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20 questions and answers for Amplitude Modulation Fundamentals

modulation-index/ Sanfoundry MCQ

- Electronic Communication Systems, by Roy Blake Chapter 3: Amplitude Modulation


1. In Amplitude Modulation, the instantaneous values of the carrier amplitude changes in

accordance with the amplitude and frequency variations of the modulating signal.

a) True*
b) False
c) Both
d) No answer

2. What is the line connecting the positive and negative peaks of the carrier waveform called?

a) Peak line
b) Maximum amplitude ceiling
c) Modulation index
d) Envelope*

3. What is the reference line for the modulating signal?

a) Zero line
b) Carrier peak line*
c) Modulated peak line
d) Un-modulated peak line

4. What happens when the amplitude of the modulating signal is greater than the amplitude of
the carrier?

a) Decay
b) Distortion*
c) Amplification
d) Attenuation

5. What is the effect of distortion?

a) Total information loss

b) Error information*
c) Attenuated information
d) Amplified information

6. What is the circuit used for producing AM called?

a) Modulator*
b) Transmitter
c) Receiver
d) Duplexer

7. The ratio between the modulating signal voltage and the carrier voltage is called?

a) Amplitude modulation
b) Modulation frequency
c) Modulation index*
d) Ratio of modulation

8. What is the percentage of modulation if the modulating signal is of 7.5V and carrier is of 9V?

a) 100
b) 91
c) 83.33*
d) 0

Solution: m = Vm⁄Vc = 7.5⁄9* 100 = 83.33.

9. When does over-modulation occur?

a) Modulating signal voltage < Carrier voltage

b) Modulating signal voltage > Carrier voltage*
c) Modulating signal voltage = Carrier voltage
d) Modulating signal voltage =0

10. What is the condition for greatest output power at the transmitter without distortion?

a) Modulating signal voltage > Carrier voltage

b) Modulating signal voltage < Carrier voltage
c) Modulating signal voltage = Carrier voltage*
d) Modulating signal voltage = 0

11. What is the modulation index value if Vmax=5.9v and Vmin=1.2v?

a) 0.5
b) 0.662*
c) 0.425
d) 0.14


12. Which of the following modulating signal voltage would cause over-modulation on a carrier
voltage of 10v?

a) 9.5
b) 9.99
c) 10
d) 12*

13. What is the modulating signal voltage if the maximum and the minimum voltages on the
wave was observed to be 5.9v and 1.2v respectively?

a) 2.35v*
b) 2.12v
c) 1.85v
d) 3.21v


14. The equation for full-carrier AM is:

a. v(t) = (Ec + Em) x sin(ωct)

b. v(t) = (Ec + Em) x sin(ωmt) + sin(ωct)

c. v(t) = (Ec x Em) x sin(ωmt) x sin(ωct)

d. v(t) = (Ec + Em sin(ωmt)) x sin(ωct)*

15. At 100% modulation, the total sideband power is:

a. equal to the carrier power

b. twice the carrier power

c. half the carrier power*

d. 1.414 x carrier power

16. If an AM radio station increases its modulation index, you would expect:

a. the audio to get louder at the receiver

b. the received RF signal to increase

c. the signal-to-noise ratio to increase

d. all of the above*

17.The SC in SSB SC stands for:

a. single-carrier

b. suppressed-carrier*

c. sideband-carrier

d. none of the above

18. If the modulating frequency of a carrier wave varies between 700Hz and 7KHz, find it’s

a) 10 KHz

b) 23 KHz

c) 17.3 KHz
d) 12.6 KHz*


(fm) = Vmax-Vmin, where,

Vmax = Maximum Amplitude of an amplitude modulated,

Vmin = Minimum amplitude of an amplitude modulated,

fm = 7KHz – 700Hz =6.3KHz

Bandwidth = 2fm = 2 x 6.3 = 12.6 KHz.

19. A 400W carrier wave is modulated to a depth of 65%. Find the total power of modulated wave?

a) 512.5W

b) 493W

c) 484.5W*

d) 609.6W


Total power, Pt = Pc (1 + µ2⁄2), where Pc = Carrier Power = 400W

where Modulation Index (µ) = 0.65,

so Pt = 400 (1 +0.652⁄2). On solving it we get Pt = 484.5W.

20. If modulation index of an AM wave is increased from 1.5 to 2, then the transmitted power

a) remains same

b) increases by 20%

c) increases by 41%*

d) increases by 50%

When m=1.5, transmitted power,

= 0.41 x 100

= 41%

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