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Art in New York City

Art is one of many cultural draws in New York City. There are art galleries in abundance in this
great city and almost certainly an artist to fit almost any taste. Art has always been to some degree in
the eyes of the beholder and beauty in the city of New York is in abundant supply.
Whether you consider yourself an enthusiastic supporter of art and the arts, it's hard to deny the fact
that New York has a great deal of art to offer those who are willing to seek it. From the graffiti that is
so artfully rendered along bridges, buildings, busses, and signs throughout the city to murals and
store windows that are so wonderfully made art comes in this city in many forms. You will find
artists, sketchers, painters, and those seeking muses wandering around various parts of the city that
may be particularly lovely, inspiring, or even forlorn.
The art doesn't end with sketches, drawings, or paintings. It goes well beyond that. In this great city
you will see sculptors with magnificent works that might be inspiring to you and might be utterly and
completely unintelligible and you might find art that touches your heart and simply won't let go. For
whatever reason, art for most of us is purely emotional. This isn't only true for the painter but also for
those who witness the beauty of the art that has been created.
Keep in mind that the art you choose only needs to speak to you and doesn't have to really mean
anything at all. When you do find a piece of art that you feel you must own, price is often not a
consideration. This makes the fact that you're looking in a second hand store a much better way to
shop. At least in this instance you won't have to deal with sticker shock from the massively over
inflated price tags you will find in most galleries. Of course that is because they are recovering their
commissions off the top so you're automatically knocking off that much of a discount by shopping
second hand and off the beaten path.

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