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Psoriasis is a common skin disease which is not easy to cure.

So you should pay extra

attention in daily life to prevent it. Let's take a look at the prevention methods for psoriasis.

How to prevent psoriasis ?

The harm of psoriasis is the most concerned issue for many patients. Psoriasis grows fast and
often difficult to treat. It not only affects the appearance of people, but also brings a series of
other hazards. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to patients with very severe psoriasis
and require timely treatment.

The harm caused by psoriasis to patients

1. Serious damage to organs

Some patients with psoriasis vulgaris will suddenly develop high fever, joint swelling and
pain, general malaise and increased white blood cells. The size of the miliary size and dense
small pustules appear rapidly on the skin . The pustules are connected into large pieces, and
after the dryness, new pustules are released under the skin, which will not retreat for several
months. This is the generalized pustular psoriasis. The disease is often complicated by
systemic damage such as liver and kidney, and can be life-threatening due to secondary
infection, electrolyte imbalance or failure.

2. Bring damage to the patient's joints

In addition to psoriasis damage, articular psoriasis also has symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
. Clinical manifestations include joint swelling and pain, limited mobility, morning stiffness,
and even joint effusion or deformation. Patients with long-term disease can be stiff. X-ray
examination showed a change in rheumatoid arthritis, but the rheumatoid factor test was
3. Leading to the passage of nutrients

The skin of patients with psoriasis will fall off a lot, and the protein that constitutes the skin is
protein, which causes a lot of psoriasis on the body. If the skin lesions are widespread and
prolonged for many years, it can lead to hypoproteinemia or malnutrition anemia . The
clinical manifestations are weight loss, fatigue, burnout, pale complexion, and easy to catch
cold . If the nutritional intake is insufficient due to incorrect "taboo", the above symptoms
will be aggravated.

Daily care of psoriasis

1. Psoriasis patients has to avoid trauma, prevent scratching and strong stimulation, so as not
to create new skin lesions.

2. Patients with psoriasis must maintain an optimistic mood, a comfortable mood, and
enhance confidence in the fight against disease .

3. Must pay attention to food hygiene, that can helpt prevent psoriasis and other diseases.

4. Patients with psoriasis should not rub the skin lesions to prevent erosion and prevent
secondary infections.

5. Psoriasis patients need to wear clean and soft clothes, regular replacement of underwear
and bed sheets to prevent skin infections.

6. Psoriasis patients should bathe with warm water. Not to use strong alkaline soap or
shampoo for bathing.Important to keep indoor air fresh and circulating.

7. Psoriasis patients has to avoid cold,as it will help prevent upper respiratory tract infections.

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Turmeric Vetive

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