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Nation, and
Andi Muhammad Rifki
Muhammad Nazifka Rizqy
Muhammad Rijal Al Fath
Concept of Nation in
Islamic Perspective

The Islamic state has two perceptions and orientations. First Islam is not a
theocracy as in Christian circles, because Islam regulates all aspects of life,
Islam does not recognize religious figures, caliphs in the sense of heads of state
do not represent on behalf of God.
Concept of Nation in
Islamic Perspective

Islam also contradicts the autocracy, because the ruler is not a single
authority. because Islam stands on two pillars, which is Islamic Sharia and
Therefore the Islamic system is a separate system, the Islamic system is a
system that is unique in terms of life and in relations with Allah, individuals or
society, Islamic law is also unique because of the use of human characteristics in
matters that benefit themselves and make humanity happy.
Concept of Nation in
Islamic Perspective

In the life of the state, the Muslims must obey Ulil Amri or the ruling
leader, who must be obeyed. The obligation to obey the government is not
absolute. That the power of the leader is always limited by obedience to Allah
SWT and His Messenger. From Ubadah Bin Shamit, the Prophet said: "There
is no obligation to obey anyone who does not obey Allah SWT" (Musnad Imam
Ahmad), and even political obedience is also limited by various considerations
of justice and truth.
Concept of Nation in
Islamic Perspective
Besides that the characteristic of Islamic government is upholding Shari'a,
administering the State in an Islamic perspective on the basis of divine sovereignty,
consequently, every Muslim must carry out his Shari'a and stay away from
thought. Indeed the leader is limited by obedience to the almighty God.
The fourth principle is deliberation and the character of other Islamic
governments that are egalitarian / equality and human unity, on the basis of
treatment of humans and recognition of the existence of political rights based on
justice and equality.
Islam; Tolerance and
Harmony in Nation

In Islam, tolerance is one of the teachings that was brought up by

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Tolerance (samah) is an important trait of a Muslim’s good

character especially in countries with diverse beliefs. Muslims
should be kind and gentle, patient with people, forgiving of bad
character, and lenient whenever possible.
Islam; Tolerance and
Harmony in Nation
Tolerance (tasamuh) in general based on Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The
the hadith: Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings
be upon him, said:
“Make things easy and do not make
things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not “May Allah have mercy on a man who
repel people. Cooperate with each other and is tolerant when selling, buying, and
do not become divided.” seeking repayment.”

Source: Sahih Bukhari 2873, Grade: Source: Sahih Bukhari 1970, Grade:
Muttafaqun Alayhi Sahih
Islam; Tolerance and
Harmony in Nation
Tolerance between religious groups is very important in countries with
diverse beliefs, like Indonesia. It is compulsory for muslims to be tolerant of
other religion. Like Allah said in the Quran:

“Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and
do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting
justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.” (Al Mumtahanah :
Islam; Tolerance and
Harmony in Nation
However, tolerance should not be excessive. As in the case of the prophet's
time, there were Quraysh people who invited Prophet Muhammad to turn
and worship each other's gods. Then, Allah sent the surah Al - Kaafiruun to
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

“Say, O disbelievers. I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers
of what I worship. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be
worshippers of what I worship. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
Cooperation between
Ulama and Government
Cooperation between ulama and government (umara) generally has been
going since Mu’awwiyah Caliphate.

In Mu’awwiyah’s era, sultans or caliphates (often understood as ulil amri) are

responsible for dunya tasks, whereas ukhrawi tasks were carrid out by Ulama
or scholars since they were considered as the heir of Prophet Muhammad.
Cooperation between
Ulama and Government
In the Al-Qur'an, Muslims are ordered to obey ul-amri as part of obedience
to Allah and the Messenger of Allah.

This verse is often understood as a statement that Muslims must obey the
leader as long as they invite people to obey Allah, or at least as long as they
do not invite them to sin.
Cooperation between
Ulama and Government
In another verse, there is a statement that those who truly fear Allah among
men (servants of Allah) are the scholars.

Apart from differences of opinion on the meaning of scholars here, this verse
tends to be understood that scholars are a group of people who always carry
torches that shed light on the people around them. Ulama is a group of
people who do not blind themselves to the pleasures of the world, but
always prioritize obedience to God above all things.
Cooperation between
Ulama and Government
Cooperation of ulama and umara in Indonesia can be seen
through the Indonesian Ulama Council or Majelis Ulama
Indonesia (MUI).

The Indonesian Ulema Council (abbreviated as MUI) is an

institution that in Indonesia accommodates ulama and
Islamic scholars to guide, nurture, and protect Muslims
across Indonesia.
Cooperation between
Ulama and Government
The government, at the creation of the MUI stated three broad goals for
the MUI:

1. Strengthening religion in the way the Pancasila describes to ensure

national resilience.
2. Participation of the Ulama in national development.
3. The maintenance of harmony between the different religions in
Cooperation between
Ulama and Government
the Indonesian Ulema Council was established to assist the government in
matters relating to Muslims, for example:

1. Issuing fatwas in halal food.

2. Determining the truth of a sect in Islam religion
3. Matters relating to the relationship of an Islamic adherent to their
Dynamics of Muslim in Relation to
Nation or State
Not all Muslims have the same fate between one nation and another. A
country that has Muslim as its majority will differ from those who has Muslim as
the minority. In other words, the total number of Muslims will affect the way how
its nation work. For instance, Muslims can affect the everyday life of society,
cultural, civilization, habit, manners, community, etc.
The dynamics of
Muslims will affect its
nation in such many
ways, most significantly
is the regulation of the
nation itself.
1. The Dynamics of Muslim as Minority

● The Regulations and Order applied based on and referring to Islamic religion will be little implemented
in Muslim minority countries.
● However, this doesn’t mean that the Muslims don’t have a significant role in its nation or state.
● To ensure the continuity of Islam in their nation/state, the Muslims must, however, maintain their
beliefs, by studying about Islam more, and also continue to contribute to the community.
● The Muslims, however, must still respect and obey the regulations of that nation/state.
2. The Dynamics of Muslim as Majority
● The nation will have more regulations and order applied based on and referring to Islamic religion.
● Muslims majority should not forbid other religions to pray in their own ways.
● A Muslims majority country usually have a strong bond of ukhuwah islamiyah (Islamic Brotherhood).
● With so many Muslims, ukhuwah islamiyah emerged, which will arise mutual attitudes, mutual
understanding, and honor of others who all arise because of Allah alone.
● Muslims majority will shape the country overtime, because in islam itself it teaches khilafah (the
system of Islamic government) and also politics, which cannot be separated from islam.

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