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Time-1:30 hour Subject-Science Date-27/01/2020 Marks-30
1. Write the five principles of crop production?2
2. What is a crop rotation? 2
3. Write about multiple cropping? 2
4. What is process of Harvesting? 2
5. What is organic farming? 2
6. How we increase fertility rate of soil? 2
7. Write the Vermi-compost and Compost? 3
8. How we can control the weed at field, write effect? 3
9. What is mean of animal husbandry, write Milch? 3
10.What is mean Biotechnology ? 3
11.Write the treatment of seeds? 3
12.Write the differences between the Mixed &. Multiple farming? 3

#Extra Crunch:-
13. Discuss about the poultry Farming? 2
14.what is the use of Regulators in Farming? 2
15.write the benefit of Crop production? 3

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