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Reflection vocab prompts

The following are just a few suggestions for words and phrases that might be
useful in your reflection. Simply using these words and phrases will not in itself
make you good at reflection, but they act as a guide to get you thinking in the
right way!

Reflecting on your Interpretation of the experience (probably the most

important bit)

Some examples using these prompts:

For me, the most significant issue was the dedication of other committee members. At times
there were very few students who came to the meetings. And often some students gave very little
important. I attempted to encourage them to get more involved but it was not well received.
Perhaps it was the way I asked them?

Initially I did not think that I would benefit much from joining this activity. How wrong I was! I
felt really good about assisting the group and knowing that I made a difference (even if it was only
a small one). I also learnt how to use Photoshop, which is a cool thing.

Reflecting on the outcome:

Some examples using some of these prompts:

I have significantly improved my skills in public speaking. This is great because being a good
presenter is important in lots of different jobs. I feel more confident in general because of this

Having learned about how little these people had I now feel a little guilty about having so much!
I used to complain about little things, like not being able to get the new iPhone, but I don't think I
will after seeing how hard life is for them. These people have basically nothing and yet they still
smile a lot!

Most importantly, I learned that doing something for somebody else makes you feel really good
about yourself. I am really proud of what we did.

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