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Fatima V, SapangPalay, CSJDM, Bulacan



A research study in partial fulfillment of the requirements

in the subjectInquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Submitted to Loida Ann T. Dagami on behalf of the Senior High School faculty of

SapangPalay National High School S.Y. 2017-2018

Almario, Anne Marie

Bartolay, Cindy, A.
Esguerra, Sheryl Lyn, S.
Fernandez, Erika Shane, M.

ABM 12-A

February 28, 2018


This study entitled “The Study on Perception among Lending Institution in

Fatima V, Area E City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan” it focuses on the different

means of lending, specifically the people who entertain different lending

institution. It also determines the reason why people borrow money to the

different lending institution The researchers were curious about lending and

what kind of transaction happen and everything about the policies that can be

impose in different lending institution.

The researchers used self-designed instrument that comprises a

structured and self-completion questionnaires. Self-designed instrument that

comprises the demographic profile of the respondents second is the reasons of

the respondents in borrowing money and if they aware on the policies that

impose in borrowing money in different lending institution. Third is scale that

identified the perception of people in different institution. Lastlyit had open

ended question regarding the perception of the people in borrowing money

from different lending institution.

The sample of the study consisted of 100 respondents in Fatima V San

Jose Del Monte Bulacan. The results shows that the perception of the debtors in

borrowing money from lending institutions and the most favorable among them

based on the debtors is the Acquaintances.

Approval Sheet

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Inquiries,

Investigation and Immersion this research study entitledA STUDY ON
OF SAN JOSE DEL MONTE BULACAN has been successfully defended by

Panel of Judges:


Panel Member Panel Member

Panel Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment in the subject Inquiries, Investigation

and Immersion.

Loida Ann T. Dagami

Research Adviser


The success of this study required help from different individuals. Without

them, the researchers might not be able to meet objectives of researching. The

researchers want to give gratitude to those people for their priceless help and

support to achieve success of this study:

To God, our Father, for giving strength, support, knowledge, and wisdom

in order fulfill each chapter of this study; for reminding the right manner in all

aspects of life; for giving way toward surpassing all trials the researchers

encountered during the time of studying; for giving determination to chase

accomplishment to their studies and to make this study possible;

To their Parents, who give support and encouragement to pursue their

study, for giving love and time for their children;

To Miss LoidaDagami, for not giving up on them, despite of all failures

and rejections the researchers made; for giving her time to them, giving some

advice and idea; and for checking every part of this manuscript to accomplish the


To Miss Mafi Valencia, Mr. Kay Mark Orio and Mr. Wilson Santiago as our

thesis panel for giving ideas, opinions and recommendation in order to achieve

improvement on study.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1……………………………………………………………………..1
Statement of the Problems…………………………………………………..2
Research Questions………………………………………………………….3
Significance of the Study…………………………………………………….4
Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………………4
Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………5
CHAPTER 2……………………………………………………………………..7
Review of Related Literature………………………………………………...7
Foreign Literature……………………………………………………………..7
Foreign Studies……………………………………………………………...10
Local Literature………………………………………………………………11
Local Studies………………………………………………………………...13
Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………..17
CHAPTER 3……………………………………………………………………18
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY……………………………………………18
Research Design…………………………………………………………….18
Respondent of the Study…………………………………………………...18
Sample and Sampling Technique…………………………………………18
Data Gathering Technique………………………………………………....19
Statistical Treatment………………………………………………………...20
CHAPTER 4……………………………………………………………………21
Demographic Profile of the Respondents………………………………..21
Table 1 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to
Table 2 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents according to their
Table 3 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents according to their
Civil Status.... .....................................................................................22
Table 4 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents according to their
Monthly Income…………………………………………………………...23
Figure 1 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents according to their
Occupation ………………………………………………………………..24
Figure 2 Entertaining any different forms of lending institutions.........24
Figure 3 Reasons people borrow money from the Lending
Figure 4 Lending institutions that favorable among the debtors…..28
Figure 5 Borrowing money from the Acquantances…………………..28
Figure 6 Borrowing money from Banks………………………………...29
Figure 7 The most favorable among the Lending Institutions……….29
Table 5 Descriptive Statistics for the Level of Agreement…………...30
Perceptions of the debtors in borrowing money among lending
CHAPTER 5……………………………………………………………………33
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS………………………………………………...33




As one of the developing country, the Philippines have a large informal

sector comprised of micro-enterprises. Many of these are severely resource-

constrained small vendors operating in public markets, whose survival in

business relies heavily on access to financing. This usually comes from the

informal sector as well in the form of informal financiers called “5-6.” Two types of

5-6 financiers are found in Philippine public markets, each with a distinctive

lending mechanism, Filipinos and Indians.

A loan shark is somebody or a group of people (that often look and act

very business-like initially) who offer unsecured high interest loans and usually

don't make any background checks or question what the money is for. They often

have ties to other criminal activities and criminal syndicates like the mafia. Loan

sharking can also be used as term for a loan that simply charges an illegally

high interest rate.

Banks is a financial institution that accepts deposit from the public and

creates credit. Lending activities can be performed either directly or indirectly

through capital market. Due to their importance in financial stability of the

country, banks are highly regulated in most countries. Most nations have

institutionalize a system known as fractional reserve banking under which banks

hold liquid asset equal to only a portion of their current liabilities. In addition to

other regulations intended to ensure liquidity, banks are generally subject to

minimum capital requirements based on an international set of capital standard ,

known as Basel Accords. Borrowing money can help you do things but the

process can be complicated. Mistakes can be expensive, and they can cause

you loan request to be rejected. If you need a loan, learn what to expected and

what you can do a head of time. The researchers choose this topic because they

want to know the perceptions of debtor among lending institution in San Jose Del

Monte, Bulacan. This topic also wants to know the reason why people borrow

money to the lending institution. The researchers were curious about lending and

what kinds of transaction happen and everything about the policies that can be

impose in different lending institution.

Statement of the Problem

Nowadays, borrowing money became part of many Filipino lives. It

became a behavior that cannot erase easily. The researcher found that Lending

is one of the problems in the Philippines particularly in San Jose Del Monte

Bulacan that needs a very big solution. Borrowing money from different lending

Institution in San Jose Del Monte Bulacan may sound a simple problem but it

really had a big effect in one community once it is use illegally. Borrowing money

from different lending institution may have a lot of advantages especially for the

debtors and lenders but it also has a lot of disadvantages that maybe only few

people are aware. The researchers want to obtain and get answers for that

problem that needs solution and to be able to help as well as to improve the


Research Questions

This aims to answer the general question,what is the perception of

people in borrowing money in the different lending institution Fatima V, Area E

CSJDM, Bulacan.

Specifically, this question sought to answer these following problems in the


1.What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of :



c..Civil Status

d.Monthly Income


2.What are the reasons why people borrow money among those lending


3.What is the most favorablelending institution in debtors?

4.What are the policies that can be impose in different lending institution? Are

the debtors aware on the policies?

Significance of the Study

The importance of this study is to understand the perception of people in

borrowing money from different lending institution, what are the most favorable

lending institutions and the awareness of the debtors in policies that it imposed.

The owner or the lender is significant because the researcher want to know

what they will get by lending money to others with interest rate.

The person who borrows money or the people entertaining different lending

institution is also significant because they’re the one of the reason to conduct this


Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the different means of lending, specifically the people

who entertain different lending institution. The scope of this study is made to find

out the factors that influence people to entertain different lending institution on

100 households particularly in barangay Fatima V in San Jose Del Monte,

Bulacan. It also focuses in what lending institution is favorable in debtors. In

addition, this study helps many people become aware in overcoming problems in

the community that related to this research. Due to the scope of this research

project, the researchers are not able to collect data from the entire recommended

population sample, so the study is limited by the number of participants.

Definition of terms

To further understand the study that made by the researcher, the following terms

are degree on how it was used in the study

Loan Sharks- is a moneylender who charges extremely high rates of interest,

typically under illegal conditions.

Lender- an organization or person that lends money

Interest Rate- the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower,

typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan outstanding.

Acquaintances- refers to the people whom you know like sort of friends where

whom you can borrow some money.

Bank- is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates


Perception- is a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how

things seem

Lending- to provide money, temporarily on condition that the amount borrowed

be returned , usually with an interest

Institution- an organization, establishment, foundation , society or the like ,

devoted to the promotion of a particular cause or program, especially one of a

public , educational or charitable charity.

Debtor- is an entity that owes a debt to another entity

Creditor- is an entity (person/institution) that extends credit by giving another

entity permission to borrow money intended to be repaid in the future.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the previous concepts that are associated with the

research topic. The purpose of the literature and study review is to provide

information available regarding the topic and give insights on current published

and unpublished materials.

I. Foreign Literature

Debt financing is accomplished by borrowing funds. The borrowing may,

for example, take the form of a loan from a bank or the sale of bonds. Some

advantages of borrowing money for a business are:

Interest paid for the use borrowed money is not taxed. This effectively

reduces the cost of using the money. Borrowing is also a convenient for short-

term needs. It makes it unnecessary to keep large amounts of cash for peeks

needs. Owners who are able to borrow money and make profits on it can enjoy

the increased profits without increasing their investment. The ability to create

profits from the total capital, part of it owned and the rest borrowed is called

leverage, (Bittel, 1984).

Credit is the opportunity to obtain money, goods, or services now in

exchange a promise to pay in the future. The one who lends the money or

provides the credit is called the creditor. The one who borrows the money or

uses the credit is called the debtor, (Benneworth, 1987). Because it involves a

promise to pay, credit is based on the creditor’s confidence that the debtor will

make the payments. In other words, credit is a matter of trust.

Loan sharks may conjure up an image of tough guys in fedoras looking to

make a profit off of desperate people in dire financial straits, but in reality, lenders

who advance small sums of cash at high interest rates until payday existed long

before organized crime entered the trade. Today the businesses that fill this

niche in the credit market prefer the name ‘payday lenders’ rather than loan

sharks, but most large cities are still a hotbed of usurious lending, and the

landscapes are dotted with their inviting and brightly colored storefronts. Despite

their more respectable name, these predatory lenders have endured through

regulation, prohibition, and the rise and fall of the mob since the late 1800s,

(Mayer, 2010).

Carl Packman is a journalist who has undertaken a substantial piece of

research into the social problem of payday lending: short-term loans to poor

borrowers at very high interest rates. Loan Sharks are his account of his findings

and arguments, and being a journalist he has got the book very quickly into print.

With the wider research effort into social policy now distributed beyond the

academic – across local and national government, journalists, think tanks, the

judiciary, police forces, and even social enterprises and businesses – any

effective social policy scholarship must be able to engage with these

researchers. “This raises the problem that in these different communities, the

‘rules of the research game’ in terms of evidence and findings may differ

substantially from scholarly expectations”, (Packman, 2012).

According to Wright (2015), A character borrows some money, but for

whatever reason is unable to pay it back. Cue pursuit by some rather aggressive

"providers of innovative financial services," who are determined to get their

money back by any means necessary. The character really should have thought

twice before borrowing money from the All-DevouringBlack Hole Loan Shark.

A Loan Shark is a stock villain who typically loans money at high interest

rates and will stop at nothing to get it back. The loan shark may be only too eager

to use violence if necessary. He may also have mob connections — money-

lending is a time-honoured means for organized crime to use money gotten from

any number of less-than-honest means, and the hounding of their victims for

payment and interest is just another means of extortion. In some cases, a loan

shark will be reluctant to kill a debtor because a corpse can't pay its dues,

(Wright, 2015).

Payday lending is becoming an increasing danger to the financial fabric of

our society, as the lenders’ wealth increase so does their power and new ways of

marketing and advertising which reels in new customers every passing day,

(Perry, 2011).

The danger of payday borrowing is when it becomes habitual and the

inability to repay the borrowed amount in the agreed timescales. Most payday

lending companies allow customers to roll-over the loans, which is usually the

repayment of interest only on a loan with the full borrowed amount rolled over for

another month however the interest is re-added to the loan. Other payday

lenders do not allow this facility, and the typical customer who is afraid to incur

charges and penalties through missing a payment will repay a loan in full and

reloan immediately afterwards, which could have the same results as rolling over

a loan. Many defenders of the system would place the blame for such

circumstances on the customer taking the loans and argue very strong points.

These issues and ‘responsible lending’ will be discussed at great length

throughout this book in an attempt to raise awareness to the readers of the

pitfalls of payday lending and how the term responsible lending is nothing more

than a lie, (Perry,2011).

According to Katrin (2015), most of Loan Shark had the different

advantages and disadvantages. Some of those advantages are first, loan

shark usually won’t even ask for your credit score; they just want to know you

are really you and that you have a job. Second is that you can often receive

these loans right away. Third is that most loan sharks do not require a down

payment when you take out the loan, unlike mortgages and car loans. Lastly,

loan sharks do not require collateral. There are also some of disadvantages, first

is some loan sharks are giving out illegal loans. If you take one of these loans

and the lender screws you over, you have no legal recourse because the loan

itself is illegal.

II. Foreign Studies

According to the study of Robert Mayer (2011) “The spectre of the loan

shark is often conjured by advocates of price deregulation in the market for

payday loans. If binding price caps are imposed, the argument goes, loan sharks

will be spawned”. This study is against the historical record of payday lending in

the United States since the origins of the quick cash business around the Civil

War. Two different types of creditors have been derided as “loan sharks” since

the epithet was first coined. One used threats of violence to collect its debts but

the other did not. The former has been less common than the latter. In the United

States, the violent loan sharks proliferated in the small loan market. After state

usury caps were raised considerably and these loan sharks dwindled away as a

source of credit for working people before interestrate deregulation began to be

adopted at the end of the 1970s. The other type of loan shark thrived both when

usury ceilings were very low and when they were very high or even removed.

Deregulation does not starve the nonviolent species of loan shark into extinction

but instead feeds it. Hence the loan shark thesis is seriously flawed. It does not

accord well with the historical record of the market for payday loans.”(Mayer,


I. Local Literature

According to Buan (2017), Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II

announced that "5-6" lenders will be arrested even without a warrant as

President Rodrigo Duterte vows to stop the popular scheme and replace it with

the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)'s alternative lending program.

Aguirre said Duterte has ordered the police to arrest Indian loan sharks and have

them deported. "They can be arrested for operating without any permit," Aguirre

stressed, citing strict requirements for lending businesses.

According to Palabrica (2017), As we mention the numbers “5-6” to the

man on the street and the first thing that usually comes to mind is Indian

nationals (or Bombays, as they are fondly called) going around the public

markets or depressed areas offering to lend money to people who need it fast.

The terms of the loan are simple. It can be in cash or as payment for a product

that the borrower wants to purchase. No collateral is needed to secure its

payment. As proof of the loan, the borrower simply signs opposite his name on a

small notebook that shows the amount borrowed or product bought.

“Pending bills before Congress seeking to put a cap on credit card interest

rates appear to be very selective since they do not cover informal lending

institutions which are free from the planned stiffer regulations on interest rates.

No wonder the BangkoSentralngPilipinas (BSP) is lukewarm about such

measures since it says they could lead to reduced credit facilities for small-time

borrowers which would then affect the economy”, (Reyes, 2011).

According to Investopedia “Interest rate is the amount charged, expressed

as a percentage of principal, by a lender to a borrower. It is typically noted on an

annual basis.” With so many banks offering different interest rates and payment

terms, it can be confusing. Banks and other lending institutions alike offer fixing

period. It is a duration when interest rate is fixed from a specific period of time.

(Elizabeth Butan, 2017).

According to Rappler, The number of banks operating in the

Philippinescontinued to decline in 2015 with the exit of weak players, particularly

rural banks.

The latest data of the BangkoSentralngPilipinas (BSP) released on

Monday, March 28, showed the number of big and small banks operating in the

country reached 632 in 2015, less than 2014's 648. "This indicates the continued

consolidation of banks as well as the exit of weaker players in the banking

system," the BSP said. The number of big banks or universal and commercial

banks went up to 40 in 2015, from 36 in 2014 with the entry of new foreign

banks. These consisted of 21 private domestic banks, 12 foreign bank branches,

3 government banks, and 6 foreign bank subsidiaries. (Rappler 2016).

II. Local Studies

CaiOrdinario (2015), in his study” the popularity of loan shark among low

income Filipinos states that “Filipinos continue to seek credit from loan sharks

and other informal lenders than go to banks for their financial needs”, according

to the results of a World Bank survey. The World Bank also found that Filipinos

still use piggy banks and other informal means to save money for the proverbial

rainy day. “Largely, Filipinos rely mostly on informal sources of financing and

informal savings,” NataliyaMylenko, World Bank senior financial sector specialist,

said in a briefing on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, to better improve Filipinos use of formal financial services, the

World Bank said mobile technology can make a significant contribution. The

survey revealed that about six of 10 Filipinos, or 59 %, say that they plan how

they spend the money they earn or receive. Some 57 % of those who plan or

budget their expenses say that they have money left after paying for basic

expenditures, compared to 42% of those who do not plan their spending.

Financial inclusion refers to the ability of individuals or families to access banking

and other formal financial services. The survey found that about 20 million

Filipino adults report that they save money. Of this number, only 10 million have

bank accounts. The survey on financial inclusion and capability in the Philippines

conducted from February to September 2014.It aims to assess people’s financial

literacy or capability in managing their day-to-day finances, as well as their

access to formal financial institutions like banks. (Ordinario, 2015).

According to the study of J.C Punongbayan (2017), “5-6 lending is

symptoms of larger problem. It also states that “Government ought not to mistake

symptoms for our problems. We won’t achieve 100% financial inclusion just

because we arrest and deport all 5-6 lenders. In his latest effort to fulfil his

campaign promises, President RodyDuterte recently ordered a crackdown on

people involved in so-called “5-6” moneylending. 5-6 involves lenders many of

them Indian nationals – issuing small loans at a 20% interest rate or so.

Payments are typically collected on a daily or weekly basis.

Lomarda (2015) in his study Pautangnaman” A Comparative Study on

Authorized and Unauthorized Money Lending in the Philippines states that

“Money lending has been a prominent activity and has flourished through time in

thePhilippines because of the country’s economic condition. In turn, more people

resort to the said activity; people who accumulate emergency expenses, paying

bills, buying necessities, and small entrepreneurs. There are a number of

explanations for the limited development of the Philippine capital market, one of

which is the lack of government support for secondary trading that resulted to

hindrance of growth of capital market.

This is the researchers have to admit. The Indian nationals you see on

motorbikes across the country are, indeed, loan sharks. The interests they

charge are beyond the capacity of their borrowers (victims is another word) to

pay. It is anywhere from three (3) percent to five (5) percent a week, or 12

percent a month at the very least. Their charges are inhuman but in the

desperate, excluded -from-the-lending -mainstream urban and rural areas, there

is no alternative. I know of many next of kin and sari-sari store owners from the

barrio whose attempts to engage in small-time retail have turned them into cash

cows for the “Bumbays.”( Ronquillo M., 2017)

The result of the stunted development of security markets in the

Philippines has been a predominance of loan financing of business activities and,

as a consequence, very high debt/equity ratios (Sachs and Collins, 1989).

Understanding this concern, numerous banks and other such establishments and

institutions offer loaning services. However, money lending in the Philippines is

not restricted to such “authorized” or formal lending companies, that is,

companies and/or businesses registered to and sanctioned by the government to

provide such services. There are also exist private lending businesses that are

unregistered to and who’s operations authorization from the government

(Germidis, et al, 1991). Formal lending institutions such as commercial banks fail

to cater for the credit needs of small holders, due to their lending terms and

conditions. However, the rules and regulations set by these formal institutions

have created the myth that the poor are not bankable, and since they cannot

afford the required collateral, they are considered “not credit-worthy” (Atieno,



The series of studies and literatures written by foreign and local authors

that discusses the narrative details of relevant and related information to the

study that obtained in different form of sources like Electronic Sources, Journals

and Books. The literature answer the problems stated that involves the

information about the lending institutions, the creditor and the lenders.

Researchers explain all the things about the topic involving the perception among

lending institution. This research also tells the reasons of people in borrowing

money to the different lending institution . The researcher also obtained what

kind of transaction happen in different lending institution and the rates that

different lending institution give, and the policies that can be impose in different

lending institution.



1. Finding the profile

of the respondents
using percentage and
A.Demographic frequency.
1. Sex
2. Determine the
2. Age most favorable
3. Civil Status lending institutions.
4. Monthly Income
5. Occupation 3. Determine the A Study on
perceptions of the
debtors for borrowing Perception
B.Different Lending money in lending
Institution: Banks, institution regarding
among Lending
Acquaintance, Loan
to their awareness in Institutions in
the policies.
Fatima V, Area E
C. Reasons of 4. Give out survey
City of San Jose
borrowing money in questionnaires for the Del Monte
Lending Insitutions. respondents to fill up Bulacan
D. Debtors and 5. Gather data
Lenders through tallying and
analyze data.
E. Theories and
Rlated Literatures 6. Usinglikert scale
and Descriptive Level
of Statistics and


Research Methodology

This presents a research design to be used, population and sample size,

sampling techniques, description of the respondents, instrumentation and

statistical treatment of data.


This research will use Descriptive Research Design using survey in order

to determine and obtain the result of this topic. Descriptive Research Design is a

study design to depict the participant in an accurate way. It helps a lot for this

study because the research tends to acquire information from the lenders and

the debtors. The researchers want to find the answer to those problems that

stated from general to specific.


This study asses 100 households for our respondents in San Jose del

Monte Bulacan, specifically in Fatima V. All of these participants were designated

through simple random sampling. The reseachers would like to investigate with

people who borrow money from loan shark.This study determine the

respondents personal infomation such as Name, Age, Sex, Civil Status, Monthly

Income and Occupation .


In choosing the respondent the resercher use Simple Random Sampling

under Probability Sampling in order to determine the researcher’s respondents

who are highly representative of population inside San Jose Del Monte

Bulacan.The respondents will be given enough time to answer the question in

survey form. After the collection of those forms, the data gathered will be tallied,

organized, calculated, examined and recorded.


The data for this research were collected through the use of a self-

administered researcher-made survey questionnaire that was face validated by

teachers who are expert in their field. There were no interview questions that

delve into specifics about the organization that make the interviewee unwilling or

uncomfortable about participation. This should create an atmosphere that allows

them to speak freely. The researcher was affiliated with an estimated population

of 100 households who meet the criteria for this research study.


The researchers used self-designed instrument that comprises a

structured and self-completion questionnaires. The researcher-made

questionnaire was face validated by Mr. Padecio, a teacher in the ABM strand

who is expert in his field. The grammar of the questionnaire was also checked by

him. The survey questionnaire has three parts.,The questionnaire is divided into

parts. The first part consist questions about the demographic profile of the

respondents. The second part is all about the reasons of the respondents in

borrowing money. The third part is a likert scale that identified the most favorable

lending institutions..Lastly, it is an open ended question regarding the perception

of the debtor in lending institution.


The researchers gathered the data with the use of statistical treatment

which were encoded, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted. To interpret the data

effectively, it employed descriptive statistical treatment in this study. In order to

determine the reliability and validity of the interpretation of data, the following

statistical formulas were used:

1. Percentage. A simple calculation use to describe the relationship on the

part of the whole.

%= × 100%

2. Simple Frequency Count- the researchers used this tool to know the

frequency or count of the occurrences of values within a particular group

or interval, and in this way, the table summarizes the distribution of values

in the sample.



This chapter presents the gathered quantitative and qualitative data from

the respondents through the research made instrument, the analysis and the

interpreation of the results of the provided questionnaire.

Research Question 1: What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

4.1 Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 1
Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Female 72 72%
Male 28 28%
Total 100 100%

Table 1 presents the frequency distribution of the respondents according

to their sex. It shown that 72 or 72% of the respondents is Female while 28 or

28% of the respondents are male. This implies that the majority of the

respondents that patronizing lending institutions are female.

Table 2
Frequency Distribution of the Respondents according to their Age

Age Frequency Percentage

20-25 6 6%
26-30 15 15%

31-40 27 27%
41-50 31 31%
51 Above 21 21%
Total 100 100%

Table 2 presents the frequency distribution of the respondents according

to their age. It showns that 6% or 6 of the respondents is between the ages of

20-25. It is also shown that 15% or 15 of the respondents is between the ages of

26-30 , 27% or 27 of them is between the ages of 31-40 , 31 or 31 % is between

ages 41-50 and there is 21 or 21% respondents in the ages 51 above . This

implies that most of the respondents are between the ages of 41-50 years old.

Table 3
Frequency Distribution of the Respondents according to their
Civil Status
Civil Status Frequency Distribution

Single 19 19%
Married 70 70%
Seperated 9 9%
Widow 2 2%
Total 100% 100%

Table 3 presents the frequency distribution of the respondents according

to their Civil Status. It showns that 19% or 19 of the respondents is single while

70 or 70% of them is graduate of Married. It is also shown that 9% or 9 of the

respondents is seperated while 2% or of them is widow. This implies that most of

the respondents are Married.

Table 4
Frequency Distribution of the Respondents according to their Monthly
Income Frequency Distribution

1000-5000 24 24%
6000-10000 41 41%
11000-20000 28 28%
21000 above 7 7%

Total 100 100%

Table 4 presents the frequency distribution of the respondents according

to their Monthly Income.

It showns that 24% or 24 of the respondents has an monthly income of

1000-5000 while 41% or 41 of the them has an income of 6000-10000. It also

shown that 28% or 28 of the respondents has an income of 11000-20000 while

7% or 2 of them has an income of 21000 above. It implies that most of the

respondents has only 6000-10000 pesos of monthly income.

Figure 1 Frequency Distribution of the Respondents according to their




Figure 1 presents the graph of the result obtain from the respondents

according to their occupation.It shows that 47% of the respondents are vendors,

while 35% of them are housewife and 18% of them have other occupation such

as construction worker, waitress, janitreess, saleslady and many more. This

implies that most of the respondents are vendors and have lowly source of


4.1 Research Question 2:Are you entertaining any different forms of

lending institutions?
Figure 2

Are you entertaining any different forms of lending


Axis Title

20% 84%
Yes 30 No
This graph presents the percentage distribution of the surveyed 100

household to know the responses between those who are enetrtaining lending

institution and those who are not.

It showns that out of 100 households 84 or 84 % of the respondents

answered yes while 16 or 16% of them answered no. Therefore, it implies that

most of the households are entertaining some lending institutions.

4.2 Research Question 3: What are the reasons people borrow money

from Lending Institutions.


14% To start a business or

33% continue their business
For children educational
For Personal Use and To
buy personal property
20% To widen my montly
To pay existing debts


Figure 3 presents the pie graph of the result obtain from the

respondents according to the reasons of borrowing money from the lending


The chart indicates the four most reason of the respondents that answers

why they’re patronizing lending institutions despite of the high interest rate. The

figure shows that 33% or 33 of the respondents gathered is that they borrow

money to start a business. It shows that 28 or 28% of them borrowed money

because of their children’s educational use and 20 or 20% of the respondents

state that they did it for personal use and to buy personal property. It also

indicates that 14 or 14% of the respondents state that they borrowed money in

lending institutions because they want to widen their budget. Furthermore, it

shows that 5 or 5% of the respondents state that they did it for personal use.

As the researchers analyses the data, it implies that most of respondents

who borrow money from lending institutions try to invest money to start

businesses. However as one of the respondents said, they tend to have lower

income because sometimes most of thier profit serves as payment to the lenders

and there is only a little bit money left to them so they borrow money to another

lending institutions to continue their business. This causes them to have more


Based from the result, the second highest reasons of the respondents is

for their children educational use. Not all family in Philippines can provide high

education for their childrens. That’s why poor education is one of the biggest

problem in this country. The researchers relate the second reason of the

respondents that they borrow money for the educational purposes for their

children, they said that they need to provide a better future for them like providing

tuition fees for colleges so they borrow money from Lending Institutions. They

also said that lenders of Lending Institutions take advantage of their situation that

sometimes give them a very high interest that causes them a very big problems.

The third reason of the respondents for borrowing money from lending

institutions is for personal use. The researcher find the topic very confidential so

some of the respondents just state that they borrowing money for their own use.

The respondents also state that they borrow money to buy some personal

properties such as gadgets, appliances, car and houses. While the fourth

reasons of the respondents is to widen their monthly budget. Going back to the

frequency distribution according to monthly income, most of all respondents has

a low monthly income, so the researchers’ conclusion is that they entertain

lending institutions because they have no enough money that supply them and

they treat it as a financial support even though some of it has a high interest


Lastly, the fifth reason why they borrow money from lending institutions

because they need to pay their existing debts. Debt financing becomes the

tactics of many debtors nowadays where they borrow money from different

source of fund such as loan sharks, banks and their acquiantances just to pay

their existing debts .

Based from the data gathered, the majority of the respondents

borrow money because they want to start businesses and to widen their monthly

budget. Their reason somewhat also answered what are reasons of people in

borrowing money from lending institutions.

4.3 What lending institutions are favorable among the debtors?

Figure 4

Are you borrowing money from Loan Shark?

50% 81%
20% 19%
Agree Disagree

The graph present that out of 84 households who entertain lending

institutions, 68 or 814% of them agreed that they borrow from loan shark while 16

or 19% of them disagreed.

Figure 5

Are you borrowing money from the


20% 17%
Agree Disagree

The graph present that out of 84 households 70 or 83% of them agreed

that they borrow from loan shark while 14 or 17% of them disagreed.

Figure 6

Are you borrowing money from banks?

30% 45%
Agree Disagree

Lastly, this graph present that out of 84 households 38% or 45 of them

agreed that they borrow from loan shark while 46 or 55% of them disagreed.

Figure 7

What are the most favorable?

40% 81% 83%
20% 45%

Loan Sharks Acquaintances Banks

This graph presents the result obtain by the researchers, it shows that

81% agreed to borrow in loan shark while 83% from their acquaintances and 45

% from the banks. The graph shows that out of those three lending institutions,

the one that is most favorable is the Acquaintances.

Table 5
Descriptive Statistics for the Level of Agreement
The averages for the level of agreement for the three (3) items in

decreasing order are provided in Table 5.

AVERAGE Types of Lending Level of Agreement

4.08 Acquaintances Agree

3.89 Loan Sharks Agree

3.21 Banks Agree

The standard deviation and standard error are also provided. We can see

that the highest level of agreement is with is borrowing money to their

acquaintances while the second is borrowing money from Loan sharks and lastly

with the lowest level of agreement is borrowing money from banks.

4.4 Research Question 5: What are the perceptions of the debtors in

borrowing money among lending institutions.

As the researchers conduct the survey to the residences of Fatima V,

Area E City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan, There are some residences that

don’t have basic idea about the Lending Institution particularly the loan shark.

They don’t know what is loan shark but they know 5’6 and borrowing from

acquaintances because this is the common type of lending in their area. They

usually borrow from their acquaintances and loan sharks not from the lending

institution like banks. Some of the respondents said that in banks there are so

many paper that you need get and fill up before you can borrow from them and in

loan shark they said that they lend money with high interest and they are not sure

if the lenders of loan shark is working legally or not unlike from borrowing from

acquaintances you can easily borrow money with a little interest rate. Therefore,

the researchers implies that borrowing from acquaintances is the most safe and

easiest type of lending institution in the area Fatima V, Area E City of San Jose

Del Monte Bulacan.

When the researchers asked the respondents if they have an idea about

the policies of lending institution and the laws or consequences, most of them are

aware that there are laws that can be imposed to the lenders that give very high

interest and work illegally but there are some residences that doesn’t have idea

on it. According to Respondent D “They don’t care if there are laws or

consequences, the most important is that as long as they can borrow money and

it doesn’t affect them”.

The researchers select the top answered by the respondents to obtain the

Advantages and Disadvantages of Lending Institutions.

According to respondent A, “when you borrowed money from the lenders

you can receive it right away especially if that lender is someone you know and in

loan sharks that does not need so many requirements”. While respondent B said

that Lending Institution helps them financially, especially in terms of emergency

and for the educational use of their children.

However, most of the respondents answered that the disadvantage of

Lending Institution is that Lenders required high interest rate just like loan sharks.

According to respondents E many lenders charges your interest rate on every

two weeks or monthly basis, that’s why it’s really hard to pay debts. While

respondents H said that in loan shark, if you cannot pay your debts the interest

will still grow until you became heavily in debts that you don’t even notice.

Respondent B also said that “it is better to borrow money from the banks but

there are so many requirements that will take a long time”



This chapter presents the summary of the research work undertaken, the

conclusion drawn and the recommendation made as an outgrowth of the study.

The reasons and perception of the debtors among the lending institution is

determined. However still many extension of this research deserve further



The objectives of this study are to determine the perception of the debtors

in borrowing money among lending institutions, to know the most favorable

lending institution and to understand the reasons of the debtors in borrowing

money from it. The focuses of this study are the debtors/ creditors and the

different types of lending institution such as loan sharks, banks and

acquaintances. The researchers conduct the survey in 100 households of Area E

particularly in Fatima V. The researchers used both the Quantitative and

Qualitative research method to effectively understand the data gathered.The data

for this research were collected through the use of a self-administered

researcher-made survey questionnaire that was face validated by Mr Padecio

whose expert in their field. The 100 household are determined by the used of

Simple Random Sapling under Probability Sampling. The researchers also used

Frequency and Percentage distribution and Descriptive Level of Statistics to treat

the data gathered.

Based on the result obtain, perception of thelending institution were

studied from which researchers found out that out of 100 households in Fatima V

84% are entertaining lending institution while 16% are not. Most of the

respondents also state that the reason they borrow money is to start and help

their business to continue. Lastly, based on the results out of 84 households 81%

agreed that they borrow money form loan sharks, 83% are from their

acquaintances and 45% agreed in banks. Based on the researchers’ study,

Lending Institutions is very popular among the households of Fatima V. Some of

them are not aware of the policies and regulations that lending institution had. If

there are a lot of advantages, there are also disadvantages in it. The perceptions

if the respondents also determined the most favorablelending institutions in

Fatima V.


Considering the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Based on the result obtained the researchers conclude that most of the

respondent of this research is female, ages 41-50 years old, married, had

a monthly income of 6000-10000 and mostly of them are vendors.

Answer to research question 2 in the form of sentences.

2. The researchers conclude that most of the households in Fatima V, Area

E are entertaining lending institutions.

3. The researchers conclude that the reasons of the debtors of borrowing

money from lending institution is to start and continue their business (1),

for their children educational purposes(2), to widen their budget(3), to buy

personal property(4) and pay their existing debts(5).

4. The researchers conclude that most favourable lending Institution is the

Acquaintances’ since it has a highest level of agreement and percentage



Based on findings and conclusion of the study, the following are recommend.

1. The researchers recommend that most of the debtors are encourages to

be more wisely in borrowing a money from a lending institutions, they

must be aware of any information regarding the policiies, laws and

consequences in borrowing it.

2. In the case of Fatima V, Area E City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

since it is urban in nature but rural in technicality, there must have an

organization that conducts a seminar to discusses in many

barangaysregarding the means in lending institution and inform them to

widen their perceptions about it

3. It is also recommended for future researchers to do further studies

regarding the Perception ofborrowing money from lending institutions in

philippines specifically in many places in bulacan not just in Fatima V,

Area E City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan to help the community in

many ways.



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RQ I: Demographic Profile

Name ( Optional) : _________________________

Gender: Male Female

Age: 20-25 26-30 30-40 40-50 50 above

Monthly Income: 1,000-5,000 6,000-10,000 11,000-20,000 21,000 above

Civil Status: Married Single Separated Widow Others


RQ II: Are you entertaining different loan sharks? Yes No

If yes, state the Reason why you borrow money

To start a business

For personal use

For my children Educational Use

To buy personal property( house& Lot, cars, appliances, gadgets, etc.)

To widen my monthly budget

To pay existing debts


Agree(3) Neutral (2) Disagree(1)

Do you borrow
from Loan Shark?
Do you borrow
Do you borrow
from banks?

1. What are your perception on Lending Perceptions?

2. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Lending Institutions?

344 San Pablo St. Fatima I Area E
City of San Jose del Monte Bulacan

Seeking a challenging career with a progressive organization which will
utilize my skills, abilities and knowledge in the field ofAccountancy and
Business Management.

Secondary : 2012-2018
Sapang Palay National High School
Fatima V , San Jose Del Monte , Bulacan

Primary : 2006-2012
BagongBuhay E Elementary School
Fatima III , San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan


Sex : Female Age :17yrs. old

Civil Status : Single Citizen :Filipino
Date of Birth : March 23, 2000 Religion : Catholic
Place of Birth : Manila Tonda


Myrna PailagaBrgy. CouncilorArea E SapangPalay, Bulacan

Ma. Luisa C. Mondejar09192577948Day Care Worker, CSJDM

Jennifer Mirasol 09067406436

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct
to the extent of my knowledge, belief, and ability.



Bartolay, Cindy A.
200 Lot B SapangPalay Proper
City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan, Philippine
To hone my skills and ability particularly in accounting profession and to gain
knowledge and experience as a worker and to improve my social skills and
behavior through interaction to other people of the organization.


Age: 18 years old

Gender: Female
Date of birth: September 9, 1999
Place of birth: City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Born Again Christian


Secondary Senior High School

SapangPalay National High School
Junior High School
SapangPalay National Highschool
Fatima V, Area E, SapangPalay,CSJDM,Bulacan

Primary BagongBuhay E Central Elementary School

Fatima V, Area E, SapangPalay,CSJDM, Bulacan.


 Knowledgeable in the field of Accountancy, Business and Management

 Computer Literate( MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point)
 Reliable in stressful situations
 Can efficiently work as an individual or in a team
 Ability to meet deadline and work under pressure
 Hard-working and eager to learn

10 Days Work Immersion at San Jose Del Monte National Trade School
( SHS Admin Office)


Miss Ma. Felicia Valencia

Master Teacher I
SapangPalayNational High School

Mr Oliver Padecio
Teacher III
SapangPalay National High School

Cindy A. Bartolay

Address: 143 Sta. Veronica St. Area E Fatima V

City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

Contact Number: 0935-848-2964

Email Address:


Secondary SapangPalay National High School

Accountancy and Business Management

With Honor Student

Junior High School (2012-2016) SapangPalay Area E, Fatima V,City of

San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

Primary 2006-2012 BagongBuhay E Elementary School

SapangPalay Area E Fatima IV, CSJDM



 Proficiency in Microsoft Office Application

 Media Information Literate
 Can speak English
 Bookkeeping
 Have Accounting Ability
 Know how to cooperate with others

 Had experienced a Work Immersion in San Jose Del Monte
National Trade School SHS Administration Office



Master Teacher II

SapangPalay National High School


Miss Ma. FelisaValencia


SapangPalay National High School


Mrs. Cheryl Arevalo

Administration Officer

San Jose Del Monte National Trade School



Age: 17

Date of Birth: July 25, 2000

Place of Birth: San Jose. Del Monte


Gender: Female

Height: 179 cm

Weight: 47 kg.

Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Language Spoken and Written: English and Tagalog

Civil Status: Single

Color of Eyes: Black

Color of Hair: Black

Father’s name: Daniel B. Esguerra Jr. Occupation: Taxi Driver

Mother’s name: Ma. Corazon S. Esguerra Occupation: Housewife

Person to be contacted in case of Emergency:Daisy Mae S. Esguerra

His/her Address: 143 sta. Veronica St. Area E Fatima V City of San Jose
Del Monte, Bulacan

Mobile No.: 0916-987-5871

I hereby certify that above information is true and correct

to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.


Erika Shane M. Fernandez
061 San Isidro St.,Area E. Fatima 1 SapangPalay
City of San Jose del Monte Bulacan

Seeking a challenging career with a progressive organization which will
utilize my skills, abilities and knowledge in the field of Accountancy and
Business Management.

Secondary : 2012-2018 SapangPalay National High
Fatima V , San Jose Del Monte , Bulacan

Primary : 2006-2012 BagongBuhay E Elementary

Fatima III , San Jose Del Monte,


Sex : Female Age :17yrs. old

Civil Status : Single Citizen :Filipino
Date of Birth : June 10, 2000 Religion : Catholic
Place of Birth : Bulacan


Myrna PailagaBrgy.CouncilorArea E SapangPalay, Bulacan

Ma. Luisa C. Mondejar09192577948Day Care Worker, CSJDM

Jennifer Mirasol09067406436

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct
to the extent of my knowledge, belief, and ability.

Erika Shane M. Fernandez

Fatima V, SapangPalay, CSJDM, Bulacan


This is to certify that the following students below of SapangPalay

National High School Senior High Department have sought my knowledge and
expertise to correct the grammar of the research paper:

1. Almario, Anne Marie

2. Bartolay, Cindy A.
3. Esguerra, Sheryl Lyn S.
4. Fernandez, Erika Shane

This certification is issued upon request of the aforementioned students in

connection with the requirements for graduation.

Given this ____________________ in SapangPalay National High School.

Oliver A. Padecio


Fatima V, SapangPalay, CSJDM, Bulacan

January 12, 2018

ABM Adviser, Teacher III
SapangPalay National High School

Dear Mr Padecio:

Warm Greetings!

As part of the academic requirement for the subject Inquiries, Investigation and
Immersion, the Grade 12 students are currently pursuing their research study
entitled A study on Perceptions among Lending Institutions in Fatima V,
Area E.

To highlight this research study, the students are required to develop their own
questionnaire or tool to measure their study. In this regard, the undersigned
humbly seek your expertise to help evaluate their instrument.

It is hoped that this request will be granted a favorable response. Your support is
highly appreciated.

Truly Yours,

Loida Ann T. Dagami

Research Adviser

Fatima V, SapangPalay, CSJDM, Bulacan

January 3, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

Warm Greetings!

As part of the academic requirement for the subject Inquiries, Investigation and
Immersion, the Grade 12 students are currently pursuing their research study
entitled A study on Perceptions among Lending Institutions in Fatima V,
Area E.

The target respondents are research respondents from Brgy. Fatima V during the
academic year of 2017-2018. In this regard, the undersigned humbly seek your
approval to float a questionnaire to the target respondents. Rest assured that all
the information gathered will be treated with confidentiality.

It is hoped that this request will be granted a favorable response. Your support is
highly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Almario, Anne Marie

Bartolay, Cindy A.
Esguerra, Sheryl Lyn S.
Fernandez, Erika Shane

Noted by:

Loida Ann T. Dagami

Research Adviser




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