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Amber McKinney

English 1101



Finding My Passion

I was sitting one day in Mrs.Sav’s classroom, talking with my friends, as usual.

When the monster assignment fell upon all of us. You could see the fear in everyone’s

eyes when presented the project assignment. The long dreaded... self portrait.

I had always been interested in art from a young age. Always wanting to paint

and create new ideas. Although, I had never viewed art as a career path. Since eight

years old, I was dead set on being a criminal defense lawyer. My dream school was

Harvard Law, and nothing was going to come between me and that dream. Except, of

course, the standards to get into Harvard and how much debt I would encounter. Thus,

intro to art was just another credit I needed.

Every week we would have a sketch due on Monday. I would usually complete

mine at lunch, or have my super artsy friend help me draw them. Although, certain

sketches I seemed to really like drawing. For example, I really enjoyed drawing eyes

and intricate drawings with a lot of value. So, when the self portrait came around, I

wasn’t too inexperienced with drawing.

Mrs. Sav taught us a few tricks to drawing faces and how to keep proportions.

First, print out the photo you had selected, in black and white, and make a grid pattern

on top of it. Then, make that same pattern, but larger on the piece of sketch paper you
were using. This really helped the project look a lot less intimidating. The task was just

to focus on one section at a time.

The class went pretty fast, so we only spent about one week on the project. I had

to take it home, and put another five hours or so into it. I was terrified to show her the

finished piece. In my head I was beating myself up about how I am not a sketch artist,

and it is most definitely not good enough. I took it to her desk where she took one look

at it, flipped it over, and wrote something on the back. “100/100, beautiful.” I felt so

accomplished in that moment.

After the first semester, I started drawing more. My agenda was filled up with

scratches from pens and pencils. On every page there was a drawing. Pen drawn eyes

in every color offered by Paper Mate InkJoy pens. Then, at the end of the year, I

decided on taking more classes dealing with designing and drawing. I visited art

colleges as well.

During my sophomore year I took three art classes. Each class had wonderful

teachers. First was 2-D with Mr. Berwald, the first project of his class was my favorite. It

was called transformation. I drew an eye gradually changing into a snake eye. Mr. B

had always complimented my sketches of eyes.

When I was finished, I brought the piece up to him. “Wow. The values in this

piece are great!” he explained.

“Oh, thank you?” I said in response. I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about my piece.

Later in the year, Mr. B entered my drawing into an art gallery show. My family and I

went to the show and as I peered through the front windows I saw my piece. There was

a big red bow stuck on my piece, this struck me. “MOM!” I yelled down the street.
“What?” She replied with confusion.

“I won! I won!” I exclaimed.This was the most amazing feeling I think I had ever

experienced. I got second place at my first gallery show, but I gained so much more

confidence as well.

Now, as a junior, I am taking AP art studio. We each are making portfolios to

send to the AP board and have them evaluated. Mrs. Crace is the teacher for this class.

She is constantly aiding her students and guiding them. We have critiques in that class

as well. This really helps me grow as an artist by exploring other ideas for a piece. Of

course, critiques are kind of nerve racking. Everyone focusing and talking about your art

is not a fun feeling. However, Mrs. Crace helps take those nerves away by making

crepes and aiding in on the conversation.

After taking all of these many art classes, I have changed my mind about the

future. I now have decided to scratch Harvard law and go to art school. A dramatic jump

in a way. My mom was not too happy about this decision, but she still believes in me.

Throughout the last couple years I have learned to have confidence in my skills, and

found that my passion lies in art. Without all of these amazing teachers in my life I would

be sitting in an office for most of my life, and, probably, drawing all over my paperwork.

For that I am forever grateful.

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