneling
0.345 cm -I, respectively. The symmetry number for the me- In this section, thermal rate constants and tunneling and
thyl rotation is 3. The modes treated as pure vibrations are as transmission coefficients are presented. In Fig. 10, the loga-
given in Sec. IV. rithm of the thermal rate constant is shown vs inverse tem-
In Table IV, thermal rate constants in the J-shifting ap- perature. Rate constants calculated for RDPI and RDP2 are
proximation are compared to centrifugal sudden ones, in compared with experimental results by Vaghjiani and
both cases obtained using the procedures just described. Ravishankara, l Dunlop and Tully,1O and Sharkey and Smith. 8
RDPI was used and the temperature range is 178-420 K. Also included are variational transition state theory (VTST)
The J -shifting approximation is seen to give thermal rate results by Melissas and Truhlar 14 for a potential with the
constants in good agreement with the centrifugal sudden same VAG barrier height as RDPI.
ones, as anticipated from Figs. 8 and 9. Though not seen The agreement is quite good between the rate constant
from Table IV, the agreement is better than 10% up to at calculated on RDP2 and the experimental ones by Vaghjiani
least 800 K. and Ravishankara, and Dunlop and Tully. In particular, no-
The J -shifting approximation41 has been found to work tice the good agreement in slope between these rate con-
excellently for H + H2 (Ref. 41) and D+ H2 (Ref. 63) in com- stants. Nonadiabatic transitions give rise to a very non-
parison with exact calculations of Chatfield et al. 64 and Arrhenius form for the thermal rate constant. 69 The results in
Zhang and Miller. 65 Auerbach and Miller recently tested the Fig. 10 thus suggest that nonadiabatic transitions are unim-
J-shifting approximation for the D+ H2(v = 1) reaction up to portant for the OH +CH4 reaction.
700 K and found that it gives rotationally averaged rate con- At 300 K, our rate constant on the RDPI surface is
stants in quite good agreement with exact calculations.66 larger than that of Melissas and Truhlar by a factor 2.3. This
The J -shifting approximation has also been examined by may be due largely to the use of different potentials, even
Moribayashi et at. 67 and Mielke et ai. 68 for D + H2 and they though the VAG barrier height is the same, and is consistent
suggest improved versions which, however, require input with the larger imaginary frequency on RDPI than found ab
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5768 G. Nyman and D. C. Clary: CH 4 +OH ..... CH3 +H 20 reaction


0.25 eV


u 0.4
0.3 0.2 eV
_- .. _- .......................


0.15 eV

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

FIG. 9. NRB\E,J,K) calculated on RDPI using the centrifugal sudden approximation (solid lines) are compared with results from the RBA adapted J-shifting
approximation (dashed lines) for three energies as indicated (K=3).

initio.14 We notice that the slope obtained in the VTST by the difference in barrier height between RDP1 and RDP2.
calculations 14 is different from ours and the experimental This difference is close to that found between the ab initio
ones,I,1O in particular, at low temperature. In part, this results calculations by Melissas and Truhlar l4 and Dobbs et al. 13
from the treatment used for the electronic partition function using large basis sets and correlated wave functions.
in the VTST calculations, which neglects spin-orbit splitting The importance of tunneling is explicitly demonstrated
at the transition state, but includes it for the OH reactant. in Table V where the tunneling and transmission coefficients
Figure 10 shows that the calculated rate constants at 300 are given for a set of temperatures for both RDPI and RDP2.
K differ by a factor 2.6 between RDP1 and RDP2. This Transmission coefficients were calculated by Melissas and
uncertainty in the calculated rate constant will be very diffi- Truhlar for a potential with the same VAG barrier height as
cult to improve on as the barrier height cannot be determined
that of RDPI. They obtained values of 8.7, 1.6, and 1.1 for
at present to substantially higher accuracy than what is given
the transmission coefficient at 300, 600, and 1000 K,
respectively. 14 Our corresponding values are 22, 2.9, and 1.4.
At 300 K, the ratio between our value and that of Melissas
TABLE IV. Thermal rate constant for the CH4 +OH ..... CH 3 +H 20 reaction
(em3 S-I) on RDPI. Details are in the text. and Truhlar is 2.5, which is essentially the ratio of the ther-
mal rate constants given above and is again consistent with
T(K) C.S." J shiftb our larger imaginary frequency. It is clear that tunneling
178 4.4( -16)< 4.0(-16) should be accounted for in any theory, which is applied to the
216 1.5( -15) 1.4( -15) OH +CH4 reaction.
223 1.8( -15) 1.6( -15) In Fig. 11, RBA reaction probabilities for RDPI out of
250 3.4( -15) 3.2( -15)
273 5.5( -15) 5.3( -15) CH4 (v =O)+OH(j =0) summed over all product states are
300 9.2( -15) 8.7( -15) shown as a function of total angular momentum for a range
350 2.0( -14) 1.9( -14) of total energies. It is seen that the reaction probability never
400 3.7(-14) 3.6( -14)
reaches 0.7. In transition state theory, the reaction probability
420 4.7(-14) 4.5(-14)
is set to unity at energies above the VAG threshold. At low
"Pull centrifugal sudden calculation. NPB\E) summed up to il=8, includ- temperatures, this has a very small effect on the rate con-
ing energies up to E=0.6 eV. Extending these ranges should increase ken stant, where tunneling is the dominant contribution. At
at most I % at 420 K and less at lower temperature.
"The RBA adapted J -shifting approximation invoked. higher temperatures, it contributes to an overestimation of
<Power of 10 in parentheses. the rate constant.

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-12.5 Truhlar
Smith -<)-.-

...... -13.5
«) -14


1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5

FIG. 10. The logarithm of the thermal rate constant vs inverse temperature (K-'). Our calculated results are for the potential energy surface indicated in the
key and using the i-shifting approximation. The other results are from VTST calculations by Melissas and Truhlar (Ref. 14) and experimental work by
Vaghjiani and Ravishankara (Ref. I). Dunlop and Tully (Ref. 10) and Sharkey and Smith (Ref. 8).

VI. CONCLUSIONS HCI +OD reaction. 42 In fact, the patterns found for the vibra-
tionally selected dynamics of heavy-light-heavy atom-
The rotating bond approximation has been applied to the
diatom reactions have been found in HLH four-atom
CH 4 +OH-+CH 3 +H 20 reaction. The scattering calculations
reactions,25,43 and from the present work, the same principles
are performed within a model which treats CH3 as a
seem to extend to even larger HLH reactions.
pseudoatom and CH4 as a pseudodiatom. The rotation of OH,
It was shown that the reaction cross sections for OH(j
a reactive C-H stretch of CH4, two vibrations of H20, and
=101) are substantially larger than those for OH(j>IOI), in
relative translation are treated explicitly in the scattering cal-
agreement with previous work for HCI+OH and
culations. An adiabatic approach is used to account for all
HBr+OH. 25 It was also demonstrated that the OH(j=IOI)
other degrees of freedom.
cross sections increase with j. The combination of these two
Two simple reduced dimensionality potential energy sur-
effects results in OH rotational excitation, averaged over 0,
faces have been developed. They are based on a LEPS func-
tion to describe the reactive bonds and an accurate potential
for H20. The reduced dimensionality potentials have correct
TABLE V. Ground state tunneling and transmission coefficients on RDPI
reactant and product energies and incorporate the zero point
and RDP2.
energy of all modes not treated explicitly in the scattering
calculations. The transition state geometries are in reasonable RDPI RDP2
accord with ab initio calculations. One of the surfaces has a
vibrationally adiabatic ground state barrier height agreeing
T (K) rf KG rf KG

with ab initio data. 178 1165 758 2925 1932

It was found that the OH(j =0, 1) +CH4(v =0) 216 229 149 448 297
223 182 119 345 229
-+H 20+CH3 reactions mainly produce H20 in its vibrational 250 87 57 148 99
ground state. For reaction out of OH(j =0)+CH4 (v = 1), H20 273 53 35 84 56
is formed mainly with one quantum of energy in the local 300 34 22 50 33
vibrational stretch. The local stretch is essentially a superpo- 400 11 7.5 15 9.8
sition of the symmetric and asymmetric normal mode 600 4.5 2.9 5.1 3.4
800 3.0 1.8 3.2 2.1
stretches, wherefore these calculations predict that experi- 1000 2.4 1.4 2.5 1.6
mentally, excitation of these two modes should be observed. 1500 1.8 0.99 1.9 1.1
Corresponding observations were previously made for the

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:>. 0.5
cO 0.4
0 0.3


FIG. II. Reaction probability vs total angular momentum on RDPI for CHiv =0) +OH(j =0)-tCH 3+ H20 summed over all product states, Total energies (in
electron volts) are indicated and equally spaced.

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22G. Nyman and D. C. Clary, J. Chern. Phys. 99, 7774 (1993).
Society-Israel Academy Visiting Professorship at the Fritz 23D. C. Clary and G. Schatz, J. Chern. Phys. 99,4578 (1993).
Haber Research Center, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 24D. C. Clary, Chern. Phys. Lett. 192, 34 (1992).
where part of this paper was written. He would also like to 2sD. C. Clary, J. Phys. Chern. (to be published).

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