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Group 4 :

Aisyah Putri Ramadhani (201810300511048)

Endang Susilowati (201810300511053)
Faradipa Eka Sandy Y.T.P (201810300511057)
Roisna Asturi Sukma D. A (201810300511063)
Banat Farofishoh (201810300511068)


January, 08 2019 a patient named Angga came to the emergency department. He came
with his friend. He a collage student, 21 years old and he is Muslim. This patient looks very pale
he felt uncomfortable to eat even he felt his breathing was not good when sleeping. When the
nose is examined the patient look runny. He said since one week ago he always drank iced coffe.
And the last 3 days he only ate noodles. The patient’s vital signs are temperature (38,5º C),
blood preasure 120/70 mmHg, pulse (100x/minute), RR (18x/minute). The patient said he had
never been hospitalized with something like this but he felt very disturbed. He also said that his
family had to history of illness.
“ In the reception room “
Nurse : Good Morning.
I’m nurse Rahma and I’m on duty for today
Mr. Angga : Morning nurse.
Nurse : Yes sir. What can I for you ?
Mr. Angga : I want to go to the emergency department and check my condition.
Nurse : Well. You can follow me.
“In the emergency departement room “
Nurse : Excuse me before I do the assesment may I ask for you data ?
Mr. Angga : Yes, of course.
Nurse : You can fill out this form first
Mr. Angga : Ok, finish.
Nurse : What seems to be bothering you ?
Mr. Angga : I feel uncomfortable when I am eat. When I am sleep I can’t breathing very well.
Nurse : Since when have you experienced this ?
Mr. Angga : 3 days ago.
Nurse : Do you have some experienced the same situation in the past ?
Mr. Angga : Never, it’s firstly for me.
Nurse : What about your life style ?
Mr. Angga : Since one week ago I always drink Ice coffe and 3 days ago I just eat noodle.
Nurse : Okay, can I check your vital signs ?
Mr. Angga : Sure.
Nurse : Your temperature is (38,5º C). It’s not normal, you have high temperature, your blood
pressure is normal (120/70) mmHg. Your pulse is normal (100x/minute), your RR is
normal too is (18x/minute).
Mr. Angga : Okay, thank you, so actually what’s going on with my body ?
Nurse : Okay,I will consulting with the doctor first, after that I will tell you. What’s actually
going on with your body. Let’s, I will bring you to the bed. So you can rest your

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