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“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress.

Working hard for something we love is

called passion.”
To our beloved________
Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!
I am beyond grateful that I was assigned at Atmosphere Resorts and Spa for our work immersion. I was
nervous at first because Atmosphere is one of the most popular resort in the province. Thankfully, the staffs are
hospitable. Our supervisor, Ma’am Judith who may seem strict at first turned out to be a good mentor to all of
us. I admit, being a housekeeper is not as easy at it seems. We have to clean 5-6 rooms a day, and manage the
linens as well that are all bigger at me. I am glad that I have my groupmates with me, and we have each other
for the tasks that we have to accomplish for the day. We have each other’s backs. Life for us during the work
immersion consisted if cleaning occupied and unoccupied rooms and stock rooms. We also replenish linens and
were also assigned to do the laundry. We also had the chance to clean the spa area with music therefore making
us want to go to sleep. Nevertheless, we have surpassed that challenge.
Every week we switched routines from housekeeping to laundry and vice versa. It is really an amazing
and full of learning experience. We have gained a part of our lives that we can remember forever. We gained a
lot of memories. To my co-work immersion classmates, thank you for being cooperative, to all the staffs of
Atmosphere Resorts and Spa that treated us not just a friend, but a family...Thank you. It is our pleasure to help
you serve great people around the world.

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