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D : Assalammualaikum. My name is dr. Alifta, please sit down.

P : thankyou
D : What’s your name?
P : My name is Uca
D : How old are you?
P : Im 21 years old
D : Where do you live?
P : I live in Tembalang
D : How can I help you? (asking about chief complaint)
P : I feel a chest pain
D : that seemed to give you a lot of pain. (expressing empathy)
Where is the pain? (taking of the history of present illness)
P : it is on the central chest
D : does it move anywhere?
P : no, it is localized and does not radiate
D : when did it start? And was it a sudden or gradual onset?
P : it start when I had a basketball game. And I have been feeling this during past six months
D : that seemed to give you a lot of pain. since it start, how has the pain continued? Is it
constant or coming and going?
P : it is coming and going. And it’s not lasted more than several minutes
D : Can you describe the character?
P : the feeling is like burning sensation caused by acid behind my breast bone
D : have you ever feel like this before?
P : no I never
D : does anything make it better or worse?
P : when I lays down, it getting worse
D : can you grade it’s severity from 1 to 10?
P : it’s 7
D : does it hurts more on deep breathing or coughing? (review of symptom)
P : no
D : do you have fever or productive cough?
P : no
D: have you noticed anything else?
P : no, just that
D : Have you ever done any surgery? (gathering background information-Post medical
P : no
D : do you suffer from hypertension, diabetes or high cholesterol maybe?
P : my cholesterol is high
D : have you ever smoked?
P : yes, I smoke since senior high school
D : oh I see. Do you have a family history such as angina or heart attack?
P : my father died of heart problems at the age of 52
D : are you on medications?
P : yes, vitamin
D : does it makes you feel better?
P : no
D : do you have a drug allergies?
P : no
D : so here I will give u nitroglycerin and you should take it whenever you feel the chest
pain. Okay?

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