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This is Barangay Holy Ghost Extension’s Barangay Hall and Health Center. These are the places where the agencies
such as nurses, barangay officials, barangay tanods, are giving services for the people of Barangay Holy Ghost Extension.
These agencies are extremely important to the people of Barangay Holy Ghost Extension because it provides great services
for free. However, the barangay and health canter are not available 24/7. Emergencies may occur at dawn. There are crimes
reported during midnight/dawn where there are no agencies/barangay tanods patrolling. CCTVs cannot assist the agencies
due to the fact that it’s very dark during the incidents. Because of that, the barangay has planned an action to put an end to
the phenomenon. The barangay scheduled more barangay tanods to patrol during night time and ordered curfew for below
18 years old below at 9PM to 5AM. Furthermore, the barangay also provided free monthly check-up for senior citizens and
held several programs/activities relating to health services.

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