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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Turkey is a country with an excellent education, has a very diverse culture

because it was in a very strategic area and made me able to have friends from different countries. I
come from a high school implemented a boarding school, so I have friends from different areas in
Indonesia. Have a friend with a different cultural background is very pleasant, it can make the science
becomes more widespread and become wiser. In addition, the agriculture and food processing in Turkey
has been very good. Turkey many export crops, then allow the Turkish economy into sectors going
forward. Turkey is also a Country, especially in the development of islam.

The world goes on, change over the advancement of technology. However, this does not change the fact
that people continue to need food. Human needs in growing food, so food processing required to suit
your needs. Food technology is one solution to solve the problem. I chose the Department of food
technology because I want to have expertise in food processing or know the standard of the food was
good. I really like doing experiments. Although very like trying new things, but I always use the rules that
set the standard for me in doing anything included in the cooking.

If I had been a Bachelor of food technology, I will return to my country and start applying the science
that I can create policies that improve the quality of food or by creating a better food innovation.

In addition I am also interested in majoring in theology, because I want to deepen the study of islam.
Moreover, Turkey is a country full of history regarding islam. It would be very interesting as well as more
in-depth learning something directly from the place of occurrence. I very much admire the story of
Muhammad al fatih young has done great things for the religion of islam. In addition, I really admire the
mosque mosque in Turkey are wonderful wonderful. When the mosque is very beautiful naturally will be
more the spirit of worship.

When I became a Bachelor of theology, I will return to Indonesia along with the science of science that I
have been able and distributed them to Indonesia. I will be making assemblies science especially in areas
that are still difficult to get educated in order to make the community Indonesia has the science of

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