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PEREIRA: today we are going to interview the award-winning scientist Brian

Gutiérrez in environmental research.

KATHIA: Doctor, I have a question about the environmental crisis that

occurred in 1986. what is your opinión?

BRIAN: Relevant investigations have been carried out and attempts have been
made to restrict the progress of radiation throughout the country.

PEREIRA: doctor and how have you tried to restrict the advance of radiation?

BRIAN: progress has been restricted thanks to the construction of a dome

around the nuclear plant.

PEREIRA: have it allowed that many of the animals and the inhabitants can
return to the area?

BRIAN: If we talk about animals, they returned little by little, but it should be
noticed that everyone didn’t leave and suffered mutations to stay when the
nuclear plant exploded.

KATHIA: haven’t returned the people to their homes which they had
previously abandoned?

BRIAN: They still do not return for fear of thinking that there is still radiation,
although in some ways it is a good idea because there is a constant danger
from the reactor.

KATIA: but is it too dangerous?

BRIAN: I don't think so

KATHIA: well, here finished the interview with the famous scientist

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