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Update: Just a little clarification, you don’t pray to St. Joseph to help you pass the exam.

You pray to St. Joseph to intercede for you to God to help you pass your exam.

All this talk in the blogosphere about people searching for Philippine Nursing Board Exam results
made me remember the time I took my own board exam. This was for my Engineering board
exam. I passed with flying colors but not without studying my ass off and saying a little prayer to
St. Joseph of Cupertino, the Patron Saint for examinees.

It was my mom who taught me this prayer as she knew the stress I was undergoing. The reason
behind that was because the exams were nearing and I wasn’t too confident with what my Review
School was teaching me. That was after I compared what my other batchmates were learning from
the other Review schools. So she slipped me this prayer and told me to pray it for nine days straight
and say 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Mary’s and 3 Glory Be’s afterwards.

Prayer for a Successful Examination

Oh Great St. Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth was given the grace of being asked in your
examination only the questions you know. Please obtain for me the like favor in these examinations
which I am now preparing for. In return, I promise to invoke you and to make you known through
Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Its been about 10 years already, but Thank You Again St. Joseph for helping me pass my board exam.
My wife gave this prayer to her sister to help her pass her certification so she could work abroad and
she too passed. And yes you can use this for any type of exam not just for major one’s. In return of
course, please don’t forget to pass this prayer around in honor of St. Joseph of Cupertino.
Prayer for a Successful Examination

Oh Great St. Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth was given the grace of
being asked in your examination only the questions you know. Please obtain
for me the like favor in these examinations which I am now preparing for. In
return, I promise to invoke you and to make you known through Christ, Our
Lord. Amen.

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