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9 photosynthesis


What is photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is the production of carbon compounds in cells using light energy.
- An example of energy conversion
- Light energy converted to chemical energy in carbon compounds
- Produces carbohydrates, proteins and lipids

Separating photosynthetic pigments by chromatography

- R1 = distance run by the pigment ÷ distance run by the solvent

Wavelengths of light
Visible light has a range of wavelengths with violet the shortest wavelength and red the longest.

- This is the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation

- Visible light ranges b/t 400-700nm
- Visible light are used by plants in photosynthesis b/c they are emitted by the sun &
penetrate the Earth’s atm in larger quantities than other wavelengths, so are particularly

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Light absorption by chlorophyll

Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light most effectively and reflects green light more than other

- Pigments: substances that do absorb light

- Main photosynthetic pigment - chlorophyll
• All appear green to us

Absorption and action spectra

Drawing an absorption spectrum fro chlorophyll and an action spectrum for photosynthesis.

- Action spectrum: a graph showing the rate of

photosynthesis at each wavelength of light

- Absorption spectrum: a graph showing the

percentage of light absorbed at each
wavelength by a pigment / a group of pigments

- x-axis: wavelength (nm) 400-700

- y-axis: relative rate of photosynthesis(%) for
action spectrum; % absorption for absorption

Oxygen production in photosynthesis

Oxygen is produced in photosynthesis from photolysis of water.

- oxygen is a waste product and diffuses away

Effects of photosynthesis on the Earth

Changes to the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and rock deposition due to photosynthesis.
- Causes rising oxygen concentration in atmosphere, “Great Oxidation Even”

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2.9 photosynthesis
- Glaciation occurred due to reduction of greenhouse effect - fall in methane and CO2
- Oxidation of iron deposits in the water result in precipitation on the sea-bed called
banded iron formation - iron ores

- Oxygen concentration remained 2% from 2200 mya until ~750 mya - rise to 20%+ -
period when many groups of multicellular organisms were evolving

Production of carbohydrates
Energy is needed to produce carbohydrates and other carbon compounds from carbon dioxide.
- Endothermic reaction to make carbohydrates from CO2, energy is derived from light

- Light E is therefore converted to chemical E

Limiting factors
Temperature, light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration are possible limiting factors on the
rate of photosynthesis.

- Can limit photosynthesis if below the optimal level

- Under any combination of limiting factors only one actually limits the rate of
photosynthesis: the one furthest from its optimum
- As the limiting factor is moved closer to its optimum, while keeping other factors constant,
a point will be reached where this factor is no longer the one that is furthest from its
optimum and another factor becomes the limiting factor

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2.9 photosynthesis

Controlled variables in limiting factor experiments

Experimental design: controlling relevant variables in photosynthesis experiment is essential.
- In order to test for effects of limiting factors, 2 will have to be constant by controlling
them. The 3rd would be the IV and would change by steady increments

Investigating limiting factors

Design of experiments to investigate limiting factors on photosynthesis.

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