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I am Job.

I possess great wealth and was called the greatest of men among those who
dwelt in the east; Yet, I do not hold feasts and not even attend the feasts held by my
children. Why are you confused on me? You think I was too old-fashioned and
conservative? I prefer to live a simple life rather than do anything that displeases God! I
am just keeping my best behaviour in life and this behaviour is what God wants me to
possess. I do not do those things because I have a fear to God!

I will not blame the Lord for those stolen livestock. I will not blame Him for those
servants that were slain, and my ten children whose lives were lost. The Lord gave, and
the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

My wife talks like a foolish woman. I am ill and almost dead. She said I should curse
God because he abandoned me. Shall we accept only good things from the hand of
God? and never any take bad?
Stop assuming my guilt for I have done no wrong. Do you think I am lying? Do I know
the difference between right and wrong? I know as much as you do, you are no better
than I am! As for me, I would speak directly to the Almighty! I want to argue my case
with God Himself! As for you, you smear me with lies. You are worthless squats. If only
you could be silent that’s the wisest thing you can do!

I wish that my words could be written down for I know that my redeemer lives and He
will stand upon the earth that last, my flesh maybe destroyed yet from this body I will
see God. Yes, I will see Him with my own eyes and I am overwhelmed at the thought!

If only someone would listen to me, let me Almighty answer to me!

I know that You can do anything and no one can stop You. It is I, and I was talking
about things I know nothing about, things far too wonderful from me. I had only heard
about You before. But now I have seen You with my own eyes. I take back everything I
said and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.

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