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In a town of Verona lived two families MONTAGUE and CAPULET and they are enemies the Montague has

a son name
Romeo and the CAPULET has a daughter name Juliet.
LORD CAPULET: Peter come her take this list of the last and final names search them through all Verona bid them to
come to feast and welcome at my house this night
PETER: Excuse me can you read this
ROMEO: I forget the letters in the language
Stay! I can read Signor Martino and his wife from daughters count answer them and his beauteous sisters
the lady widow of at ravu signor Placentio and his lovely wife my nephew count Tybalt and Lucio the lively
Helena Benz and Rosaline
PETER: this is a mass gathering tonight at our house my master is the great Lord Capulet and if you are not a montague
you could come I bid you thanks
BENVOLIO: so Rosaline is invited in the capulet feast this night
ROMEO: then I’ll go tonight

(CAPULETS HOUSE in the feast)

LORD CAPULET: Welcome, gentlemen! Ladies that have their toes unplagued with corns will have a bout with you. You
are welcome, Gentlemen! Come, musicians, play.
PARIS: my lady Julliet
JULIET: o Paris
PARIS: you’ll pity me enough to dance? And warm my evening with a heavenly smile
ROMEO: (Side Of Paris And Juliet) what lady is that?
SERVANT: I don’t know your majestie
BENVOLIO: ahmmm…. what about the love for Rosaline?
ROMEO: did my heart love him till now? I never saw true beauty till this night (Romeo dance with Juliet)
PARIS: its my dance!
JULIET: Paris calm down
ROMEO: thank you my lady
TYBALT: uncle the man with Juliet is a Montague
TYBALT: its him my villain Romeo I will kill him
TYBALT: why its ashamed
LORD CAPULET: listen you heard the princess warning no bloods wake of deaths


ROMEO: if I profane with my unworthiest hand my lips two blushing pilgrims ready stand to smooth that rough touch
with a tenderKiss
JULIET: good pilgrim you do wrong your hand too much for saints have hands the pilgrims hand do touch and palm to
palm in holy palmers kiss
ROMEO: let lips do what hands do, do not move while my prayers effect I take thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is
JULIET: then have my lips the sin that they have took
ROMEO: o trespass sweetly urged give my sin again
JULIET: you kiss by the book (nurse come)
NURSE: madam, your mother wants to talk to you (Juliet leave)
ROMEO: who is her mother?
NURSE: her mother is the lady of the house
ROMEO: she is a Capulet!
NURSE: she is
ROMEO: Omy dear god my life is my first death! (Romeo and Benvolio leave)
JULIET: nurse who is that gentle man coming from the door?
NURSE: his name is romeo and a montague the only son of your great enemy!
JULIET: my only love sprang from my only hate!

JULIET: Oh my!
ROMEO: what an angel (sigh) she speak again!
JULIET: O Romeo Romeo its only your name Montague that is my enemy but what is Montague? It doesn’t
ROMEO: just say you love me and I’ll never be Romeo again
JULIET: romeo what brings you here
ROMEO: I flew over the wall on the wings of love
JULIET: I want to take the words back but I can’t, do you love me? Tell me truthfully because I love you
ROMEO: I must be dreaming this is too good to be true (nurse is coming)
JULIET: stay here I’ll come back, Coming!
ROMEO: (sigh)
JULIET: I must quik romeo, if you truly love me I’ll send someone tomorrow give the time and a place for our
marriage and shall we together forever. What time shall I send the messenger to you?
ROMEO: by nine o’clock
JULIET: goodbye romeo
ROMEO: goodbye my love (Romeo leave)

(ROMEO’S GATE HOUSE) romeo* benvolio* mercutio*

NURSE: goodmorning gentleman can I talk to romeo
ROMEO: sure nurse (walking on)
NURSE: Romeo listen, if you should deal double with her, you will have me inside your test
ROMEO: ok nurse just listen, go to father Lawrence cell there she will be absolved and married to well be trusty
and command me to your mistress
NURSE: (happy) and I will

JULIET: (excited) nurse what did Romeo said it is, is it good? or bad? Tell me now!
NURSE: (out of breath) just a minute (sigh) I’m out of bread
I’ll tell you have a good taste my dear
So can you leave today to make confession?
JULIET: (happy) I could
NURSE: then go to father Lawrence cell you’ll find a husband to make your wife (nurse hug Juliet)


ROMEO: (excited) Juliet will be here very soon and I’ll be very happy when where married
FATHER LAWRENCE: listen Romeo. You only love Rosaline for a few weeks. Remember, if you marry Juliet,
you must love her, and stay with her for the rest of your life
ROMEO: yes father, I understand, I’ll always love her (JULIET ENTER)
JULIET: (excited) the nurse told me to meet you here. She said that father Lawrence would marry us
FATHER LAWRENCE: and I will, come with me

FATHER LAWRENCE: These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as
they kiss, consume. The sweetest honey is loathsome in his own deliciousness. And in the taste
confounds the appetite. Therefore love moderately. Long love doth so. Too swift arrives as tardy as
too slow. Romeo you my now kiss your bride.
BENVOLIO: it’s hot today, isn’t it?
MERCUTIO: (angry) look! It’s the capulets
BENVOLIO: (nervous) don’t start an argument
MERCUTIO: I’m not afraid of tybalt
TYBALT: (angry) where is Romeo?
MERCUTIO: its none of your business
TYBALT: I’m looking for him
MERCUTIO: are you looking for fight?
BENVOLIO: stop it, you two
TYBALT: there he is! Romeo! You came to our house last night right, but we don’t want montagues in our house come on
get your sword and fight
ROMEO: tybalt, I’m not your enemy, montagues and capulets are going to be good friends
TYBALT: what are you talking about?
MERCUTIO: why won’t you fight romeo? Well I’ll fight
ROMEO: stop! Don’t you remember what prince escalus said (MERCUTIO GET HIT BY THE SWORD)
MERCUTIO: why did you stend between us?
ROMEO: I’m sorry mercutio. I was trying to help
ROMEO: Mercutio! His dead! Tybalt! Comeback! I will kill you! (TYBALT GET HIT BY THE SWORD)
BENVOLIO: this is terrible! Romeo run away! you’ll be in trouble if the prince finds you here
ROMEO: oh no! what have I done?


PRINCE: what happened benvolio?
BENVOLIO: tybalt killed mercutio, sir. Mercutio was Romeo’s friend, Romeo was very angry and he killed tybalt
LADY CAPULET: Romeo killed my nephew he must die his a murder
PRINCE: but tybalt was also murder
LADY CAPULET: no, he wasn’t, Benvolio only say that! because they are friends!
LORD MONTAGUE: prince, our son is not a murder, he just killed tybalt because he was angry
PRINCE: listen, all of you I have decided not to execute Romeo. But he must leave Verona, and he can never comeback.
tell him that he must leave immediately. If he ever comeback to Verona he will die. So go home and keep the

JULIET: (excited) I’m so excited! Romeo is going to be with me tonight!
NURSE: (crying) Juliet, something terrible has happened. He’s dead
JULIET: (confused and concerned) who’s dead? Is it my husband?
NURSE: no, it’s your cousin
JULIET: oh no! tybalt? H-h-how did he die?
NURSE: there was a fight and romeo killed him
JULIET: it cant be! Romeo never fights!
NURSE: but it is true
JULIET: where is romeo how? What was going to happen to my husband?
NURSE: romeo is hiding in father Lawrence house and the prince told lord montague that romeo must leave Verona and
never comeback
JULIET: so I’ll never see him again
NURSE: don’t cry my dear. I will go to father Lawrence house and tell romeo to come here secretly tonight to say
to you
JULIET: thank you nurse. Wait take this ring give it to romeo and let him take the ring back to me.


FATHER LAWRENCE: ROMEO where are you? It’s me father Lawrence
ROMEO: (confused) what did prince escalus say? Am I going to die?
FATHER LAWRENCE: no. killing tybalt was wrong. But the prince is not going to execute you. He said that you must
leave Verona immediately, and never come back.
ROMEO: (restless) this is terrible! Leaving Juliet is worst than dying.
FATHER LAWRENCE: just listen romeo! You are lucky. The prince has been kind to you (NURSE ENTER)
FATHER LAWRENCE: I’m so happy to see you nurse. Have you been with Juliet?
NURSE: yes few minutes ago shes crying and shaking
ROMEO: but I killed her cousin died she still love me?
NURSE: yes of course she does. She sends you this ring and you will take the ring back to her
FATHER LAWRENCE: listen Romeo. You can go to see Juliet tonight. But then you must leave verona. But you have to
leave verona tonight and go to Mantua do you agree?
ROMEO: yes father but how long must I stay in Mantua?
FATHER LAWRENCE: I'm not sure just stay there until I send you a message now go and say goodbye to juliet

LORD CAPULET: Paris my daughter is very unhappy because tybalt died this morning the son of the Lord Montague killed
PARIS: I'm sorry to hear that. Can I talk to juliet?
LADY CAPULET: not at this moment Pari, she is in her room it's very late and she need to rest
LORD CAPULET: I thought of something. I think that she'll be happy when she marries. I know you love Juliet and you
would like to marry her. The both of you must marry as soon as possible. The wedding will be on
(To his wife) go and tell Juliet
( To Paris ) Paris don't forget
PARIS: I won't forget sir


ROMEO: I'm sorry my love but I have to go
JULIET: I want you to stay with me
ROMEO: you know that I have to go if everyone finds me here the prince will execute me don't worry I will come back
JULIET: I hope so. My love
ROMEO: kiss me! Goodbye, my love (LADY CAPULET ENTER)
LADY CAPULET: Juliet, your already out of bed
JULIET: I know I can't sleep
LADY CAPULET: I know you'll still unhappy about your cousin tybalt don't worry if we find Romeo he'll die. Now I have
some exciting news your father said that you will marry Paris and it will be on Thursday
JULIET: (crying) I won't marry Paris it's just not possible
LADY CAPULET: (confused) w-what do you mean? (LORD CAPULET AND NURSE ENTER)
LORD CAPULET: have you already told her the news?
LADY CAPULET: she says that she won't marry paris
LORD CAPULET: what!? Why not!? Paris is a good, kind man he's a important man and a good man of the prince. You are
so lucky
JULIET: I know that you're trying to help me but I will never marry Paris I don't love him and I don't even know him
LORD CAPULET: it doesn't matter you are going to marry paris
JILIET: thanks father but no I wil never
LORD CAPULET: thank you thank you not! (angry) thank me no thanking! no proud me no prouds!, be ready laddies
because on Thursday is the wedding!
JULIET: (begging) good father please?
LORD CAPULET: (beating) I tell you be there on Thursday! or else I will put this in your face my finger inches!
NURSE: your wrong my Lord to punish her!
LORD CAPULET: you'll dies in your place talking to us
NURSE: I'm not once speak
LORD CAPULET: I'm glad you fool!
LADY CAPULET: you know my husband your to hot!
LORD CAPULET: Gods pleasure gets me mad! Day, Night, Months Years And what is my reward? a pueking fool!
Remember Thursday is me and you won't be mine no more, so mark my words word! And so help me
god! (lord capulet and lady capulet leave)
JULIET: o nurse how can this be prevented?
NURSE: your father is right Romeo will never come back so you should marry Paris and it will be the best to count (nurse
JULIET: it cant be… I'm going to see father Lawrence.


FATHER LAWRENCE: what on Thursday! This is very sudden!
JULIET: yes and the only thing to prevent is to die. Look I have a knife…
FATHER LAWRENCE: stop! put it down… I just thought of something? (getting potion)
JULIET: what that is that a poison? Will you kill me?
FATHER LAWRENCE: I want you to drink this medicine the night before the wedding you'll sleep very deeply and possible
to wake up you will be cold. Everyone will think your dead
JULIET: what happened then?
FATHER LAWRENCE: your body will put in family's tomb. Don't worry I send a message to Romeo and comeback to
Verona when it's dark. Then the two of you can run away together to Mantua. If you don't do this
you will marry Paris
JULIET: yes! father I will do anything to be with Romeo (Juliet leaves)
FATHER LAWRENCE: father John! Father John! Take this message to Romeo in Mantua it's very important


LORD CAPULET: go and find the best cook in verona and invite friends for the wedding this is very special wedding where
is Juliet?
NURSE: look! there she is! she looks very happy?
JULIET: I'm sorry father
JULIET: I will marry Paris
LORD CAPULET: this is wonderful. I'm so happy. Listen every body the wedding is tommorow hurry tell paris. No one will
sleep tonight nurse prepare Juliet wedding dress (JULIET WEAR HER GOWN)
NURSE: Juliet you look so beautiful
JULIET: thank you nurse
NURSE: my dear you must go to bed and better rest now because tommorow is your wedding (NURSE LEAVE)
JULIET: they think that I'm going to marry Paris tomorrow, but they're wrong (she takes out father Lawrence's bottle)
Oh! I'm so afraid but I must do it (she drinks the medicine and lies down her bed.)

LADY CAPULET: go and hurry! we need more food, tables and chairs!
LORD CAPULET: hurry bring some flowers hurry there isn't much time left
NURSE: my Lord please calm why don't you go to bed?
LORD CAPULET: but I can't sleep im to excited for the wedding
LADY CAPULET: nurse go and wake Juliet
LORD CAPULET: Paris is coming!
NURSE: (SCREAM) she's dead!
LADY CAPULET: what? (run to Juliet) Juliet my child! Please wake up!
PARIS: I've come here to take Juliet to church where is she?
LADY CAPULET: she is dead now Paris we will never be happy again
PARIS: Juliet is dead! This is the worst day of my life? (FATHER LAWRENCE ENTER)
FATHER LAWRENCE: carry here to church and we will put her body in family's tomb.

BENVOLIO: oh no its Juliet! I will tell Romeo that Juliet is dead
ROMEO: (happy) My cousin welcome! Why are you here? Is there something happened to my love?
BENVOLIO: I'm sorry Romeo but Juliet is dead now
ROMEO: (shock) what? This can't be happened. Benvolio meet me at the gate
BENVOLIO: yes Romeo

SHOPKEEPER: yes sir.
ROMEO: I want some poison?
SHOPKEEPER: sir I sell medicine to help people not to kill them
ROMEO: I will give good as much as you want. Here
SHOPKEEPER: yes sir I have ( he grab the poison) here
ROMEO: thank you don't worry I won't tell anyone that it come to your shop
FATHER JOHN: Where is Romeo?
SERVANT: They are going to verona
FATHER JOHN: o no! he's not here.

PARIS: I know you you are Romeo right?
ROMEO: yes I am who are you leave me alone
PARIS: I am Paris who is actually the husband of Juliet, I'm going to kill you
ROMEO: my Juliet why did you kill your self. I will kiss you for the last time. (ROMEO DRINK THE POISON AND JULIET
JULIET: O my Romeo your here (SHE HOLDS ROMEO HANDS BUT ROMEO IS DEAD) Romeo! Please wake up!
FATHER LAWRENCE: what happened Juliet? Why did Romeo is die? O no! he didn't get the letter! Juliet let's go before
it's late!
JULIET: (crying) No just give some time I want to be with Romeo (FATHER LAWRENCE LEAVE) I can't live without you
Romeo perhaps there's a poison on your lips I'm still alive but now that your dead I will kill myself to
FATHER LAWRENCE: no! no! no! why? did both of you kill yourself?


PRINCE ESCALUS: Romeo and Juliet is dead? Father Lawrence do you know about this?
FATHER LAWRENCE: (sad) just a few days ago Romeo married Juliet secretly because Capulet and Montague are
enemie, Juliet didn't want to marry Juliet so told her and give a special medicine. She is
not dead, she is asleep and I send message to Romeo in Mantua but Romeo didn't get it
and both of them killed themselves. Because of there forbidden love did murder them.
PRINCE ESCALUS: Capulet and Montague come here. Because of your argument lots of lives were lost.
LORD CAPULET: my dearest montague
LORD MONTAGUE: give me your hand and I will give you mine (THEY HUG EACH OTHER)




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