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Cherry Bless B.



Social Issue: Legalization of Same Sex Marriage

There are lots of social issues that we are facing nowadays. As the earth continually revolves,
time changes so fast. Most people love what they feel and would do anything just to get what
they want and it’s sad to say that they aim being subjective not for freedom but for their own
selfish expression. The argument about the legalization of same sex marriage has been heard
many times and some countries are actually legalizing it. The concept of marriage in biblical view
is no longer appropriate today. For me, the legalization of same sex marriage is considered to be
unethical because it is against the law. Changing the regulation so that marriage includes same-
sex unions would be a change to what marriage means. Currently
marriage includes a complete union between a man and a woman, and norms of permanence
and exclusivity. Marriage has a place in the law because a relationship between a man and
a woman is the type of relationship that may additionally produce children. Marriage is linked to
children, for the sake of children, protecting their identity and their
nurture through a mother and a father. Biblically and socially speaking, same sex marriage is
abomination against God. It is like insulting what God has ordained. Most of the world religions
have at some points in their histories opposed same-sex marriage for one or more of the
following stated reasons: homosexual acts violate natural law or divine intentions and are
therefore immoral; passages in sacred texts condemn homosexual acts; and religious tradition
recognizes only the marriage of one man and one woman as valid. However, many supporters
had claimed that banning same sex marriage is a violation against human right, and therefore

Human right fad as a justification of same-sex marriage is a sort of a substance that is believed to
cure all infirmities. But, it is also conceived as a flavored sweet stuff used in forcing one to swallow
unpleasant and bitter stuff.
Same-sex marriage is sincerely bestial: it is a slap on human sensibility and more or less sickly.
For example, animals don’t mate with their own kind knowing that they are both the same male,
they would search for a female in procreation. How much more we, as a human. We are the
rational beings; we are able to think compared to animals. If man is part of nature, and a natural
and biological being for that matter, we should know that nature as it were has structured the
physique of man and woman in a way that every part has its function and should be used for that
function. Assuming we use any part of our physique for non-specific function, we recognize that
such is tangential, and no longer natural. In this sense, does it not occur to homosexuals and
supporters that such activity where a male sleep with another male as with a woman is sickening,
abnormal and therefore obscene, indecent and immoral.

We are ought to function according to our roles. I consider lesbian, homosexual and
bisexual people to be a phase of God's wondrous creation, created, totally loved and
treasured by God. But, changing what God has intended is not an option. That’s why we need to
embrace who we really are as what God has designed, we need to understand that we cannot
change what has been made just because we don’t feel like it. Let us remember that not all we
want or feel are ethical. We should always go back to the basic—the law that helps us to find our

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