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Neyva Gonzalez

February 20, 2020

Dr. A Shaw
Sophomore Seminar

1. How are you currently having an impact on the community/ TAMUCC campus in each of the
four areas?
I currently work at the UCP so I think that a lot of my media is done through social
media. I am in charge of reaching out to students through our social media account and even
though they don’t know that it’s me, I’m in the person that interacts with them online. Further, I
do UCP radio so I like to think that I positively impact a few hours of people’s days by playing
the songs that they request.
I am currently not doing any theatre as I am not a theatre major and very busy, but during
the summer, I think it’s such an honor to put on a show for my community. I not only provide
them with entertainment, but I like to think that I encourage other people to join the theatre
community and expand your horizons. You don’t have to be a theatre major or a ‘theatre kid’ to
be involved in the wondrous world that is theatre.
In the Honors Program, I like to keep being involved. Although I work at school and don’t get a
lot of downtime, I try to spend time in the honors lounge and making friends. I feel like the
closer we are, the more we can help each other. Sometimes, I’ll be able to help someone in the
lounge on something such as homework and get that aid back in the future. Further, I like to do
service events that help the community. The one that sticks with me is the Islander Clean
because we made our university beautiful in just one morning. I felt so much pride when I
returned to school that Monday. Lastly, I feel like I just provide a friend. It doesn’t seem like
much, but being a friend to someone who is lonely means to much. I have been in the position
where I just need someone to talk to and now make sure to pay it forward. I am always open and
friendly to my honors peers whenever they need anything.
Lastly, my major is very important to me. Currently, I am shadowing at the hospital and I feel
very impactful by being there. Although I can’t practice right now, I have had a lot of patients
tell me that they feel safer because young people like me are studying medicine. Further, I have
been trying to educate myself as much as I can so that I can educate my friends and family as
much as I can. Even though I can’t do much with my major right now, I feel that just the act of
studying for it helps assure my community that a bilingual student is striving to become an
emergency medicine physician in the future will be there for them during their troubling times.
2. In 10 years how would you label these areas?
I think they’ll be split into work, recreation (hopefully still including theatre), family, and
personal development.
3. What ripple effect do you hope your future occupation and areas will have on the
I hope that as a doctor, people are able to not only trust me but see me as a normal person. I want
to be able to go out in my community, volunteer, and do community theatre. I hope that other
people are not only inspired to be doctors but be good, well-rounded people who have a life
outside their work. I don’t want to become someone who is not able to interconnect areas in their
life because they are too focused on one. In the future, I hope that I am the best version of myself
and people feel comfortable to talk to me, ask me about my career and past, and be an inspriation
so that others can achieve their dreams without having to worry about losing themselves in a
certain area of their life.

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