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Praise be to God. Prayers and peace are always devoted to the Prophet Muhammad. Thanks to the
abundance of His mercy and constituents able to complete the task of this paper in order to fulfill the
task of teaching English.

English as the common language of the world in the life of mankind. In the preparation of this task or
material, not a few obstacles that writers face. However, the authors realized that fluency in the
preparation of this material is not another thanks to the help, encouragement, and guidance of parents,
Teachers Advisors and friends so that the constraints faced writer resolved.

The paper is structured so that the reader can expand the knowledge of the world unifying language is
English, the authors present are based on observations from a variety of sources of information,
references, and news. This paper is collated by the authors with various obstacles. Whether it will come
from authors or from the outside. But with patience and especially the help of God finally this paper can
be resolved.

Hopefully this paper can provide greater insight and become contributing ideas to the reader. I am
aware that this paper still has many shortcomings and far from perfect. To that end, I expect
improvement of my paper making in the future and expect criticism and suggestions from readers.

Tasikmalaya February 19, 2020


Last holiday Anka and Reza spent their holiday in Tomok Village, Samosir Island. They visited their friend,
Togar. Anka was very happy in there, but the only one that very odd in her mind. Sigale-gale figurehead
in front of Togar’s house. Anka can see Sigale-gale from Togar’s window. Sigale-gale is a figurehead or a
wood doll from Batak. Its proportions like humans. Perharps it made alike Prince Manggale. Prince
Manggale fell from the wars. The King, his father was very sad .

Finally Sigale-gale figurehead was made. Surprisingly, Sigale-gale could move by self and dancing tor-tor
in front of the King. People said, the Prince Manggale’s soul join in that wood doll.

Until now, Sigale-gale dance become most famous attractive tour in Samosir Island. But now Sigale-gale
moved by Mastermind. But absolutely Anka still terrifying just with a sight. At night, after had dinner,
Anka, Reza, and Togar were playing cards. Anka looked there was something moving in the window. In
the dark Anka saw Sigale-gale was waving! Reflex, Anka was screaming out loudly.
“what’s wrong, Anka?” said Tagor and Reza surprised, and immediately jumped from the chair and came
to Anka.

“that Sigale-gale is waving!” said Anka panic.

“WHAT?!” Togar and Reza shocked.

“is that right, Togar?” asked Reza

“emmhhhh… maybe it is because of gale or something” answered Togar keep calm. Togar didn’t want to
make his guest terrifying.

“wait a moment! It’s so weird. Sigale-gale is so heavy, how can it waving caused by wind?” said Reza

“or… prince Manggale…” said Anka

Reza wondered, and told to his little sister and Togar to check it out. Togar hesitant. But then finally the
curiosity win. They sneaked out house. in the outside, the wind is so hard. Above the light moon, sigale-
gale’s face seemed so scary. With his sleeves that waving like dancing tor-tor.

And suddenly… Jreeenggg! Sigale-gale’s head was turning into them! Reza, Togar, and Anka shocked.
They just could stand there, without any action. But suddenly, they heard another sound.

“nguk..nguk..! nguk..!”

That voice sound very sad and scary. Reza, Anka, and Togar looked each other.

“don’t you hear? That sound..” asked Reza

“I think it comes from Sigale-gale” said Togar.

“hm… okay it sounds very scary. Let’s come back to home.” Said Reza


“NO!” shout Anka firmly

“it sounds like a monkey’s voice. Sounds so sad. Or… he injures overhere” said Anka again with afraid
feelings Reza smiled. He knows his little sister very love animal. Now she fight with the fears only to help
a monkey? Absolutely so appropriate to give two thumbs.

“okay let’s find where the monkey is” said Reza


“look!” Togar pointed

In the back side sigale-gale, a monkey that injured seemed very weak in Masterpiece’s threads.

“ah, so the monkey causes sigale-gale move” said reza satisfied after he finished the mystery.

“ Ohh… monkey loveyy…” Anka take the monkey gently

Togar and Reza was smiling.

“ok now, let’s go back to home” said Togar

They went to Togar’s house, left the sigale-gale that suddenly turn its head. They didn’t realize, that
monkey was still a kid. He couldn’t pull the threads, until it could turn ahead.

A Story From The Farm Yard Two roosters were fighting fiercely to be the king of the farm yard. One
finally gained advantage and the other surrendered.

The loosing rooster slunk away and hid itself in a quiet corner. The winner flew up to a high wall, flapped
its wings and crowed its victory, as loud as it could.

Suddenly, an eagle came sailing through the air and carried it off, with its talons. The loosing rooster
immediately came out of its corner and ruled the farm yard from then on.

1. From the text we know that ....

A. Only one rooster can rule the roost

B. The roosters are fighting to flap their wings

C. The eagle had watched them all day

D. The farm needs a new king

3. What can we learn from the story?

A. There's always a bigger enemy in this life

B. Your friend can be your enemy

C. Always grab an opportunity before you

D. Don't be cocky when we have achieved our goal

One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and brother. She brought
along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her brother said “ it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah
Tim go with you though the forest.”

Suatu hari, seorang istri petani yang masih muda ingin mengunjungi desa tetangga untuk menemui ibu
dan saudara laki lakinya. Dia memabawa anak laki – lakinya. Ketika sudah waktunya untuk pulang,
kakanya mengatakan kepadanya “ Hari sudah mulai gelap. Biarlah anak laki lakiku, AH Tim menemanimu
melewati hutan.”

So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her baby. When they were in the
forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked
against a stone and fell down. At once the wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves, “
please eat my own son instead.” Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and
took her nephew away.

Sehingga Ah Tim memimpin dan wanita muda tersebut mengikutinya dibelakang, sambil membawa
anaknya. Ketika mereka di hutan, tiba tiba mereka melihat segerombolan serigala. Mereka mulai berlari
menghindari bahaya tersebut, akan tetapi Ah Tim tersandung batu dan terjatuh. Dengan segera serigala
tersebut menangkapnya. Wanita muda tersebut menangis pada si Serigala, “ mohon makan saja anak
ku,” kemudian dia meletakkan bayinya di tanah depan serigala dan mengambil keponakannya.

Everyone understood that this was because the woman was very good and kind. She had offered her
own son’s life to save her nephew.

Semua orang mengetahui bahwa hal ini karena perempuan tersebut sangat baik dan ramah. Dia
menawarkan anaknya sendiri untuk menyelamatkan keponakannya.

They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the village fetched thick sticks and went back
with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw something very strange. Instead of eating the
woman’s baby the wolves were playing with him.
Mereka kembali ke desa dan meminta bantuan. Semua laki laki di desa mengambil tongkat dan pergi ke
hutan. Ketika mereka sampai di sana, mereka melihat sesuatu yang aneh. Si serigala tidak memakan anak
dari perempuan tersebut akan tetapi malah bermain dengannya.

1. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New Territories ?

a. Another village

b. Mountains

c. Forests

d. Hills

e. Towers and logs

Jawaban C

Pembahasan. Perhatikan kalimat ini “ ….. they often had to pass through wild and unsafe forest…..” yang
berarti setiap desa dipisahkan oleh hutan.

2. Who was Ah Tim ?

a. The young woman’s brother

b. The young woman’s son

c. The young woman’s brother and nephew

d. The young woman’s brother’s son

e. One of the men who fetched a stick

Pembahasan. Perhatikan kalimat ini “…it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the
forest...” yang menunjukkan bahwa Ah Tim adalah anak dari kakak perempuan tersebut.

3. Who walked in front when they were in the forest ?

a. Ah Tm

b. The woman

c. The woman’s son

d. Her brother’s nephew

e. The baby and his mother

Jawaban A

Pembahasan. Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed
behind….” Sehingga jelas yang berjalan didepan adalah Ah Tim.

4. How could the wolves catch Ah Tim ?

a. He was afraid

b. He was stumbled by a stone

c. He ran slowly

d. The woman cried

e. The wolves were good runners

Jawaban. B

Pembahasan. Perhatikan kalimat ini. , but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At once the
wolves caught him,,,,
5. The woman gave her son to the wolves because

a. She loved her nephew than her son.

b. She thought about how her brother would be

c. She wanted her son was eaten by the wolves

d. She was crazy

e. She kept a grudge on his brother

Jawaban. B

Pembahasan. Perempuan tersebut memberikan anaknya karena merasa tidak enak pada kakaknya dan
kasian kepadanya

6. What did the villagers bring sticks for ?

a. For the weapon to beat the wolves

b. To bring the woman’s nephew

c. For the fire woods.

d. For play

e. For building a house for the woman.

Jawaban. A

Pembahasan. Para warga membawa stik atau tongkat untuk senjata melawan para Serigala.

7. “ all men in the village fetched thick stick … “ the word “ fetched” has a similar meaning to :

a. Received

b. Caught
c. Got

d. Hit

e. Lifted

Jawaban C

8. From the passage we learn that the villages were ….

a. Located in one huge area

b. Situated in a large district

c. Separated by untamed jungles.

d. Wild and unsafe

e. Dark and very dangerous

Jawaban. C

Pembahasan. Berdasarkan cerita diatas kita tahu bahwa desa dipisahkan oleh sebuah hutan yang tidak
jinak ( untamed Jungle)

9. The brother let her son go with his aunt as she left home because ….

a. Ah Tim wanted to see the wolves

b. His aunt wanted him to come long

c. Ah Tim was bored to live with his parents

d. The baby was too cute to be alone

e. Ah Tim would be a guardian for them

Jawaban. E
Pembahasan. Maksud dari si kakak perempuan tersebut menyuruha Ah Tim adalah untuk menemani si
wanita muda tersebut.seperti pada pilihan E

10. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the story above ?

a. To describe the danger of the villages

b. To entertain the readers of the story

c. To tell the villagers’ relationship

d. To explain how important a relative is

e. To narrate how the wolves were playing with the baby.

Jawaban B

Pembahasan. Cerita tersebut adalah narrative text, sehingga mempunyai fungsi social untuk menghibur


Liburan kemarin Anka dan Reza menghabiskan liburan mereka di Desa Tomok, Pulau Samosir. Mereka
mengunjungi teman mereka, yaitu Togar. Anka sangat senang berlibur di sana, tapi satu-satunya hal yang
sangat aneh dan mengganggu pikirannya adalah sosok Sigale-gale di depan rumah Togar. Anka bisa
melihat Sigale-gale dari jendela Togar. Sigale-gale adalah boneka kayu khas dari suku Batak. Proporsinya
yang seperti manusia itu disebut-sebut sama seperti Pangeran Manggale.

Pangeran Manggale wafat ketika perang. Ayahnya sang Raja sangatlah sedih. Akhirnya figur Sigale-gale
dibuat. Anehnya, Sigale-gale bisa bergerak dengan sendirinya dan menari tor tor di depan Raja. Menurut
cerita rakyat, jiwa Pangeran Manggale bergabung dalam boneka kayu itu.

Sampai saat ini, tarian Sigale-gale menjadi wisata menarik paling terkenal di Pulau Samosir. Tapi sekarang
Sigale-gale digerakkan oleh penggerak di balik layar. Tapi Anka masih benar-benar takut dengan apa yang
dilihatnya. Pada malam hari, setelah makan malam, Anka, Reza, dan Togar sedang bermain kartu. Anka
melihat ada sesuatu yang bergerak di jendela. Dalam kegelapan Anka melihat Sigale-gale melambai!
Refleks, Anka menjerit keras-keras.

“Ada apa, Anka?” tanya Tagor dan Reza terkejut, dan langsung melompat dari kursi dan mendekati Anka.

“Sigale-gale itu melambai!” Kata Anka panik.

“APA?!” Togar dan Reza kaget.

“Benarkah begitu, Togar?” tanya Reza.

“Emmhhhh … mungkin itu karena angin atau hal lainnya” jawab Togar tetap tenang. Togar tidak ingin
membuat tamunya takut.

“Tunggu sebentar! Ini sangat aneh. Sigale-gale begitu berat, bagaimana bisa melambai akibat angin?
“Kata Reza

“Atau … pangeran Manggale …” kata Anka

Reza bertanya-tanya, dan memberi tahu adiknya dan Togar untuk memeriksanya. Togar ragu. Tapi
akhirnya rasa penasarannya menang. Mereka menyelinap keluar rumah. Di luar, angin sangat kencang. Di
atas bulan cahaya, wajah sigale-gale tampak sangat menyeramkan. Dengan lengan bajunya yang
melambai-lambai seperti tor tor.

Dan tiba-tiba … Jreeenggg! Kepala Sigale-gale bergerak menghadap mereka! Reza, Togar, dan Anka kaget.
Mereka hanya bisa berdiri di sana, tanpa tindakan apapun. Tapi tiba-tiba, mereka mendengar suara lain.

“Nguk..nguk ..! nguk ..! “

Suara itu terdengar sangat sedih dan menyeramkan. Reza, Anka, dan Togar saling pandang.

“Tidakkah kamu dengar suara itu? .. ” tanya Reza

“Aku pikir itu berasal dari Sigale-gale” kata Togar.

“Hm … oke kedengarannya sangat menyeramkan. Ayo kembali ke rumah.” ajak Reza


“TIDAK!” Teriak Anka dengan tegas

“Kedengarannya seperti suara monyet. Kedengarannya sangat menyedihkan. Mungkin… dia terluka.” kata
Anka lagi dengan perasaan takut

Reza tersenyum. Dia tahu adik perempuannya sangat menyukai binatang. Sekarang dia bertarung dengan
ketakutan hanya untuk membantu seekor monyet? Sama sekali pantas memberi dua jempol.

“Oke mari kita cari dimana monyet itu” kata reza

“Nguk … .nguk..nguk”

“Lihat!” Togar menunjuk

Di sisi belakang sigale-gale, seekor monyet yang terluka tampak sangat lemah tersangkut karena benang
“Ah, jadi monyet itu yang menyebabkan sigale-gale bergerak” kata reza puas setelah ia menyelesaikan
misteri tersebut.

“Ohh … monyet sayang …” Anka menyelamatkan monyet dengan lembut. Togar dan Reza tersenyum.

“Ok sekarang, ayo kembali ke rumah” kata Togar

Mereka pergi ke rumah Togar, meninggalkan sigale-gale yang tiba-tiba menoleh.

Mereka tidak sadar, monyet itu masih kecil. Dia tidak bisa menarik benang, sampai bisa berbalik ke


Cover.......................................................................................................... i

Preface....................................................................................................... ii

Table of Contents..................................................................................... iii

Chapter 1 Introduction

a. Background...................................................................................... 1

b. Problem Formulation....................................................................... 1

c. Objective discussion......................................................................... 1

Chapter 2 Discussion

a. Understanding Narrative Text.......................................................... 2

b. Objective Narrative Text.................................................................. 2

c. Types of Narrative Text................................................................... 2

d. Generic Structure of Narrative Text................................................. 5

e. Language Features Narrative Text................................................... 5

f. Used Grammar Narrative Text......................................................... 6

g. Example of Narrative Text............................................................. 12

Chapter 3 Closing

a. Conclusion..................................................................................... 17

b. Suggestions.................................................................................... 17

Bibliography............................................................................................ 18

Chapter I


A. Backgroud
Narrative text is a kind of genre that the series of events or stories from time to time and described in
the order beginning, middle and end. So it should be chronological, meaning it is told in a coherent
chronological and should not be jumping.

In the English dictionary, literally Narrative means (1) a spoken or writer account of connected events, a
story. (2) the narrated part of a literary work, as distinct from the dialogue. (3) the practice or art of

B. Problem Formulation

1. Understanding Narrative Text?

2. Objective Narrative Text?

3. Types of Narrative Text?

4. Generic Structure of Narrative Text?

5. Language Features Narrative Text?

6. Used Grammar Narrative Text?

7. Example of Narrative Text?

C. Objective Discussion

1. Discuss the notion of narrative text

2. Discuss the Purpose Narrative Text

3. Know the types of Narrative Text

4. Knowing Generic Structure of Narrative Text

5. Know the Language Features of Narrative Text

6. Knowing Grammar of Narrative Text

7. Knowing Example Narrative Text

Chapter II

A. Understanding Narrative Text

Narrative text is a kind of genre that the series of events or stories from time to time and
described in the order beginning, middle and end. So it should be chronological, meaning it is told in a
coherent chronological and should not be jumping up and text that tells something imaginative or
something that just mirages and aim only to entertain the reader.

B. Purpose Narrative Text

The basic purpose of the narrative text is to entertain and attract readers with a story or event that has
the problems that lead to conflict and in the end no resolution or a happy ending or even depressing.
Actually narrative text is not only limited to the mystical story, fiction, legend, fairy tale or fable, but
another story in the form of adventure, mystery and all forms of story. In essence, narrative text is about
the story. But the lesson in school, genre narrative text is usually only used to show the fictional story like
a fairy tale or legend. If the views of its kind, the narrative text that is often meant by the father's mother
was a teacher Suggestive Narrative category, ie text that purpose so that the reader gets the wisdom of a

C. Types of Narrative Text

Narrative Text has a core story that usually only in the form of the author's imagination or a real incident
that was captured by the author or even a combination of both. In various sources Narrative Text can be
found in the form:

a. Fables (Stories about animals behave like humans pictured)

Fable is a story that tells the life of an animal that behaves like a human. The story may not be the real
story. Fable is a fiction, a fantasy point (fantasy). Sometimes fable enter characters minority human form.

The characteristics of fable:

1. The use of animal figures

2. animals as main characters can behave like humans

3. shows the depiction of moral / moral element and the human character and criticism about life in the

4. The story short

5. Using a simple word choice

6. In the fable story, which is told is the most excellent among the human characters are weak and the

7. Using a natural setting

b. Fairy stories (The story is fantastic, full of wonders)

Fairy stories / fairy tale is a type of short stories that usually features folkloric fantasy characters Europe,
such as dwarves, elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, goblins, mermaids, trolls, witches, and usually magic or
charm. Fables can be distinguished from other people's stories as legends (which generally involve belief
in the truth of the events described) and explicitly moral of the story, including the fable.

c. Mysteries

Mystery genre fiction is usually focused on the investigation of crime. Mystery fiction is often used as a
synonym for detective fiction or crime fiction-in other words a novel or short story in which the
investigator (whether professional or amateur) investigate and solve the mystery of evil. Sometimes
nonfictional mystery books. can whodunit that the emphasis on puzzles or elements of tension and
logical solutions like a mystery story. Mystery fiction can be compared with boiled detective stories,
which focuses on action and gritty realism. mystery may involve supernatural mystery or thriller in which
the solution is not to be logical, and even no crime involved.

d. Science Fiction

Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with such imaginative content futuristic settings, futuristic
science and technology, space travel, time travel, faster than light travel, parallel universes and
extraterrestrial life. It often explores the consequences of scientific innovations and other potential, and
has been called "literature of ideas.

e. Romances

Romance is expressive and pleasant feeling of emotional appeal to the people associated with love. In
the context of romantic love relationships, romance usually implies a strong expression of romantic love
a person, or a person's emotional desire and stronger to connect with others intimate or romantic.
Historically, the term "romance" comes with the ideals of medieval knights as stated in his knight
romance literature.
f. Horror Stories

Horror fiction, horror and fantasy literature horror is a genre of literature, which is intended to, or has
the capacity to scare, frighten, or surprise the reader by inducing feelings of horror and terror. Literary
historian JA Cuddon has defined the horror story as "a piece of prose fiction in the form of variable
length ... which shocks or even fear the reader, or may induce feelings of disgust or hatred." It creates a
frightening and intimidating atmosphere. Horror usually supernatural, though it can be a non-
supernatural. Often the main threat of a work of horror fiction can be interpreted as a metaphor for a
greater fear of society.

g. Legends

A legend is a narrative of human actions are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place in human
history and has certain qualities that give verisimilitude story. Legend, for active and passive participants
that includes no events that are outside the "possibility", as defined by a set of highly flexible
parameters, which may include the miracles that are considered truly special has happened in the
tradition of indoctrination where the legend appears , and where the tradition may change from time to
time, to keep it fresh and vital, and realistic. Many legends operates in the areas of uncertainty, never be
fully believed by the participants, but also became firmly doubted.

h. Historical Narratives

Narrative history is the practice of writing history in the form of a story based. It can be divided into two
subgenres: the traditional narrative and narrative modern.Narasi traditionally focused on the
chronological order of history, it is event driven and tend to center on individuals, actions, and

For example, in the case of the French Revolution, a historian who works with traditional narrative might
be more interested in the revolution as a whole (one revolution), the center of Paris, and is highly
dependent on the great figures such as Maximilien Robespierre.Sebaliknya, modern narrative usually
focus the structure and the general trend. A modern narrative will break from rigid chronology if
historians explain the concept better. In the case of the French Revolution, a historian working with
modern narrative may indicate general characteristics possessed by the revolutionaries in France but
also will describe regional variations from the general trend (many revolutions confluent). Also the kind
of historian may use different sociological factors to demonstrate why various types of people support
the general revolution.
i. Personal Experience (personal experiences written)

The experience of the human person is the experience moment-to-moment sensory awareness and
internal and external events or experiences some form of empirical unity as the period of life.

j. Ballads (ballads, which can be a touching story readers, usually in the form of a love story that is not

A ballad / bæləd / is a form of verse, often a narrative set to music. Ballads derived from the medieval
French chanson balladée or ballade, which originally "dance songs". Ballads in particular the
characteristics of popular poetry and song from the British Isles later medieval period until the 19th
century and is widely used throughout Europe and then America, Australia, and North Africa.

D. Generic structure

Generic structure on Narrative Text is divided into four, namely:

1. Orientation

Namely the introduction of the form: a story about what (what is the story about), who the actors in the
story (who is the participant), of the story (where is the place setting) and the story when it happened
(when is the time settings ).

2. Complication

In this paragraph which became the core of the narrative text. Without any problems, this text is only
one form of exposure to events that followed with another event. Problems that arise can be

- Natural Conflict

Namely the problems that arise because of the perpetrator stories dealing with the forces of nature.

- Social Conflict

Namely the problems that arise because the perpetrators were facing each other. They met at the
same time with different interests.
- Psychological Conflict

Namely the problems that arise when dealing with the perpetrators of the story itself. The
contradiction between the good and bad, between greed and tolerance.

3. Resolution

That problem can be solved. In Narrative text, any problems that appear to be no solution, can be closed
with a happy ending (happy ending) or not slightly ended tragically, the sad (sad ending).

4. Coda

Is a sentence or a text message contained in narrative.

E. Language Features

1. Use Past Tense (S+V2)

The past tense is a grammatical tense whose main function is to put an action or situation in the past. In
the language which has the past tense, thus providing a means of grammatical indicates that the event in
question occurred in the past.

2. Use time connector

Time connector is used in the description of time in the narrative text, the information is usually as a
liaison paragraph 1 with other paragraphs. For example: Paragraph 1 (in the morning), Paragraph 2 (in

3. Using conjunction

Conjunction is used in conjunction Narrative text. Example: After, before, That, So, After that, etc.

4. Using saying verb

Saying verb meaning in the narrative text using the verb. Example: Told, Spoke, Promised, etc.

5. Using adjective
Adjective meaning in the narrative text using adjectives. Example: Good, Bad, Beautiful, ugly, etc.

F. Grammar Used

Grammar (grammar) that often arise in making the narrative text is tenses "past", both simple, past
perfect, past continuous, past perfect continuous, future or past continuous.

1. Simple past tense

Simple past tense is a simple form of the verb to indicate that an event occurred in the past. In the
simple past tense, time of occurrence (yesterday, last two days, last year) or time period (for two
months, for a day, for an hour) can be specifically mentioned. Simple past tense can also be used to form
a conditional sentence type 2.

2. Past perfect tense

Past perfect tense is a verb form used to express that an action has been completed at some point in the
past before another action occurs. The action has been completed in the past it may happen repeatedly
or only once. In addition, past perfect tense can also be used to form a conditional sentence type 3 and
reported speech.

3. Past continuous tense

Past continuous tense or past progressive tense is a verb form used to express that an action is
happening at a particular time in the past. The action has been started but not yet completed at the

4. Past perfect continuous

Past perfect continuous tense is a verb form used to express an action (with certain time duration) has
been completed at a given point in time in the past.

4. Past perfect continuous

Past perfect continuous tense is a verb form used to express an action (with certain time duration) has
been completed at a given point in time in the past.

G. Example of Narrative Text

1. Fable

A Mouse and A Lion

Generic Structure



Once, as a lion lay sleeping in his den, a naughty little mouse ran up his tail, onto his back, up his mane
and danced and jumped on his head, so that the lion woke up.

lion angry grabbed the mouse and, holding him in his large claws, roared in anger. 'How dare you wake
me up! Don't you know that I am King of the Beasts? Anyone who disturbs my rest deserves to die! I
shall kill you and eat you!

The terrified mouse, shaking and trembling, begged the lion to let him go. 'Please don't eat me Your
Majesty! I did not mean to wake you, it was a mistake. I was only playing. Please let me go - and I
promise I will be your friend forever. Who knows but one day I could save your life?'

The lion looked at the tiny mouse and laughed. 'You save my life? What an absurd idea!' he said
scornfully. 'But you have made me laugh, and put me into a good mood again, so I shall let you go.' And
the lion opened his claws and let the mouse go free.

'Oh thank you, your majesty,' squeaked the mouse, and scurried away as fast as he could.


A few days later the lion was caught in a hunter's snare. Struggle as he might, he couldn't break free and
became even more entangled in the net of ropes. He let out a roar of anger that shook the forest. Every
animal heard it, including the tiny mouse.

The mouse was rushing to the source of its roar and he found the lion was powerless. The mouse then
bit the rope that cought the lion so that the lion can escape from the trap. The lions are very grateful to
the mouse, and they became friends best forever.


Even a small help would be very meaningful.

2. Fairy Stories

Beauty and the Beast

Generic structure



Once upon a time there was a merchant who had three beautiful daughter, Prettiest, Sweetest, and
Beauty. One day when a merchant set off for market, the three of his daughter asked him something.
Prettiest wanted a brocade dress, Sweetest asked a pearl necklace but Beauty just wanted a rose.

When the merchant had finished his business, he set off for home. However, a sudden storm blew up
and he should found a shelter to take a rest. Then he saw a big castle but there was none there and he
decided to take a rest there.

In the morning, when he left the castle, he saw a beautiful rose in castle garden. Remembering his
promise to Beauty, he bent down to pick a rose. But suddenly a horrible beast came out. The beast was
angry because he found there was someone who stole his rose.


The beast wanted to kill the merchant. But the merchant was begging to apologize him. Then he told
that his youngest daughter wanted a rose when he came back to home.

"I shall spare your life, but on one condition, that you bring me your daughter!" said the beast.

The merchant came back to his home with sad looking face. He told the story to his family include to

"Dear father, I would do anything for you! Don't worry, I will live with the beast and save your life!" Said

Then Beauty began to live with the beast in the castle. In the beginning, Beauty was frightened of the
Best but later she figured out that actually the beast was good and kind. In a short time, Beauty and the
Beast became good friends. Then one day, the Beast asked Beauty to be his wife.

Taken by surprise, Beauty said no to the Beast proposal. But the Beast was not getting mad of it. In the
next day, the Beast brought Beauty the magic mirror which could see her family, far away.

And one day, Beauty saw that her father was in serious sick. She asked the Beast to let her looked after
her father. The beast could not deny but there was a condition that Beauty should come back in 7 days.
Beauty thanked the Beast so much. so she was back to her family and looked after her father.

The merchant fallen ill from broken heart at knowing his daughter was being kept prisoner. When Beauty
stayed with him, the merchant's condition was getting well. However, Beauty forgot her promise to come
back in 7 days. In the night, Beauty had a nightmare. She had a dream that the Beast was dying.

Beauty was afraid, then she decided to come back to castle immediately In the castle, she found the
Beast lied down on the ground with its eyes shut. Beauty was sad, then she hugged the Beast and said
that she would marry the Beast. Suddenly a miracle took place. The Beast magically turn into a
handsome man.

"Actually, I am a prince of this castle. A bad witch turn me into beast and only real love of a maiden
willing to accept me as I was, can transform me back to normal. Then Beauty and the prince was married
and live happily in the castle.

Do not judge a person from his body, but with his heart. because looks can be deceiving.

3. Romance

Cinderella Love Story

Generic structure



Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her step mother and two step

The step mother and sisters were conceited and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her
step mother made Cinderella do the hardest works in the house; such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning
the pot and pan and preparing the food for the family.

The two step sisters, on the other hand, did not work about the house. Their mother gave them many
handsome dresses to wear


One day, the two step sister received an invitation to the ball that the king’s son was going to give at the
palace. They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. At
last, the day of the ball came, and away went the sisters to it. Cinderella could not help crying after they
had left.

“Why are crying, Cinderella?” a voice asked. She looked up and saw her fairy godmother standing beside
her, “because I want so much to go to the ball” said Cinderella. “Well” said the godmother,”you’ve been
such a cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I am going to see that you do go to the ball”.

Magically, the fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a fine coach and mice into a coachman and two
footmen. Her godmother tapped Cinderella’s raged dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball
gown. Then she gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers. “Now, Cinderella”, she said; “You must leave
before midnight”. Then away she drove in her beautiful coach.
Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time. She danced again and again with the king’s son.
Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as quickly as she could. In her hurry,
one of her glass slipper was left behind.


A few days later, the king’ son proclaimed that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass slipper.
Her step sisters tried on the slipper but it was too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed
their toes into it. In the end, the king’s page let Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck out her foot and
the page slipped the slipper on. It fitted perfectly.

Finally, she was driven to the palace. The king’s son was overjoyed to see her again. They were married
and live happily ever after.


each person must have a problem, faced with the patient and steadfast

4. Legend

The Legend of Prambanan Temple

Generic structure



Once, there was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name was Rara Jonggrang. Rara Jonggrang whose
beauty was very famous in the land was the daughter of Prabu Baka, and evil king.

One day, a handsome young man with super natural power named Bandung Bondowoso defatted and
killed Prabu Baka. On seeing Princess Rara Jonggrang’s beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love wither
and wantted to marry her.

Meanwhile, Princess Rara jonggrang felt sad due to her death father. She did not want to marry Bandung
because he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of Bandung. So to refuse politely, she made a
condition. "I will marry you but you have to build one thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift"
requested Rara Jonggrang. Bandung Bondowoso agreed with the condition. Helped by the spirit of the
demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples. Approaching midnight, the work would
nearly be done. Rara Jonggrang knew and thought, "What shall I do? Bandung Bondowoso is smarter
than I. I would lose against Bandung."


Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the palace and ordered them to make the noisy
sounds of grinding rice so that the rooster thought at had already been dawn. Bandung Bondowoso got
frustrated because he failed completing the thousandth temple.

"The Princess has deceived me!" Following his anger, he cursed Roro Jonggrang, "You have been
cheated. Now, the thousandth temple is you!"

At once, the Princess turned into a statue. knowing this, Bandung Bondowoso regretted and he went
away into a farm land. From then people called the temple Prambanan Temple and the Princess statue
Rara Jonggrang statue.


we should not do sneaky, because all the bad deeds will surely reply with bad anyway.

Once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants
crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. Many of them were even crushed
to death.

Then taking of rats decided to approach the elephant’s chief and request him to guide his herd through
another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant’s king apologized and agreed to take another
route. And so the lives of the rats were saved.

One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the
elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned on of the elephants of his herd,
which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king and told him about the trapped elephants.

The rat’s king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut open the nets which had trapped
the elephant’s herd. The elephant herd was totally set free. They danced with joy and thank the rats.
1. What destroyed the homes of all rats?

A. The hunter did

B. Elephant-hunter did

C. A group of mice did

D. Elephant’s herd

E. A group of elephant did

Hal pertama dalam mengerjakan soal bahasa Inggris ialah kamu harus sudah mengerti bahasa Inggris.
Untuk memahami bahasa Inggris sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan memahami pelajaran bahasa
Indonesia. Perbedaannya hanya pada bahasanya.

Trik pengerjaan soal narasi di atas ialah baca dulu soalnya baru teksnya. Pada soal ditanyakan ‘apa yang
menghancurkan rumah para tikus?’. Jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut terdapat pada paragraf pertama,
yakni pada kutipan ‘Once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a
group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats.’

Pada kutipan tersebut disebutkan bahwa yang menghancurkan rumah para tikus ialah sekelompok gajah
yang tengah melintasi hutan. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut ialah E.

2. What helped the elephant’s herd free?

A. The hunters did

B. The trapped elephants did

C. A group of king did

D. Entire group of rats did

E. The elephant-hunter did

Sama halnya dengan soal sebelumnya, jawaban untuk soal ini terdapat dalam teks di atas. Kunci utama
untuk menjawab soal tersebut terdapat pada paragraf terakhir, yakni ‘The rat’s king immediately took his
entire group of rats and they cut open the nets which had trapped the elephant’s herd. The elephant
herd was totally set free. They danced with joy and thank the rats.’

Pada paragraf disebutkan bahwa yang menolong sekumpulan gajah yang terjebak adalah sekumpulan
tikus. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut ialah D.

Perhatikan Teks Berikut!

A fox fell into a well and couldn’t get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along. Seeing the fox in the well
it asked if the water was good. “Good,” said the fox, “It’s the best water I’ve tasted in all my life. Come
down and try it yourself.”

The goat was thirsty so he got into the well. When he had drunk enough, he looked around but there
was no way to get out. Then the fox said, “I have a good idea. You stand on your hind legs and put your
forelegs against the side of the well. Then I’ll climb on your back, from there. I’ll step on your horns, and I
can get out. And when I’m out, I’ll help you out of the well.”

The goat did as he was asked and the fox got on his back and climbed out of the well. Then he coolly
walked away. The goat called out loudly after him and reminded him of his promise to help him out. The
fox merely turn to him and said, “if you only had thought carefully about getting out, you wouldn’t have
jumped into the well.”
The goat felt very sad. He called out loudly. An old man walking nearby heard him and put a plank into
the well. The goat out and thanked the old man.

3. What do we learn from the text?

A. How the fox helped goat

B. The fox thirsty

C. The fox deceiving goat

D. The goat deceiving fox

E. Both fox and goat trapped by old man

Jawaban soal tersebut dapat diketahui dengan membaca teks secara keseluruhan. Sebab, pertanyaan
dari soal tersebut ialah apa yang dapat diketahui dari teks narasi. Bila membaca secara keseluruhan teks
tersebut maka dapat diketahui bahwa teks narasi itu menceritakan tentang rubah yang menipu kambing.
Nah, atas kesimpulan itu, maka jawaban yang tepat ialah C.

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals, there was a small
kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man. He
had an only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not
married. One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.

After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition. Unfortunately, the
wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan and used magic power to render him
unconscious and he forgot his wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and
soon realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept this, so she
killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was very sad. So a nice fairy took her
to the Kahyangan.

4. Which one of the following statements is false about Sang Prabu?

A. Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter

B. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West Java

C. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy

D. Sang Prabu was a wise man

E. Sang Prabu didn’t have a son

Soal tersebut menuntut kamu menemukan mana fakta yang ada dalam teks dan mana yang bukan. Tipe
soal tersebut ialah mencari yang bukan fakta dalam teks.

Untuk menjawab soal semacam ini, kamu perlu membaca teks dengan seksama. Sebab, kuncinya
terdapat pada kesimpulanmu terhadap pembacaan teks. Dalam teks tersebut, pilihan jawaban A, B, D,
dan E merupakan fakta yang terdapat dalam teks. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut ialah C.

Chapter III


A. Conclusions

Narrative text is a kind of genre that the series of events or stories from time to time and described in
the order beginning, middle and end. Narrative text has some kind, and also has a generic structure.
Narrative text is usually a fairy tale animals or humans. The hallmark of the narrative text is a sequential
story from beginning to end.

B. Suggestions

Narrative text is the story sequence, so if you want to make the narrative text of the story you want to be
discussed at the start of the early events of a story to the end of a story.


 Lks Book English for SMA / MA Semester 2

 English Book Notes











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