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Q: How do I join?

A: This year we have two ways to join the session:
the webinar room and the livestream. When the
room is full, you can join our livestream.

Q: I got the user limit message

A: Don't worry, you can join here. Make sure
you submit your email so we can send you
your certificate and resource pack.

Q: How do I get my certificate?

A: Attend any of the sessions either through your original joining link,
or via our livestream site and we will email you your personalised
certificate after the event. Tell us you attended by completing this

Q: How do I get my delegate resource pack?

A: You can use this code: 2133-8145-2603 to get
your FREE ELTOC resource pack, just log onto enter
the code when prompted, and enjoy!

Q: What should I do if I have technical

A: You can use the livechat box on the
webpage, or email

Q: How do I ask questions when joining on the

live stream?
A: Use #MYELTOC2020 on twitter to send us
your questions if you are joining us by live-

Q: Do I need to come for all sessions?

A: No. Join any ELTOC sessions to be eligible for the
ELTOC certificate

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