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September 17 . THE WEEKLY POST.

Inoltre Viepovh were all straggling persons, whom he had picked up on the
him to the House of Correction for six weeks, where he would
receive the best medical attention.
aWay, two or three being kept on the spot in case o f any fresh
Sir F , Roe said the places o f destination painted on the The prisoner was ordered to be provided with food; but IN Q U E S T ON T H E B O D IE S .
M A N S I N -H O U S E . carriage were those by which the public must be guided. he stated that they had given him some victuals at the station-
A Frenchman named Alphonse Alleaume •was intro­ In the evening, at 7 o’clock, a highly-respectableand nume­
I f an omnibus purporied to go to a certain place it must house. rous jury was empanoelled before Mr. Higgs, the Coruuer for
duced to the Lord Mayor by a lady o f rank, who do so. On being removed from the bar he burst into tears,
stated that she resided in the neighbourhood o f the place Westminster, in the chapel attached to St. Martin’s workhouse,
The case was then directed to stand over. T O W N -H A L L . for the purpose o f instituting an inquiry into the circumstances
in which the foreigner had been making such inquiries
as showed that he was an utter stranger, without friends or B O W -S T R E E T . T h e L a t e L o r d N e l s o n ’s J e w i e l s . —On Thursday, as attending the respective deaths o f M’r. Henry Harris, aged
means o f living. From the parties who represented his con­ John Callaghan, the late collector o f parish rates for St. the business of the day was about to finish, a well-dressed —, india-rubber manufacturer (late occupier of the house No.
dition to her, and afterwards from himself, she heard such Paul’s, Covent-garden, was brought up for final examination. aged man, accompanied by a gentleman, the friend o f Sir 48, Strand, which was destroyed by fire yesterday morning);
gtatenjents as were calculated to excite surpri-e and compas­ Mr. Mousley, who was accompanied by a vast number of Thomas Hardy, made the following most interesting appli­ of Esther Harris, aged 5^ years, his daughter ; and o f Eliza­
sion, and she thought that, under all the circumstances, an the parish authorities, attended for the prosecution ; and Mr. cation :— beth Winder, aged 17, a servant, who lost their lives in the
application to the Lord Mayor would be the most advisable Baines, a solicitor, appeared on behalf o ’ the prisoner. The old man stated his name to be Thomas Allen, 73 years lamentable conflagration.
courfeeof proceeding to render service to a person who had Out o f a great number of cases o f embezzlement only two o f age, born at Burnham Thorpe, in the county of Norfolk, Thejury having been sworn, proceeded to view the bodies
been absurdly accused and unjustly punished, although in were brought forward. B y the first, it appeared that on the and held a situation in the kitchen o f Greenwich Hospital ; o f the unfortunate individuals, which presented a very dis­
another country. 13th o f November, 1837, at which time the prisoner was that he accompanied the late Admiral Lord Nelson through tressing appearance, the features being scarcely discernible,
The Lord Mayor intimated that a statement to the French filling the situation of collector o f the rates o f the parish, he the whole o f his career o f glory, was at the boarding of the while the flesh o f each was almost entirely charred.
Ambassador would be likely to meet with attention, but had entered in the book which he kept the sum o f 2?. 10s., which Spanish Admiral’s ship, the San Josef, and at Teneriffe held T hejury having returned, received the following evidence;
no objection to be informed o f the particulars and to add he had received from Mr. Darley, a parishioner, of Maiden- up the wounded arm o f the Gallant Admiral while it was being Robert Tozer, one of the fire brirade at the London Fire
whatever influence he might possess towards the abatement of lane, and in the other instance he entered the sum o f 31. 2s. as amputated, had been in 15 general engagements and 40 skir­ Establishment station-house, Chandos-street, Covent-garden,
any « 'il to which an unfortunate foreigner might be sub­ having been received from Mr. Evans, another parishioner, mishes ; the veteran then proceeded to say that, in consequence deposed that about four o’clock that morning he was called by
jected. o f Southampton-street, Strand. These entries, with others, o f a rumour that the jew els of the late Admiral Lord Nelson a jxiliceman, who stated that the house No. 48, Strand, was on
The lady tlien stated the circumstances. Monsieur A l­ were verified by Mr. Corder, who had been at that time were deposited in tiie Tovvn-hall, Southwark, having reached fire. H e instantly proceeded there with the engine. H e found
leaume, although not educated in practical science, applied a vestry clerk o f St. Paul’s, Covent-garden, and at present the the ears o f Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy, Governor of Green­ the street door open, which had been forced by the policeman.
considerable portion of his time to the study o f mechanics, clerk o f the guardians o f the poor lor the Strand Union. wich Hospital, he was deputed by him to ascertain whether The lower part o f the house was in flames, and there was a
and constructed a machine for iilteringand clarifying water. Mr. Darley then produced a receipt which was signed by there was any foundation for the report, and if so to request female at the second floor window. Witness asked her to
This machine he took with him from Paris to Brussels, the prisoner, and dated the 13th o f November, 1834, for the permission to view the same. jump out, stating that he would catch her. She refused to do
with the intention o f making a pecuniary speculation .,
sum of 51 and not for 2 i , lO s . Another receipt was pro­ Several relics o f the late Admiral’s being actually in safe
keeping at the hall the old man and his friend were allowed
so. They had the ladders with them, which they raised-to the
first floor, but the fire drove them back.
of his s k ill; but, strange as it might appear, the duced by Mr. Evans, dated the 27th o f October, 1834, and
police o f that town mistook it for an infernal ma­ signed by the prisoner, for 6/. 4s., instead o f 31. 2s., as had to inspect them, and they pronounced them to be the pro­ By the jury—N o one escaped by the door. A fire escape
chine, having reference to the opposite element, and appre­ been entered on the books. perty of the late Admiral, but only worn by him on ordinary was brought, but which was put up the wrong way. The
hended the owner as the diabolical agent o f conspirators Mr. Corder said that the deficiencies which appeared on the occasions. The principal articles are the inrignia o f a Turkish brirade have nothing to do with the fire escapes.
against the Throne of France. The inventor o f the improved books were sufficiently proved, but wlietlier the prisoner had Order, presented by the Grand Seignior, the star o f the Order Evidence continued—They have examined the premises to
plan o f making muddy water bright was then cast into prison, accounted for the two sumsmentioned could only be proved o f the Bath, and several inferior orders o f merit, &c. The ascertain the source o f the fire, which appeared to have com­
and his machine underwent examination, when it was found by going through alon g series o f accounts. parties then, having obtained the object o f their mission, took menced in the shop. They found the bodies of Mr. Harris,
that there was no sympathy whatever between its powers and Mr. Mousley asked whether it was not the duty o f the col­ their departure, to report progress. his danijhter, and the servant girl in the second floor. They
those which by explosion dealt destruction around. After a lector to pay over toth« sub-committee all monies which had How these relics of the illustrious warrior came to be placed were all huddled together under a window, and were exposed
confinement of two months the matter o f accusation came on been received witlna forteen days. iu their present situation, we can state, was owing to the late when the wall fell.
before the Court o f Appeal, and the supposed infernal agent Mr. Corder— It certainly was, and I always considered that Alderman Joshua Jonathan Smith, into whose hands the pro­ An observation having been made by a juror, that the So­
was acquitted. H e was, however, soon after his acquittal or­ the prisoner had done so. perty came as trustee, and afterwards executor to the late ciety for the Protection of Life by Fire ought to have com­
dered on board a vessel bound for England, and without Mr. Baines then proceeded to argue against the committal Lady Hamilton, being perpetual alderman o f the Town Hall, petent persons to be ready in cases of fire,
passport or ceremony of any kind he was brought off to Lon­ o f the prisoner, on the ground that he should have been pro­ and by him deposited there for safety. Mr. Spring, the secretary to that institution, who was pre­
don, where he was landed without money, friends, or ac­ secuted under the local Act, as had been originally intended, sent, observed that the Society was not able, from want o f
quaintances, and, in fact, just as if he had been dropped from and not under the general Act for embezzlement, and that the N O N -IN T E R F E R E N C E O F T H E N E W P O L IC E IN funds, to accomplish that object.
the clouds. parish authorities should have detected the deficiencies in the CASES O F A SS A U L T . Paul Gerard, another fireman, said that they have sufficient
The Lord Mayor asked whether the machine was o f so accounts at the time they occurred, and not now institute pro­ Numerous complaints have lately been made against the length o f ladder to reach to the second floor. He took the
coBiplicated a kind as to be likely to be mistaken for such an ceedings under the general law, as they were guilty o f an bodies out through the next house. He placed the body o f
officers of the new police for refusing to take into custody per­
engine as would blow peoole to atoms ? oversight for which they were responsible. sons who had committed violent assaults, merely because they Mr. Harris in a blanket. H e found the child’s arms clasped
Monsieur Alleaum e said it was o f sim ple construction, and round the servant.
Mr. Minshull said he had long since made up his mind to were not present, and did not see the assaults committed. At
whatever ignorant persons m ight have supposed could not By the Jury—There was no one to direct the raising o fth e
commit the prisoner on the two charges of embezzlement, and the late Middlesex Sessions a cause o f assault was tried, where
have been thought capable o f doing mischief by men o f scien­ fire escape. There were ten or twelve attempting to raise it,
much as he admired the zeal evinced by Mr. Baines, he would a respectable female wa^ struck a violent blow by a fellow,
tific acquirements. and they were occupied about ten minutes in raising it.
not alter his opinion. which broke the bridge of her nose aad otherwise severely There were no party walls on either side.
The Lord Mayor—It was merely for clarifying water. The prisoner was then fully committed for trial. injured her. She stated that immediately after the assault
Monsieur Alleaume said it was most decidedly and palpably Police Constable George Rodman, T 43, said that he saw
M ARYLEBONE. was committed a policeman came up, but refused to take
for no other purpose. There was a general acknowledgment smoke coming through the keyhole o f the. house door and
A p p r e h e n s io n and C o m m it t a l o f a F ortune-
charge of her cowardly assailant, stating that it was contrary through the windows of the second floor, which were open,
of the injustice o f the punishment, which might just as well to the regulations o f the force, he not having witnessed the as­
T eller . — O utrageous A s s a u l t s . —On Wednesday a where he saw a man and a woman who called to him for his
have been inflicted upon him upon a charge o f witchcraft. sault, from the effect,however, o f whicli he could see that she was
The Lord Mayor desired to know whether Monsieur A l­ man, about 35 years o f age, named James Cook, who was assistance. H e burst the door open to go to rescue them, bat
formerly a schoolmaster, was brought before Mr. Rawlinson then suffering. The Chairman ( Mr. Sergeant Adams) said he
leaume had been ever accused o f disloyalty or disaffection he was driven back by the flames. He then sprang his rattle
and Lord Montford, charged with obtaining 2s. 6d. from was aware that in so doing the policeman had merely acted
towards the K ing o f the French ? according to the instructions he had received from his supe-i and went for the engines. He afterwards ran for tlie fire-
Monsieur Alleaume said he apprehended that some suspi­ Elizabeth Farraday under false pretences, and with the fol­ escape, but when he brought it there was no one at the win­
lowing assaults riors, and which might be very good, as a general regulation,
cion might have arisen from the fact that a very near relative dows, as the flames were issuing out of them.
but still he thought there ought to be some exceptions to the
of his had been captain in the body guard of Charles X ., and Complainant having been sworn stated that her husband Mr. Spring here said, in compliance with the wish o f the
rule. For instance, supposing a policeman saw a man lying
that others o f his family had been formerly in favour with the was a policeman in the D division, and she resided at No. jury, that they have exhibited the fire-escapes to several o f
on the ground, who had been beaten perhaps until he was
French Government in the reign o f that King, but there was 67, Lisson-grove. Having been informed by a person whom the police force. The society is established upon voluntary
three-parts dead, and covered with blood, was it not nio^t
no other reason on earth for attributing to him any feeling o f she knew that the prisoner, who lived at No. 40, Nutford- ridiculous to suppose that it was not the duty of the policeman contributions, and when there are sufficient it i« the intention
disaffection. H e could not at all account for the persecution place, was in the habit o f telling fortunes, she thought she to have persons located where there are fire-escaj>es. Had
to take the assailant into custody, whether he saw the assault
to which he had been subjected, but he was informed that he should like to have a little conversation with him, and accord­ the persons have had a knowledge o f the applicatión o f the
committed or aot ? He should feel it his duty to call the at­
had been denounced by the French Government upon ap­ ingly on the previous afternoon she repaired to his residence, escape he had no doubt but that the lives would have been
tention o f the Commissoners o f the Police to the subject. saved.
pealing, after his acquittal upon the absurd accusation, to the and having knocked at the door it was opened ^ y a woman,
Belgian authorities for indemnification for the severe losses he whom she had since understood to be his wife, and who, on Mr. Charles Phillips observed that the late Recorder (Mr- A gentleman present, who stated that he was a member o f
her asking for Mr. Cook, told her to ring the bell. She did Newman-Knowlys), who was a very sound criminal lawyer, the deceased’s family, observed that the deceased was a sub­
had sustained.
The Lord Mayor asked what pecuniary losses Monsieur so, when the prisoner came down stairs, and, on her acquaint­ had, over and over again, given it as his opinion that a police­ scriber to the institution.
Alleaume complained o f having sustained ? ing him with the nature of her business, asked her to walk up. man or other constable had no right to take persons into cus­ Ed. Nocton, porter at the Lowther Arcade, said that he ac­
The lady said that M. Alleaume had informed her that She then followed him into the first floor back room, where tody for an assault unless he was present at the time, and saw companied the last witness. The fire raged most on the left
he had taken money from Paris to Brussels for the purpose lie, having first put a chair for her, sat him elf down in the assault committed, for he, not having witnessed the .com­ side of the shop when the door was burst open, immediately
of enabling him to carry into effect his plan for filtering water another, and then, glancing over some hieroglyphics and mencement of the affray, could not possibly tell who was the upon which the fire spread. He next observed a man and
upon a most extensive scale, and that money had been ex­ mysterious figures, inquired lier age. She said 35 or ihere- original aggressor. woman at each window of the two-pair. The man had h»
pended in feeing lawyers, and making other necessary pre­ ahoiits ; and he then asked her if she knew the “ year of Tlie Chairman said that, according to that decision, a man foot outside, but owing to the smoke he fell back.
parations, to meet the astounding charge o f being the in­ the Lord. ’ She replied she did not, but had the date might be assaulted and nearly murdered in the streets, and bis Anna Ford, servant to the deceased, said that she slept in
ventor o f a new diabolical, infernal, blowing-up engine of at home. She then went home to know, and on returning assailant walk quietly away, without any one daring to pre­ the second-floor back. She went to bed about half-past ele­
de.-truction. She was sure that the King of Belgium would gave him the exact time she was born, which was the 6th of vent him. H e (the Chairman) was of a very diff’erent opinion, ven o’clock. She left all Mr, Samuel’s family up.* About
be astonished when he heard the facts o f tlie case, as he pro­ January, 1802. H e wrote it on a card, and, having consulted and thouuhtthat in all cases o f violent assault every man (as four o’clock Elizabeth t^’indor, who slept with witness,
bably would through the medium o f the newspapers. some books which lay by his side, asked if she was married ? in cases of felony), on complaint being made to him, became awoke her, and said there was a fire. They both
The Lord Mayor—And did he receive any indemnification To find out il he would tell the truth, she said “ No.” He an officer, and had a right to take the offender into custody. got up, and knocked at her master’s (Mr. Harris’s)
then inquired what she was doing; she replied, “ Looking out This opinion o f the Chairman appeared to excite no little door, which was locked. She broke open the door, when
for his losses ?
The lady replied that she understood from him that the for work.” He asked her if she could take a cook’s situation, astonishment among the policemen who were in Court. they found him running about the room, calling out
Minister o f the Interior o f Brussels, or some other authority, and she answered timt she was not qualified, but thought of “ Escape.” Elizabeth VVindor entered. Witness took hold
had assured him that heshould be indemnified; but allfurther taking in a little washing. The prisoner then, having glanced D E S T R U C T IV E F I R E IN T H E S T R A N D —T H R E E of a bahy, which was saved. The deceased, Esther Harris,
application was useless, and be was shipped and landed in over some books before him, said she’d better not go to ser­ L IV E S LOST. ran to witness, who, finding the flames ascending, left her.
England under the denunciation which those who were in­ vice, as she would have no luck; but in regard to washing, if Thursday morning, shortly after four o’clock, a fire was Witness ran upstairs with the baby to Mr. Samuel’s room,
terested about him supposed would at least have been re­ she was unremitting in her exertions to gain a connection, she discovered by ¡lolice constable Rodman, No. 43 F, in the whose family had escaped by the roof of the house, in their
called. There was one circumstance which w ould make an would, in the course o f three months, have constant employ ; night clothes.
lower part of the premises o f Messrs. Harris and Samuel,
odd impression upon English ears. The Attorney-General that she had had very good luck for the last seven years ; she dealers in curiosities, and India rubber manufactory. No, 48, By the jury—The gas on Mr, Samuel’s side o f the
called upon M. Alleaume in prison, and insisted that he had refused the off’er o f marriage made by a fair man, but a Strand, opposite Agar-street. H e immediately alarmed the shop, which was on the lefi side near Mr. Bew ley’s, was
should give an explanation o f the filtering machine. dark man, a widower, with two children, was now making inmates; after which further assistance arrived, and the en­ lighted when she went to bed. (It was here explained that
M, Alleaume said that upon a representation o f all the love to her; that her father, about eight years ago, was, by Mr. Samuels occupied half of the shop.) The gas on her
gines were sent for.
facts o f the transactions he had been assured o f indemnifica­ accident, nearly drowned (which, curious enough, was a fact); In the space of a quarter o f an hour the whole o f the rear o f master's side was out. The gas lias escaped for some time
tion ; but there was no sincerity in the promisers. The Attor­ and that she would, after 41 years, be very fortunate, but from the pipe.
the premises was in ablaze, and three houses in Off-alley were
ney-General had required from him a minute explanation of would never rise above her present station in life. Witness similarly situated. In the second floor rooms slept Mr. Dennis Napoleon Lavalelte Ely, in the employ o f Mr.
the properties o f the machine. H e gave i t ; and although he then asked him his charge, which he said was 2s. 6d., wliich Harris,'two o f his children, and two female servants, who, on Samuels, who is a lapidary, deposed that he went to bed
had gone to considerable expense in feeing lawyers he she paid him, and then he let her out. On reaching the street being alarmed by the policemen, endeavoured, it is supposed, about 12. He left Mr. Samuels up in the back kitchen, which
ffeaded for himself in the Court. His complete acquittal, she met Inspeclor Tedman, wlio asked her where she had to make their way down stairs into the Strand, but in conse­ is his manufactory. When he heard the cry of fire he rushed
lowever, did not carry with it the immunities and privileges been. She then told him, and, with a policeman, he went quence of the rapid extension of the flames and dense smoke, down stairs and .saw Mr. Harris’s side o f the shop on fire.
which might reasonably be expected, for he was acmally ba­ into the l^ouse, and took the prisoner into custody. they were compelled (with the exception o f one servant girl Mr. Samuels’ did not appear to be on fire. He made bia
nished, and banished too with the assurance that he could find anti child, who forced her way into the street, nobody knows escape through the yard, and got over the wall by a ladder.
In cross-examination by Mr. W'^ontner, who attended for
no asylum in France. how) to retreat to the front sleeping room o f Mr. Harris, Bv thejury — His mas'er’s gas pipes were always in good
tlie prisoner, the complainant said that she went to the pri­
The Lady—I took the liberty to introduce this unfortunate soner’s by desire o f Mr. Tedman. where the female who has perislied was seen and heard cry­ order. Mr. Harris was always complaining of the escape o f
gentleman to your Lordship, in the hope that his case might ing out at the window for I.elp, and Tozer,the Chandos-street gas. When it was defective he sent for the gas fitter.
Inspector Tedman stated that several inhabitants having Mr. Samuels was next examined, but not sworn.— He stated
be made known to those authorities in Belgium who would engineer of the London Fire Establishment, called out to her
feel an interest in concealing or palliating the errors, inten­ made complaints to him o f the prisoner he requested Mrs. that after he had left his manufactory in the back kitchen,
Farraday ttr go to him, as she had stated, having first given to throw the child out first, and drop herself afterwards ; but
tional or unintentional, of the police authorities there. H e is she seemed to be totally unconscious of what he said, and, un­ which was about 12 o’clock, he went intothe front kitchen, and
most anxious for a public investigation—most solemnly de­ her a marked half-crown. On her coming out he, with had his supper, and, as he is accu.stomed to do, read for an
D avey, a police constable, went into the prisoner’s room, and fortunately, in a few seconds afterwards, the flames reached
nies that he had any object except the scientific aim which he the room, and she was, together with the child she had hither­ hour and a half. He turned off the gas previous to going to
told him he was an officer, and had come to take him as an his bedroom, and he retired to his bed about two o’clock.
describes—and is here without assistance from any human to held in her arms, lost sight of.
impostor, before a magistrate, adding, “ Y ou’ve just ob­ When he escaped, his sister and Miss Moss, who was on a visit
being. H e says that he has every reason to believe that his The engines by tliis time had mustered upwards o f a dozen
tained 2s. 6d. from a young woman for telling her fortune.” to her, accompanied him, Mrs. Harris left town a few days
invention, being in the hands o f others, will be copied, and he in number, and the West of England, and County, together
He said very well, and witness then leant over to the mantel­ ago. Mr. Harris went to bed about ten o’clock.
appears to be an object of real compassion. with three of the brigade, were directing their powerful streams
piece to take some cards, when the prisoner struck him vio­ This being the evidence, the coroner summed up, when the
M, Alleaume said he had been informed that his plan of for a considerable time in endeavouring to subdue the flames
lently and kicked him in the stomach till the blood flowed jury returned a verdict of “ Accidental death by fire ; but
filtering was under consideration while he was on board the where the deceased persons had been last seen, but, notwith­
ship in which he came to this country, and that it was actually profusely from his mouth and he was nearly choaked by if, how the fire originated there was no evidence,”
Davey interfered, wlien the prisoner caught hold of his mid­ standing every exertion, it was found utterly impossible, from
to be adopted. tlie rapidity of destruction, to place a scaling-ladder against
dle finger, and bit it nearly asunder. At length, after a des­
The Lord Mayor said that the circumstances just detailed llie front of the house to rent er the least assistance; and, A l a r m i n g F i r e i n t h e C i t y .— B e t w e e n o n e
were extremely mysterious. H e could not for the life o f him perate struggle, the prisoner was secured. Witness had been
obliged to be bled, and had been ¡very ill ever since. On within half an hour after the commencement o f the fire, the and two o’clock on Friday morning a fire broke out in a back
see how a machine made for filtering water could on a sudden whole front fell out into the Strand, when the scorched bodies room of the house o f Mr. Perkins, I.awrence-lane, Uheap-
some cards found on the prisoner was written, “ Mr.Cook, 40,
be converted into so terrific a species o f firearms; but he were visible to the naked eye. Under the directions o f Mr. side. The watchman, who first discovered the fire, alarmed
supposed it was by some infernal machine o f the kind “ the Nutford-place, Edgeware-road ; nativities cast and questions
answered. Please to ring the bell.” Sujjerinteiident Braidwood, Girard and Fogo, o f the London the inmates, and having sprung his rattle further assistance ar­
Tiiames was set on fire.’’ (A laugh.) His Lordship ad­ Establishment, proceeded to remove the bodies, which, with rived, and a few minutes afterwards the Watlingand Far-
vised M.Alleaume to approach the King o f Belgium through Davey, the constable, who had his right hand, on wliich the exception of that of Mr. Harris, presented awful specta­ ringdon streets engines and firemen arrived, when the fire
the medium o f his Majesty’s Ministers, and respectfully re­ the bite was inflicted, in a sling, corroborated his inspector’s cles. The servant girl, about sixteen years o f age, was found was extinguished, but not until great damage had been done
present the case. A better opportunity could not be atlbrded statement, and added that on the prisoner he found the marked with the daughter o f Mr. Harris, about three years old, lying to the stock in the room, consisting of several boxes of
tlian presented itself at the present moment, when his Ma­ half-crown. on her right arm, the child’s legs burnt comj^etely otf, and French lace.
jesty happened to be ia the dominions of his niece, in which Mr. Wontner argued that tlie case of fortune-telling had the lower part ofthe body of the servant aim pletely destroyed.
not been made out. F i r e a t T u r n h a m G r e e n ,— T ue.ssclay m o r n ­
he had so long resided, and where the complaints of the op­ Mr. Harris was found in the front, with his right leg burnt
Mr. Rawlinson said he thought it had. Tlie half-crown ing, between twelve and one o'clock, a fire broke out in the
pressed might reach him through the most pure channel of oil; but the other parts of his body uninjured.
confirmed the vvomaa’s statement, and the pri-oner was there­ workshops o f i\Ir. Whitlock, coaclmiaker, Turnham (I’reen.
communication. No accurate account can be obtained as to the origin of
fore committed to the House o f Correction for three months, The policeman on duty discovered the fire and alarmed the
The Frenchman, who is a young man o f extremely mild the catastrophe ; but it is supposed to have broken out in the
and at the expiration oflfiat period was liable to be dealt witli inmates. The Brentford, .\cton, and Hammersmith engines
and unassuming manners, expressed himself in terms of the manufactory behind the house, and the probability is at the
for the assau ts. promjitly arrived, with two from Booth's distillery at Brent­
wannest gratitude to the Lord Mayor and the lady w ho in­ the lower part, from the circumstance o f the smoke having, ford. Though there was a good supply o f water all exer­
troduced him to his Lordship, at.d stated that he should fol­ W O R S H IP -S T R E E T . in the early part of the discovery, been found escaping at the tions could not suppress the fury o f the flsmes—the fire com­
low the advice so benevolently given. D e s t i t u t i o n o f o n e o f t h e F o r e i g n L e g i o n .— On
street door. municated to the show-shop and dwelling-house. The pre­
B O W -S T R E E T . Tuesday last Edward Mills, a ¡young man, about twenty It seems that when Mr. Harris appeared at the window the mises, with the stock, are consumed, .Mr. Whitlock is on a
T h e O m n i b u s N u i s a n c e . — Benjamin Matthews, the con­ years o f age, was placed at the bar, before Mr. Broughton, escape ladder, which is composed o f four or five sectional shooting excurston in the country. It is not known whether
ductor of an omnibus, was on Wednesday brought up under having been found in the act of breaking a gas lamp, for the ladders, was promptly raised with great exertions, but this he is insured.
the following circumstances:— purpose o f being taken into custody. was no sooner done than it was found to have been put S a f e t y L a m p .— A m odification has b e e n
Mr. George Evans, o f Tennant Lodge, Hammersmith, said It appeared from the evidence o f police constable Henry up the wrong way, and to be of no use. In the meanwhile,
given to the D avy lamp in France. It consists chiefly in
that on Tuesday night, about a quarter before nine, he got into James, G 41, that he was on duty in Castle-street, Bethnal- the house being composed o f wood, and one o f the lemainiiig
making the lamp, instead o f the whole cylinder, the half, the
the omnibus o f the defendant at Kensington. The omnibus was green, about half-past seven o’clock that morning, when he few existing in the Strand o f the ancient mode o f structure of
part cutaway being supplied by a reflector, by which means
from Turnham Green to the Bank. On reaching Soaierset observed the prisoner, who was at a short distance before houses in London, the destructive element progressed with
near double the light is at the disposal o f the miner to throw
House the defendant dismissed all the passengers, and said he him, fake up a stone which he wilfully flung at a gas lamp. the most extraordinary rapidity, and had reached the floor
on any particular spot.
should not go any further. Complainant then refused to pay H e missed it, when he took up another stone, with which he where the unfortunate individuals were, and who were implor­
any more than sixpence, as he should have another sixpence aimed at the glass and broke it. Witness instantly took him ing the assistance o f the populace. M e la n c h o ly A ttem p t a t Suicide by a
to pay to get to the Bank. 1 he defendant immediately col­ into custody. On his way to the station-house the prisoner It is stated that there were three females and a Mr. Y o u n g G e n t l e m a n . —On Friday, between eleven and twelve
lared him, took off his hat, and would have used him very said that he had been three days without anything to eat, and Harris’s house, who made their escape over the top o f the o’clock, a young gentleman named Edwards, who has for the
roughly had not some gentlemen interposed, and procured the that he broke the glass in order that he might be taken into neighbouring houses. The houses on each side are much in­ last eighteen months resided with a female in Gran by-street,
assistance of the police. custody, as he could get no emplcyment, and had no place of jured, and at the back several have received serious injury. Waterloo-road, was found in the outhouse with a frightful
The defendant said the last omnibus never went further residence. The floorings ofthe house where the fire commenced remain ; wound in his throat and a razor lying by hi' side. A surgeon
than Somerset House, and when the complainant and the The prisoner, who was without either shoes or stockings, though the roof hangs over in a very dangerous state, being was instantly in attendance, who sewed wp the wound, and
other passengers got in he told them that was his distance. enlisted about three years ago in the Portuguese service, ready to fall every instant. The destruction o f property of he was shortly afterwards removed home in a hackney-coach.
The complainant declared that the defendant never men­ where he remained about three years. Some time ago he left the unfortunate occupier is stated to bii uf great value. Mr. The unhappy youth has been in the habit of receiving acf^k.'^
tioned Somerset House, nor was he aware o f the omnibus thefregiment. Since his return to England he had endeavoured Harris was o f the Hebrew persuasion, and Mrs. Harris is at every Thursday for 51., through the twopenny post, fronimis
stopping there. Another gentleman would also have ap­ to obtain employment, but without success. Brighton. mother (a highly-respectable widow, residing near the
peared had he not taken his place by one of the coaches Mr. Broughton asked him why he did not enter the British The brother o f Mrs. Harris, Mr. Samuels, who lived with London Hospital). On the above morning a letter cam%a»
this day. army } them, and attended to one part of their busiaess, has gone to usual, without the check, informing him that his d is g r a ^ q l
‘Sir F. Roe said he would allow the defendant time to pro­ The prisoner replied that he had offered to enlist in the Brighton to break in as gentle a manner as possible to his be­ conduct had caused the death o f an only sister, and invjitink
duce witnesses from Kensington to prove that he had told the East India Company’s sen ice ; but they refused to take him, reaved sister the dreadful intelligence o f the sad visitation. him to attend the funeral. He remained in very low s g r i ^
passengers his destination. in consequence o f an injury he had in his foot. The fire was not got completelv under until near seven during the remainder o f the day. The feelings of the
The defendant said he could not produce any, for they Mr. Broughton then told the prisoner that he should send o’clock, when the greater number of the engines were taken can be better imagined than described.

London Weekly Post, London, Middlesex, UK

September 17, 1837, Page 7

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