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Aung San Suu Kyi

I have many correspondents and friends in all continents. These individuals and these
institutions represent multiple cultures and religious or philosophical belief. Several no
Muslims received in Arabic and French on the occasion of Eid El-Kabir Ecotempus wishes. It
was my decision. Similar messages will be sent on the occasion of Christmas, Yom Kippur,
Chinese New Year or the birthday of Buddha (no-exhaustive list). It will be never of the
glorification of a religion but for to share universally celebrated festivals. Therefore
i refuse to modify the list of my correspondents and friends in according of the
convictions as their name suggests. When I celebrate or evoke an event, I address to all
without distinction.

Every thing that afflicts some afflicts everyone: a tsunami affect Inuit and melting polar ice
caps worried the Touareg .A feast which delighted the each pleased everyone: to day Aung
San Suu Kyi finds its freedom and soon, I hope, all her rights. I want to share this joy
without any ideological or political proselytism. It is harassment and more: a hard violence.

About science, history and art, I advocated for a kindly and pedagogical syncretism.
Mathematicians, physicists, historical leaders and musicians for example, draw the logic of
the world, enhance knowledge, maintain our memories alive and provide us precious
moments of eternity. Surely, if I was to celebrate the entire ancient and modern those
accompany me, the list would be endless. Voluntarily I quote some names, in random

.El Kahina and Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc) ? Princess Salouka and Marguerite Champendal
? Queen Zinga of Angola and Rosa Parks? Marie Curie and Dolores Ibarruri Gómez? Jane
Goodall and Jamila Bouhired? Valentina Tereshkova and Simone Weil? Françoise Giroud and
Dian Fossey? Erna hamburger and Rosane Silva , ? Claudie Haigneré and Shirin Ebadi.?
Masako Bando and Alicia Duran ? Sadako Ogata and Gisèle Halimi? Michelle Bachelet and
Ewa Rondio? Charusita Chakravarty and Shiulie Ghosh? Ilham Al-Qaradawi and Irina

Thales and Emir Abdelkader? Archimedes and Patrice Lumumba? John Maynard Keynes
and Albert Einstein? Ibnou Hazm and Guglielmo Marconi? Zu Chongzhi and George
Washington? Alexander Fleming and Benito Juarez? Christopher Columbus and Charles
de Gaulle? Allal El Fassi and Admiral Zheng He? Thomas Edison and Ho Chi Minh?
Habib Bourguiba and Yuri Gagarin? Mao Ze-dong and Christiaan Barnard? Ernesto
Guevara and Neil Armstrong? Julius Nyerere and Ibnou Batuta? Yasser Arafat and
Georges Charpak? Théodore Monod and Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.?

Thus, everyone will rebuild it in according to its affinities. Anyway, as in the physical
sciences, asymmetries often result in harmony.

I want to cite the names of other companions of my life, writers poets , legendary athletes
painters, sculptors. They are the liberators of our consciousness and our soul. But I can't name
all these companions. I choose a symbol for them : Aung San Suu Kyi
Her radiant face, the grace of its approach, his sometimes playful sometimes serious gaze
have defied the decades and fold the “Colonels des brimades”. She give us a lesson: to
combine strength with serenity

My dear Lady , I Feast your release and I share my happiness with all our
"COMPLANETRIOTS".. Previously I built this noun. But for you it reaches
a full meaning. The harmful and unproductive globalization of the financial transactions
conquest the world. It is time to globalize the human fiber also. We have one solar system
only and we are living in a single planet, the Blue Gaîa . If the VLT friends discover
another, also welcoming, I hope they will appoint it LDR : Lady of Rangoon..


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