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The daily gift

I. The giver, God is the only giver. He gives constantly and quietly. He gives simply.
He delights in giving.

II. The gift. All bread comes from God. Bread has an eternal meaning.

III. The expansion of the gift.

1. This little word “our” excludes every calling which is injurious to the interests of our
fellow men.
2. We are to think of the poor and needy.

IV. The limitation of the gift-“To-day.”

1. Christ would have us free from anxious care.

2. It teaches moderation and contentment.
3. Sometimes God tries the faith of His people, and they are in difficulties about their
daily bread. (Dr. Saphir.)

A Place To Begin
This petition, like all the others, opens us up into a whole new way of looking at life. It’s
far more than just a few words on a piece of paper. This is what the Christian life is all
about. So what is daily bread living? Let me summarize. Daily bread living is:

1. Gratitude to God for all of his blessings.

2. Contentment with what God has already given you.
3. Confidence that God will meet your needs day by day by day.
4. Generosity toward those who are less fortunate than you.

Gratitude. Contentment. Confidence. Generosity. That’s what Daily Bread Living is all
about. If you pray this prayer enough, that’s where you’ll end up. It’s not a bad place to

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