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Tec ce UNION HAND-ROASTED COFFEE barista skills handbook ORGANIC NATURAL SPIRIT $ . outstanding DEDICATION MELEE TO OUR UNION OF EXCELLENCE To enjoy the best quality coffee, you need ‘to have the best beans, And to get the best beans, you have to respect, reward and work with those who farm them. That's our phitasophy at Union Hana-Roasted, Directors and Roastmasters Jeromy Torz ‘and Steven Macatonia believe ethically ‘sound coffee should not be a compromise. So the pair put every effort Into discovering the hidden cotfea gems by using thelr considerable experience. Sourcing and working directly with farmers allows them to identity the pick cof each farm or co-operative's crop, Expert, artisan roasting develops the Inner sweetness, depth and character to ‘bold signature style Excitement for your customers is ‘guaranteed, * Now read on.. WELCOME TO OUR UNION OF EXCELLENCE — To enjoy the best quality coffee, you need to have the best beans, And to get the best beans, you have to respect, reward and work with those who farm them. That's our phitesoply at Union Hand Roasted, Directors and Roastmasters Jeremy Torz and Steven Macatonia believe ethically sound coffee should not be a compromise, So the pair put every effort Into discovering the hidden coffee gems by using their considerable experience, Sourcing and working directly with farmers allows them to Identify the pick of each farm or co-operative's crop. Expert, artisan roasting develops the Inner sweetness, depth and character to a bold signature style. Excitement for your customers is ‘guaranteed. Now read on... aro crc CONTENTS WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT WHAT IS COFFEE JOURNEY OF THE BEAN THE COFFEA PLANT ON THE FARM EXCEPTIONAL CRAFT ROASTING FAIRTRADE, ORGANIC AND THE Union Hand-Roasted WAY YOUR COFFEE SELECTION ). YOUR GRINDER |. GRINDER USE AND CARE TIPS. - KNOW YOUR POUR, - ADJUSTING THE GRIND |. THE TECHNICAL BIT 3. YOUR ESPRESSO MACHINE . PREPARING ESPRESSO 17. MILK FOAMING FOR CAPPUCCINO 18, MILK STEAMING FOR LATTE 19, DRINKS MENU 20. ESPRESSO MACHINE CLEANING 21. SUMMARY: FACTORS AFFECTING QUALITY (1) 22, SUMMARY: FACTORS AFFECTING QUALITY (2) 23, MACHINE TROUBLESHOOTING 24, GLOSSARY OF TERMS 25, BARISTA TOOL KIT Serena en PRPEBRBS Vio WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT ETHICAL VALUES AT THE CORE The vast majority of today’s coftee is traded through many hands. The result is farmers don't know who uses or buys their coffee, or what it is used for. As such, most do not have pride in their work = and their crop suffers. Union Hand-Roasted brings the farmer closer to the consumer, We do so through regular farm visits, direct sourcing and continuous communication. This builds trust and gives the farmer a profile. The result is a better cup of coffee as we can fake our sourcing teal fo the field level. ACCEPT NOTHING BUT EXCEPTIONAL All coffee decisions at Union Hand- Roasted are the sole responsibility of Roastmasters Jeremy and Steven. Every coffee — whether from a new or existing farm — is meticulously scrutinised. Only those which are truly exceptional are selected to carry our name. BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS: BEYOND FAIRTRADE Our emphasis on farmer relationships and quality sets us apart from traditional Fairtrade models which are based solely on paying a guaranteed minimum price for coffee. We believe it is as much about ‘consumer excitement and enjoyment as it is about fairly rewarding farmers, ARTISAN ROASTED PERFECTION We don't see coffee roasting as a process we see it as an art, a moment of interpretation, Our Roastmaster carefully tailors each roast to suit the coffee and draw out its unique inner flavours. We have developed a memorable signature style for each that is sweet, deep and bold, Once roasted, the coffee is immediately packed to guarantee freshness and ensure the qualities are always delivered to your customers. EXTENDING THE UNION We don't just stop there. You, as a customer and user of our coffee are a part of what we do, Its our job to get you as excited about our coffee as we are. So ‘that means training you, enthusing you and showing you our world. Training and consistent customer dialogue Is part of our service, Welcome to our Union. WHAT IS COFFEE? Coffee is the drink made by infusing in hhot water, the roasted seeds (the beans) of the coffee tree. Coffee is grown in many countries, across many continental areas. All have different soils, microclimatic conditions and farming methods - so all have different flavours. High quality coffees such as ours come from as diverse continental areas as South and Central ‘America, East Africa, the Middle East, the Indian Sub-continent and the Pacific. All have unique characters and individual flavour tones, Today, coffee is brewed in many different forms throughout the world: from the short intense burst of an espresso, to a long filter brew or even a gently steeped cafetiere, For many, itis the quintessential beverage for people to meet over and discuss anything from an important business priority to a quick catch-up on social gossip. This coffee house cutture has developed over thousands of years and as such, coffee is steeped in tradition. And be thankful, as once upon a time tribes would crush the green beans, mix it with animal fat and eat it in golf ball size pellets..yum! JOURNEY OF THE BEAN Because Union Hand-Roasted works directly with farmers we know the amazing story of our coffee. From high on the mountain-top to the cooling tray of our roaster, our approach Is to ensure everyone involved in our coffee’s production is valued. Our premium prices and direct relationships ensure we have access to the pick of the farm's crop - ‘guaranteeing you the finest coffee to serve to your customers, [At the start of the [after a few weeks, the |season, white flowers flowers fall and the lappear all over the coffee cherries begin to coffee trees. A wonderful Honey-Jasmine aroma Hills the alr, develop. [When ruby-red, the Icherries are ripe and ideally removed by hand. gem Coffee cherries ripen at different times on the plant and must be picked selectively. The cherries increase in ‘size and ripen — from ‘green to red. The raw ‘green’ beans are graded and bagged prior to shipping, Union Hand-Roasted does things differently. We buy direct from the farm and ‘carefully select the best lots rom that farmer's harvest. |The coffee is then sold under that farm's name, Most coffees ae sold through anonymous traders before being bought by cee imporiers. in most cases, coffees with a county or region name are virtually untraceable to farm level. ioc ce THE ‘COFFEA’ PLANT There are two principal species varietals which make up the genus, Coffee, DUS ete at Arabica is the more highly prized as it matures more slowly and its flavours are more discernable, elegant and complex. The Robusta plant yields more cherries and is grown for its volume and rapid growth. Yet its of a lower quality and can often be detected by a wet : cardboard or ‘muddy’ note, : seen. {il Be a. . er Union Hand-Roasted does not source ANY Robusta coffee beans. ney cS ARABICA (COFFEA ARABICA) + Oldest known species of coffee Contains ‘heritage’ varietals such as Bourbon, Cattuai, Catfura + Accounts for 60% of coffee produced today + Grown between 2000 - 6000 ft + Best growing temperatures between 15-24 degrees centigrade Higher altitude resulfs in cooler weather and ‘slower growth - One tree yields around 5kg cherries per year, equals to around 1ka beans + Beans are larger, flatter and herder than Robusta + Specialty grade only found in the highest altitudes + If good varietals are well farmed in good conditions, Arabica can produce some exceptionally elegant lavour-ones in the cup ON THE FARM Itis vital that coffee trees are pruned, mulched and cared for throughout the year so the flavours within are slowly developed. When it comes to the harvest, even greater care needs to be given. Rapidly, a whole year’s work can come undone unless careful checking takes place at every stage once the cherries are removed from the tree. And this work can only be best done by people not machines, Our coffees are sourced from both smallholder co-operatives and family farms. With 25 million producers there Is a wide variation in how these operations are run. We work with two distinctive types of producer organisation: ‘Smallholder co-operatives are groups of farmers each often owning just 1 hectare of land per family. During the harvest, each sells it's cherries for cash to the co-operative, At the end of the ‘season when the co-operative then sells the fully prepared green coffee, a share of the profit is shared out amongst the ‘famer members to provide a second (dividend) payment. ‘The remainder is invested in communal, social or technical programmes, Family farms are small private operations on land which has been ‘owned through generations and may cover several acres. In this way, we ensure the family has an affinity with the land, and has usually developed a particular style they wish to be apparent in their coffee. The farms we source from are complete with wet or dry mills, to ensure the integrity and traceability of the coffee. Sen eeu ire For us, coffee roasting is not merely a process, but an artit is a moment of personal interpretation, our chance to influence certain nuances and characteristics within the coffee beans we source, to develop their unique flavours. ‘We don’t skip or quicken roasting with ‘technology nor do we outsource it to others. Instead, we place the art of coffee toasting at the core of our company, and at the centre of our philosophy. Every coffee bean is roasted by hand at our Roastery with Roastmaster Steven Macatonia drawing on his experience to carefully unlock the bean’s inner promise. Although every coffee is treated ere differently, we have developed a signature style which takes every origin to the point at which the natural sugars are caramelised, supporting and balancing the acidity and body in the coffee. Instead of relying on computers and mass production systems Steven uses his intuition, kil and knowledge of the particular coffee he is roasting to develop the raw green beans to a rich chestnut brown colour. This skilfully achieved, signature roast - often darker than other UK roasters - is responsible forthe bold, deep flavours of bittersweet dark chocolate associated with Union Hand-Roasted, The result is an elegant, adult flavour profile, creating a rich backdrop for the sweeter elements of ‘the cup to shine against. Like light and shade, good and evil, we use this deeper element of flavour to reflect the brighter layers above, Although every origin and blend is treated differently, here is Steven's guide to the perfect roast. FAIRTRADE, ORGANIC AND THE UNION HAND-ROASTED WAY ETHICAL SOURCING THE UNION WAY ur guiding principle is to deliver our customers the finest coffee imaginable, We invest an enormous amount of personal energy into finding farms and smallholder co-operatives which are producing speciality grade coffee which we define as ‘exceptional.’ Itis because our business is so focused ‘on people in the world of coffee - from the farmer to our clients and their customers - we have personalised our sourcing process. Rather than being beholden to someone else's agenda, we have developed our ‘own guidelines that determine who we choose to work with. Although this means more effort itis ultimately more rewarding, We get an intimate feel for the methods of production employed by our farmers, their contribution to the environment and the social programmes they run to the benefit of their workers. UNIGN HAND-ROASTED COFFEE UNION HAND-ROASTED AND FAIRTRADE ‘A number of our coffees carry the Fairtrade Certification maque.The Fairtrade marque means the producers have achieved a set of minimum social standards, and are paid above the Fairtrade minimum price. t does not mean the coffee is of a better or lesser quality, We only offer our Fairtrade coffees because they too are of outstanding quality. Others, however, do not carry the Fairtrade marque, Yet by applying our own code this does not ‘make these any less honourable than those which have been certified Fairtrade. We believe every farmer producing quality coffee should be entitled to receive a fair and sustainable price fr their labours. At present, Fairtrade does not certify certain producers - most notably family owned farms and estates, a group which makes up many of the coffees we buy. We fee! - so long as they are producing fine Coffee - these farmers should not be denied ‘access to a responsible, sustainable market. We also believe that itis quality of the roaster-farmer relationship, not the certification, which is most important. This is because itis the only way to achieving exceptional quality coffee and real, iong- term sustainabiliy forthe farmers. ‘That's why we audit the farmers and co- ‘operatives we work with and discuss our findings in best practice forums such as the Ethical Trading Initiative, Price is important ‘0 achieving quality but so too is understanding, appreciating and advising to assist development. And that's what the Union Hand-Roasted ‘marque stands for. UNION HAND-ROASTED AND ORGANIC You will find some of our coffees also carry the Organic certification, Again, this does not mean the coffee is of a higher ‘quality, All it means is that the farms or co-operatives carry the Organic certification to denote they are not using any pesticides, herbicides or artificial agents when farming their coffee. Therefore itis an independent measure of good environmental care, However, the quality of coffees Union Hand-Roasted sources would not be possible using moder, intensive farming methods. All require patience and slow growth to yield their delicious flavours. YOUR COFFEE SELECTION Organic Natural Spirit blend ‘An extremely versatile blend of special Ethiopian, Central and South American beans, our organic blend does not compromise on flavour or quality, Full bodied and intense, this yields a delicious, caramel sweet and intense espresso shot, perfect for cappuccino style drinks, When prepared in fitter or cafetiere this coffee has a wonderful ‘sweet and smooth cup. Recommended ‘The perfect ‘cafe experience’ coffee. Versatile and flavoutul, the coffee shines ‘through in lattes and cappuccinos, while ‘the blend also delivers excellently as an espresso. A blend with strong personality, coupled with Fairtrade certification and accreditation from the Soil Association, as 100% Organic. DECAFFEINATED Deep bodied with an unusual complexity and herbal intensity Our decatfeinated coffee brings together two origins from different sides of the coffee world — the Pacific and South America. The former for weight and depth of flavour, the latter for a gentle sparkle and ‘lift’ in the cup. Unlike most decaffeinated coffees available today, Union Hand-Roasted selects and sources the beans we feel are most appropriate to be put through the process - based on flavour characteristics, body and acidity. These are cupped and assessed in their original raw state, with only the finest being shipped to our preferred decaffeination specialist in Germany. The resulting blend is a cup full of favour and character. Rich, complex and heavy bodied, the coffee has a delicious and intensely fragrant quality, with a herbal chocolate aroma and highly prized, distinctive, earthy tones. Our South American origin coffee, by contrast, provides gentle citrus flavours and red wine notes, Our coffee is decaffeinated using only natural Carbon Dioxide and no chemicals. UNION HAND-ROASTED Ss aN YOUR GRINDER HOPPER LID Keep on at all times to ‘minimise contact with the air. ‘ADJUSTMENT COLLAR Grind adjustments should be made at the beginning of each shift to ‘get the perfect espresso pour, DISPENSE CHAMBER Only grind what you intend to use within the hour. HOPPER Holds the beans and should be cleaned twice a week, GATE Close to remove beans from hopper. Keep open at all other times. ‘MOTOR Contained in the body of the ‘inde, without it, it won't work! DOSER ARM One click for single (7ams), two for double (14gms). ON/OFF SWITCH Grind little and often for optimum PORTAFILTER FORK aeateas Rest your portafilter on this when dosing coffee, Ue enc cea GRINDER USE AND CARE TIPS ‘AS CRUCIAL TO YOU AS A KNIFE TO A CHEF Your grinder is a very important part of your espresso equipment. Without a perfect grind, the shot won't pour oO correctly and our coffee will not show you it's full potential, Every day you'll set the grind and make . sure itis flowing well, edie Sec ecr Every week you'll clean the hopper and dosing chamber. : ‘And every six months you'll change the blades to ensure you're getting the consistent even sized ground coffee grains you need for perfect espresso. This way, your customers will continue to enjoy our coffee week in, week out, Opposite are some top tips to note when looking after your grinder. KNOW THE ORGANIC NATURAL SPIRIT POUR Understanding your extraction & what it is telling you is the first step to producing the perfect espresso. ‘As espresso Is the basis of most the drinks on your coffee menu it is important the brew is full bodied, with a delicious thick crema. ‘SLOW - OVER EXTRACTED OVER 26 SECONDS ‘Super fine grind means water and temperature over extracts the coffee in portafitter. Heat burns off the the delicate oils. Espresso tastes bitter and very strong, No crema, FAST - UNDER EXTRACTED UNDER 22 SECONDS Water and temperature have no time to extract the coffee in portafilter. Espresso tastes “acidic” as the body and acidity are undeveloped... Very light coloured and ‘weak crema, breaking. PERFECT 25 SECONDS Correct extraction time. Thick caramel crema, pouring like honey out of a spoon, extracting only the exceptional flavours of our coffee. UCU ADJUSTING THE GRIND FOR ORGANIC NATURAL SPIRIT ESPRESSO POURING TOO SLOW ORS 5) One: Empty dispense chamber of all ground coffee, ‘Two: Turn the adjustment collar clockwise (marked as “coarse” on grinder). This will increase the gap between the blades and make the grounds bigger. Three: Switch on the grinder & throw away the first half-chamber of grounds as this will stil be at the original size, Turn off grinder when you have enough to fill a double portafiter. Four: Fill double portafiter as per usual espresso preparation, Five: Time your shot. Six: Repeat step two to five as necessary until your pour is between 22 and 26 seconds. Note: Make small adjustments, use notches on side of collar as guide NOT numbers on top! ESPRESSO POURING 10 COR 2 9 One: Empty dispense chamber of all ground coffee. ‘Two: Turn the adjustment collar anticlockwise (marked as “fine” on grinder), This will decrease the gap between the blades and make the ‘grounds smaller. Three: Switch on the grinder & throw away the first haif-chamber of grounds as this will stil be at the original size. Turn off grinder when you have enough to fill a double portafitter, Four: Fill double portafiter as per usual espresso preparation. Five: Time your shot. Six: Repeat step two to five as necessary until your pour is between 22 and 26 seconds. Note: Make small adjustments, use notches on side of collar as guide NOT numbers on top! THE TECHNICAL BI LOVE, CARE AND ATTENTION Think of your espresso machine as the “tool of your trade.” As with all high performance equipment this must be cared for with love and attention. Be aware of the things you should do to keep it performing to the best possible standard, ‘The taste of the coffee you serve is going to be hugely affected by a dirty or mis- used machine, T ‘STEAM PRESSURE ST Sa ed SUSE Ce Ue Ae OUR nee ac grasp of the basic principles will help you understand how espresso is produced. Moreover, you'll be able to determine the factors which can go wrong and can lead to an un-satisfied customer. Espresso is the extraction of aromas, olls and flavours from freshly ground coffee. USM CR eRe ce eT ene To get the required nine bar pressure an electric pump is used to force fresh cold water, from the mains supply, via a filter, then on through coiled pipes inside the boiler called a heat exchanger. As the name suggests, the water is heated inside the coil from the hotter water surrounding it in the boiler tank. Ce UR Me cece Ss below boiling. If we were to take water directly from the boiler we would burn the coffee & destroy the delicate crema. It we were to chop an espresso machine in half this is what you'd see... WATER PRESSURI GROUPHEAD = f HEAT EXCHANGE: BOILER YOUR ESPRESSO MACHINE ‘STEAM ‘STEAM WAND You must wipe your wand every time you Boiler pressure should be between 1 - 1.5 bars WATER PRESSURE ‘When in use should read 9 bars PROGRAMMED EXTRACTION BUTTONS One cup = single shot ‘Two cups = double shot ONOFE SWITCH OOQ0000. ‘STEAMWAND OPEN / CLOSE VALVE Make sure you close as soon as you reach temperature to avoid burning the milk wy vo 1] tts ok to leave your espresso machine on all the time PORTAFILTERS Also known as ‘group handles’, This is where all the brewing action takes place ‘GROUPHEAD Where water is released from the machine to brew coffee DRIP TRAY Keep clean all the time, There is nothing worse than dirty coffee cups HOT WATER OUTLET This is where the not |_| water comes out Union Hand-Roas cy PREPARING ORGANIC NATURAL SPIRIT ESPRESSO 1. REMOVE PORTAFILTER FROM GROUPHEAD: Guide to left to release. 2, FLUSH GROUPHEAD: Press freefiow button and hold for roughly 2 seconds to alow a short blast of water to remove any old coffee and oi from shower plate. 3, DRAIN PORTAFILTER AND WIPE INSIDE BASKET: When removing used grounds from the portafiter itis important to ensure that where possible the basket is wiped clean of any damp coffee. 4, DOSE FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE FROM GRINDER: Ensure dosing lever is pulled to the front of dispense chamber and released so it hits the back of the grinder with @ clang, ensuring that all loose grounds drop into the basket. 5, LEVEL GROUND COFFEE WITHIN BASKET: Tap porafiter with your hand to ‘encourage loose grinds to be evenly dispersed in basket. Its important all coffee is dispersed 0 that when tamped there is even resistance to the water. 6. TAMP COFFEE: Tamping is the process of compressing the ground coffee into @ pack to cause resistance to the water as its forced through. We strongly recommend you use a hand tamp to ensure even distribution, Hold and press down firm into a fight pack. 7. TAMP & POLISH GROUND COFFEE: Tamp again, this time exerting additional pressure ‘You should be able to measure this by the need to shift your body weight forward onto the tamping arm. Before releasing tamp pressure, slightly twist the tamp thus locking grounds into place, 8, WIPE RIM OF PORTAFILTER: Ensure there are no loose grounds on portafiter's rim by using the palm of your hand to wipe any excess away. Any grounds which remain on the rim will be burt onto the rubber seal contained in the Grouphead. Over time, grounds will leach into your customer's cup as the build-up in the seals causes them to crack and fai 8, LOCK PORTAFILTER INTO GROUPHEAD & SELECT CUP: Make sure correct cup is placed directly under portafiter. 410. PRESS CORRECT BUTTON: For single espresso, press single button, and for @ double, press double. It is imperative correct portafilters, dosing and buttons are used to ensure that perfect extraction is realised, ‘1, TIME SHOT: Time your shot to ensure that you have an extraction of between 22-2 seconds PERFECTION! UU MILK FOAMING © sor carpuccio ano uaccuuro Milk foaming is when we start with fresh cold milk and expand it to twice its volume through adding both steam & heat. Our aim is to produce a thick, cream-like foam to complement our delicious espresso in Cappuccino style drinks, A great cappuccino should have the consistency of melted whipped cream, We get this by spinning the milk in the jug. We don’t want any air bubbles. Your aim is to thicken the milk not boil it! en PO Union Han ee) MILK STEAMING © For LATTE, MOCHA AND HOT CHOCOLATE Milk steaming is the process of warming and thickening - not foaming - and is used for Caffe Latte. We want to expand ‘the volume a small amount but not as much as for Cappuccino, A good Latte should have a thick, wet consistency right through the cup. Quality & consistency are more important than fancy patterns... But when your technique is honed and confidence is high, you can use your skill to produce wonderful pieces of art - just like in the pictures opposite. CRE CR UL RC sikes aalL Purge steam wand of any milk and condensation ST MU ea ee eR UTS Pa a ee ee ye eco ud Listen for a distinctive ‘tiss tiss’ sound ‘As volume increases steam holes will be covered & milk will stop ‘tissing’ Leave jug at the same level with wand on side of jug ETS MUCH cn ORE a cs Switch off the steam wand when milk temperature does not permit you to Rene Rome eee) a Wipe steam wand and purge immediately with a quick blast of steam Bang jug on counter top to break excess bubbl ‘Swirl jug in circular motion to mix foam into milk to allow it to pour Pour from front of jug encouraging liquid milk to pour and foam to hold back four ate Tessie et and mocha Union ‘Thinking Chocolate’ Br aig aoe chocolate DRINKS MENU Now that you know all there is to know about our coffee, it’s time to serve your customers some delicious drinks! Here's our full list. ESPRESSO CAPPUCCINO (ALTERNATIVE) A short 1 foz shot of intense, A short 1f1 oz shat of intense, a full bodied freshly ground full bodied freshly ground cotfee. { coffee mixed with equal 4 d ‘quantities of silky steamed a _/ and foamed milk. This time, topped with chocolate sauce, MACCHIATO LATTE e 4 > ‘An espresso marked with a ¢ A milky coffee made up of 4 dollop o creamy mik fam | espresso & perfectly steamed \ ey 7 Sertand sot. t + milk ~ long & luxurious. CON PANA ee MOCHA A shot of espresso, topped off A delicious combination of aa CAPPUCCINO HOT CHOCOLATE 3 Se A short 1fl oz shot of intense, Make ‘Thinking Chocolate’ full bodied freshly ground sauce (made from powder and 7 coffee mixed with equal hot water - instructions on tin) 4 wants of sky steamed and blend with 200ml steamed 7 and foamed milk, topped with a milk. Top with whipped cream our gourmet flaked chocolate UN ee and as many chocolate flakes — pure pleasure, as you wish, with whipped cream. coffee, chocolate & steamed milk topped with chocolate sprinkles — pure indulgence. TCU ca) ESPRESSO MACHINE CLEANING If you follow everything in this training manual, you will have the skill to make a great cup of coffee, but it could all be ruined if your machine isn’t clean. Old oils, grounds and residues rapidly go rancid if they are left on hot machine surfaces. If your service is busy, then this problem is worsened. One thing's for sure - your customers will not be happy with the sour, burnt espresso they receive, This cleaning process will remove any stale coffee oils that have built up between the soreen and brew head during the days use, Using a filter which will not allow water to pass through, the flow is forced back up through the screen and into the machine, Any oils and loose grounds are dislodged and rinsed away. MeEhan adete; 7é UCU ESPRESSO MACHINE CLEANING If you follow everything in this training manual, you will have the skill to make a great cup of coffee, but it could all be Tuined if your machine isn’t clean, Old oils, grounds and residues rapidly go rancid if they are left on hot machine surfaces. If your service is busy, then this problem is worsened. One thing's for sure - your customers will not be happy with the sour, burnt espresso they receive, This cleaning process will remove any stale coffee oils that have built up between the soreen and brew head | during the days use, Usinga filter which | will not allow water to pass through, the flow is forced back up through the screen and into the machine. Any olls and loose grounds are dislodged and rinsed away. MBERANA odetergenté chine apres ine espe SUMMARY: FACTORS AFFECTING QUALITY (1) ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Coffee is hygroscopic meaning its flavour and extraction is susceptible to changes in air humidity and temperature. in humid conditions, the grounds expand to absorb water while the reverse is true of hot or dry weather, as the air sucks away their water content. Therefore it’s vital your atind is checked every day as the pour of Your shot may change from day to day. Use the steps outlined on page 13. EQUIPMENT FACTORS: Your equipment needs to be maintained in excellent condition and you must always follow the recommended cleaning and maintenance procedure to ensure the best extraction of flavour. Remember, dirty equipment will always produce a bad tasting brew. INGREDIENT FACTORS Purity of the water Make sure you have a filtration system in place to clean the mineral content of the water and prevent scale developing in your machine, Freshness of the coffee After opening the coffee bag (which contains a valve to keep your coffee fresh from the moment itis roasted) make sure itis used within 3-5 days. After you grind the beans this coffee must be used within one hour to produce delicious flavours and a luscious crema, Roasting All our coffees are roasted to a signature style where the natural sugars caramelise and the inner flavours and oils are developed. These aromatic oils will give flavour to the drink when the beans are infused. Blend Our approach to blending is markedly different from other coffee companies. For us, a blend is a carefully prepared recipe of different single estate coffees to produce a drink with a unique character, Think of it as a chef creating a signature dish by combining different Ingredients to form something more than the sum of its parts. All blends at Union Hand-Roasted are created using exceptional single estate Arabica beans and frequently cupped (assessed) to ensure all the flavours are consistent. ‘Now see over for more factors. SUMMARY: FACTORS AFFECTING QUALITY (2) Dosage of coffee Before you pull a shot ensure the portafiter has the correct amount of Coffee to ensure good extraction, For a single espresso that’s 7 grams, or one ‘complete pull of the grinder’s doser arm. For a double espresso it's 14 grams and ‘two pulls. Packing the coffee ‘Your tamp should be firm and even to ensure a level resistance against the pressurised water thus preventing undeveloped extraction, Timing the shot This will indicate correct extraction from ‘the coffee in the portafiter. If the extraction is too slow or fast it will fall to produce excellent flavour or crema resulting in a bitter or acidic taste, The correct extraction time for your coffee is on page 12. At this extraction rate you should observe a pouring consistency like honey running from a spoon. Shot cut off point Every shot must be equivalent to 102 or 30m. We strongly recommend you purchase shot glasses from us with the correct markings. Not only will you have the right amount, you'll be able to monitor the development of the crema and heart, Crema This is the creamy caramel mousse on the surface of your espresso shot, formed by the dispersion of oils carefully developed through artisan roasting. You should aim to achieve 0.5cm-1cm of crema for good flavour and its top should lie just above the shot cut-off point. Adjustment of grinder See environmental factors for more information on this point. To see if an adjustment is required, pull a shot first thing in the day. If the time is out by more than three seconds, make the required adjustment. Don’t alter your grind if the shot time is less than three seconds. r Milk preparation & presentation When preparing drinks, your milk and any other addition to the espresso shot will affect the coffee flavour, Always make sure milk is steamed to the correct ‘temperature (140F/60C to 150F/65C) to avoid burning it (milk scalds at 160F/70C). And follow the recipes correctly - in some cases the preparation method has been developed to ensure best experience, Cleaning procedures ‘As mentioned in equipment factors, itis important you follow the cleaning requirements to prevent dirt, residues and old coffee affecting your customer's, experience. Thoroughly clean all parts of your machine every day. And always flush its grouphead with our recommended cleaner to clear oils and grounds. MACHINE TROUBLE SHOOTING ‘Steam wand won’t foam milk * Make sure you are using the freshest milk possible, + Ifthe milk looks like it’s foaming but collapses as soon as you remove it from the heat this is an issue with your milk supply. Start with fresh milk, and try again. Grinder won't switch on © Check plug is in and turned on and if necessary fuse and socket. * Check the body of grinder for excessive heat. ifthe grinder has overheated it will automatically shut off rather than burn out the motor. Give the grinder time to ‘cool down (this may take up to ‘two hours) and try again. Espresso pouring too quickly * Check there is enough ground coffee in the portafiter * Ensure coffee has been tamped at correct pressure, with a firm tamp © Adjust grind to finer setting to restrict the flow of water Espresso pouring too slowly * Check there isn’t too much coffee in the portafitter © Ensure coffee has not been tamped too hard as this will restrict water flow ‘© Adjust the grinder to produce a coarser particle size Espresso Is cold ‘Ensure machine switch is all the ‘way on. Settings before the final ‘ON? will tun on the machine electrics but not the heating element * Check cups are heated before pouring espresso as a cold cup Will absorb the heat of the coffee Lack of steam pressure * Check machine is at temperature © Ensure no hot water has been pulled off the boiler as this will empty the boiler, force cold water in & lower the steam pressure Leaking coffee from portafitter during brew * Use Grouphead cleaning brush to clean the rubber seals in the grouphead + Hfafter cleaning there is stil leaking this is an indication that the seals (gaskets) are cracked and need replacing. Call the Roastery on 020 7474 8990 for assistance. ee) Grounds in the cup * Ensure there is no leaking from ‘the grouphead (see leaking portafitter) © Your grinder blades need changing, This needs to happen routinely every 6 ~12 months. When the blades are blunt they crush the beans causing inconsistent particles. A fine powder which comes through the basket and into your customer's cup. GLOSSARY OF TERMS ADJUSTMENT COLLAR - This is the area at the top of the body of the grinder where the blades are located and where adjustments in atind size are made ‘ARABICA - Quality coffee bean with sweeter, finer and more defined flavour characteristics. The highest quality Arabicas grow at high altitude, where it can mature more slowly, and then hand picked to ensure perfect ripeness. BARISTA - A bar tender trained in espresso preparation. Someone with passion, skill, flair & a whole lot of patience. A logical thinker who Is fast on their feet, BEAN HOPPER - Stores the coffee beans prior to grinding. BACKFLUSH - The process of cleaning the ‘espresso machine, where hot water is forced back up into the grouphead to dislodge old grounds & ols, BLANK FILTER - The cleaning basket with no holes in it which sits in the portafilter to clean the machine, BREWING HEAD - (Grouphead) Where the portaflter is placed & the brewing action ‘takes place. This sits at a stable temperature between 88 and 92 degrees. ‘BREWING TIME - (Extraction time) This is the ‘recommended time it should take for your extraction to pour from the time you press the button. This isa vital part of preparing perfect espresso & must be adhered to. CAFFEINE - The stimulant part of coffee which appears as the beans natural defences to pests as it grows, Fine coffees have slightly lower levels of caffeine than those which are low quality, COFFEE CAKE - The old used coffee that is left in the portafiter after you have poured your espresso, CREMA - The creamy layer that sits in the top of the espresso when itis prepared correctly. This is the oils from the beans & is a sign of freshness. DECAFFEINATED - Coffee which has had the caffeine removed from it. Your Union Hand- Roasted decaffeinated is done using a natural ‘method, so itis stil full of flavour! DRIP TRAY - Where drips are collected from under the groupheads & is fed to external waste pipes. DOSER - Part of the grinder that distributes the correctly measured amount of ground coffee, DOSING CHAMBER - The front section of the ‘grinder where the ground coffee Is stored ready for dispensing. Portions are set within this chamber to give you Zgms per click. ESPRESSO - A short, sharp, intense shot of pure coffee. Oils are extracted under pressure With litte water. Enjoyed straight or used as the basis of the rest of your coffee menu. EXTRACTION - See Brewing Time FAIRTRADE - An independent certification ‘method dedicated to ensuring that the producer groups recelve a fair price for their produce. Not just limited to coffee but also tea, sugar, cocoa & many other areas. GRINDER - the machine used to grind whole coffee beans into the fine powder required to produce espresso. GRINDING BLADES - Sharp circular blades ‘which cut the beans into even particle sizes. GROUP HEAD - See Brewing Head GROUP HANDLE - (portafilter) The handle used to put the fresh coffee in & where the actual brewing action takes place. It is made up of the handle, basket & spring. Leas HEAT EXCHANGE - The process in which water is passed through copper pipes held within the boiler & fresh water is heated through contact with the hot pipes. This ensures that water is dispensed at the ‘grouphead at between 88 - $2 degrees Celsius. PORTAFILTER - See Group Handle ROASTMASTER - The person in charge of roasting coffee. This role takes years of study & experience. Like a conductor of an orchestra they must be always one step ahead of the roast to ensure all elements of the beans development reach perfection at the same time, ‘SCREEN - You will find this located in the ‘grouphead. You will require a short handled screw driver to remove, This is what disperses the water evenly onto the ground coffee. ‘SHOT - (as in “shot of espresso”) The brewed coffee, At 1 fluid ounce this should be intense & full of flavour. This is used as the basis of all espresso drinks, ‘STEAM WAND - Used to heat & foam milk. It must always be cleaned after use & never use anything abrasive on itor you will remove the chrome coating. Once this is removed the copper will be exposed causing ‘the milk to boil as the temperature can't be regulated. ‘TAMPER - Used to compress the ground Coffee to provide resistance to the water. ‘Although you have one attached to the front of your grinder itis preferable to use a hand held option to give you better control over level & pressure,

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