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Annual Examination March 2020

Class: 8th Total Mark: 100 Time: 3 hrs
1. Alkhil, Al-wahoosh were written by:
: Jabir Bin Hayan : Abdul Malik Asmai
: Ibn-Ai-Haitham : Ziaddin Baitor
2. The family of Mustard is:
: Brassicaceae : Poaccae
: Rosaceace : Palmaceae
3 . Characteristics of viruses due to which they are considered as living:
: Non-cellular structure : Total parasites
: Undergo Crystallization : Undergo Reproduction
4. Tuberculosis is caused by:
: Virus : Bacteria
: Worm : None of those
5. Mycelium of fungi is made up of :
: Sori :Sporangium
: Gamete : Hyphea
6. It is not cold blooded animal:
: Fish : Cat
: Frog : Snake
7. The outer most whorl of a flower is:
: Gynocium : Androcium
: Corolla : Calyx
8. O.N.A is present in:
: Nucleus : Chromosome
: Cell : Nucleoplasm
9. He discovered cell the basic unit of living of organisms :
: Galileo : Robert Hook
: William Harvey : Al.Razi
10. Intelligent guess of a scientist which is in the form of a statement is called:
: Deduction : Theory
: Hypothesis : Law
11. It is a gill breathing animals:
: Frog : Fish
: Whale : Turtle
12. This vitamin is essential for vision and skin:
: Vitamin A : Vitamin B
: Vitamin C : Vitamin D
13. Agarics is commonly known as:
: Mushroom : Yeast
: Bread mould : Water mould
14. The sensory layer of eye ball is:
: Sclerotic : Choroid
: Retina : Cornea
15. This bird cannot fly:
: Pigeon : Kiwi
: Parrot : Sparrow
16. This tissue conducts water and salt in plants:
: Xylem : Phloem
: Cambium : Pith
17. The seed is a :
: Ripened ovals : Ripened ovary
: Endosperm : Cotyledon
18. The outer most whorl of flower is:
: Calyx : Corolla
: Americium : Gynocium
Biology 8th
Importance Instruction
This Paper consisting of short Answer Question (Sec B) and detailed Answer
Question (Sec C) Will be first to the students & its total duration will be 21/2
“Section (B)”
Short Answer/Question (Attempt any 8 Q’s)
Qno.1Draw a neat and labeled diagram of fern plant.
Qno.2: Write differences between any one of the following:
( i ). Bryophytes and Tracheophytes .
( ii). Angiosperm and Gymnosperm
Qno.3: Write a short note on pitcher plant. (OR)
Draw a neat and labeled diagram of pitcher plant.
Qno.4: Write three characteristics of class avis.
Qno.5: What is photosynthesis ? write its chemical equation.
Qno.6: Write three differences between combustion and photosynthesis.
Qno.7: Define any two of the following :
( i ). Book Lungs ( ii ). Oxygen Debt
(iii). Respiration (iv). Breathing
Qno.8: Write four lines on phylum Annelida.
Qno.9: What do you know about Arthropods?
Qno.10: Define enzymes. Write functions of pancreatic enzymes.
Qno.11: Write three functions of large intestine.
Qno.12: Write any one method of preservation of food

“Section: (C)”
( Detailed A/Q’s) (Attempt any 3)
Qno.15: (A). Draw a neat and labeled diagram of digestive system of man.
(B). Describe an experiment to prove that chlorophyll is essential for
Qno.16: (A). Draw a neat and labeled diagram of respiratory system of man.
(B). Describe disorder of guts.
Qno.17: (A): What is metamorphosis ? describe its types.
(B). Define the following:
(i). Digestion (ii). Mechanical digestion
(iii). Chemical digestion (iv). Dental forfula
Qno.18: (A): Write different types of teeth in man and describe their functions.
(B). Draw a neat and labeled diagram of funaria plants.
Qno.19: (A): What is meant by flora? Write a short note on flora of Pakistan.
(B). Define the following:
(i). Hydrolytic (ii). Egestion (iii). Assimilation

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