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Kylee Bernhardt

Jordan Shirley
Mary Britton
Mauren Williams

Kylee: Bakeneko

Jordan: Geisha; narrator; doctor

Mary: Prince; narrator

Mauren: narrator; soldier


Soldier [narration]: One night the prince was walking in the gardens with his geisha girlfriend.

(​The prince walking with the geisha)

Little did they know they were being followed by a shadowy creature.

(​ the cat demon creeps from the back.​ ​Both say “oyasumi” and go to separate sides.)

After the prince retired to his room, the bakeneko slipped into the sleeping geisha’s apartment

and strangled her to death at midnight.

(​ Cat demon pounces and strangles geisha. Takes mask and drags her off to the side.)

Then, it dragged her body outside and buried it under the flowerbeds.

(flower slide)

Doctor [narration]: Each night, the Bakeneko, disguised as the geisha, slipped into the prince’s

room to drink his blood. Soon, the prince became very ill.

Prince [acts sickly]: I continue to grow weaker as I sleep.

Doctor: this is peculiar, maybe it’s deeper than illness…could be poisoning. [moves away from


[soldiers guarding door slide]

Doctor [narration]: Guards stood watch in the prince’s room at night to ensure his safety.

However, as midnight approached, the guards would feel drowsy and could not keep themselves

awake. Eventually a young soldier volunteered to keep watch.

(enter soldier)

Doctor [narration]: When he began to feel drowsy, he took drastic measures to maintain


(​soldier stabs leg,​ ​appears sleepy, twists knife​).

Doctor [narration]: The “geisha” snuck into the prince’s room and fled when the soldier

approached her with his knife.

(soldier lunges at ‘geisha with knife. ‘Geisha’ runs away)

Doctor [narration]: The guard continued to stab himself to stay awake for the next three nights

until the prince felt better.

Soldier: your girlfriend may not be as loyal as you think;

Prince: nonsense, I know her best

Doctor [narration]: Undeterred by the prince’s ignorance, the soldier decided to take matters into

his own hands.

(​soldier walks to geisha’s door)

Soldier: sumimasen; message from the prince.

“geisha”​(opens door)​: konbanwa

(Soldier quickly tries to stab her. ‘Geisha’ moves aside and turns into bakeneko.[removes mask]

Soldier and bakeneko fight. Bakeneko escapes)

[slide of gardener on hill]

Prince [narration]: The next day the soldier tells his tale and the gardener revealed the real

geisha’s body in the garden

(​soldier gestures to real geisha)​ .

Doctor [narration]: Grief stricken, the prince ordered the death of the bakeneko. The soldier gets

revenge and kills the bakeneko.

(soldier attacks bakeneko. Small fight. Soldier stabs bakeneko. Bakeneko dies)

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